23-29 July 03 (196.5)


1-7 January 03 (202.4)
8-14 January 03 (202.2)
15-21 January 03 (199.3)
22-28 January 03 (201.2)
29 Jan-4 Feb 03 (202.2)
5-11 February 03 (196.2)
12-18 February 03 (196.5)
19-25 February 03 (196.5)
26 Feb-4 March 03 (195.6)
5-11 March 03 (195.2)
12-18 March 03 (196.2)
19-25 March 03 (196.2)
26 March-1 April 03 (194.0)
2-8 April 03 (194.0)
9-15 April 03 (197.4)
16-22 April 03 (193.8)
23-29 April 03 (194.0)
30 April-6 May 03 (199.1)
7-13 May 03 (195.4)
14-20 May 03 (195.8)
21-27 May 03 (195.1)
28 May-3 June 03 (199.6)
4-10 June 03 (195.8)
11-17 June 03 (197.4)
18-24 June 03 (196.9)
25 June-1 July 03 (196.4)
2-8 July 03 (196.4)
9-15 July 03 (199.9)
16-22 July 03 (199.6)
23-29 July 03 (196.5)
30 July-5 August 03 (197.0)
6-12 August 03 (195.8)
13-19 August 03 (196.0)
20-26 August 03 (195.8)
27 Aug-2 Sep 03 (195.6)
3-9 September 03 (195.8)
10-16 September 03 (198.4)
17-23 September 03 (198.0)
24-30 September 03 (199.1)
1-7 October 03 (201.6)
8-14 October 03 (198.2)
15-21 October 03 (200.7)
22-28 October 03 (199.1)
29 Oct-4 Nov 03 (202.9)
5-11 November 03 (202.4)
12-18 November 03 (202.2)
19-25 November 03 (203.6)
26 Nov-2 Dec 03 (203.0)
3-9 December 03 (204.6)
10-16 December 03 (204.2)
17-23 December 03 (202.6)
24-31 December 03 (206.4)

This was some kind of week! I sure am glad you were praying for us!

"Need a simple answer to a complicated problem? Just ask a child!"

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You prayed asking God to use "Larry and Carol" to bring progress to the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem in the way of a sprinkler system and some much needed filing... Larry put us in touch with the right people to install the irrigation system, something that could not have been done without his help. Carol did a great job of filing and sorting through the books needed for the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem's purposes of people group research.

+ We'd made a few network cables to connect a few computers to the 8-port switch in order to get the connected computers online; however, "something" was preventing the connection. You prayed with us that we'd be able to deduce the glitch and get everything connected... we could really, really *really* use an intelligent computer volunteer, and I'll be more than happy to meet you at the airport!

+ On a personal note, I could really have used your intercession to figure out how to get the laptop back to making use of the printer connected to the desktop. All of a sudden "it just quit" connecting :-( And it still doesn't print.

+ The Prayer Garden looks completely different from what it looked like two weeks ago; however, we still needed to get the ground somewhat level and have the final bits of debris removed. You prayed with us that the farmer and his tractor could make it across checkpoints. A co-worker and I have had more contact with a local young man who's helping us with this "inside" matters, and we continue to covet your intercession for God to soften his heart in the same way the ground will be softened... what a sight to see a mule pull a hand-held plow to turn over the soil of the Prayer Garden. "Khalid" has yet to respond positively to becoming His follower, but I didn't become a follower for some months after hearing and seeing the truth.

+ I invited those of you whose Quiet Time fell between 430-530am to be in prayer for our visas to be granted. I was meeting (again) with a representative of the office that grants visa extensions during that time period. For those of you keeping count, this will be visit #9 since last September... visit #10 is on the horizon (sigh). It seems that no matter what I do or what information I bring, it's never enough. The anger and bitter resentment I was feeling was tempered by your intercession as I know it could have been worse. I now have clear, distinct personal evidence and experience that because of where we used to live prejudice and discrimination are par for the course with some government officials.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Half our electricity has been going off all this past week, and I've turned off various transformers and appliances in an attempt to find a 'short' to no avail. Pray with us that we find a solution to this annoying challenge.

<>< Continue praying that we'd find how to get the library computers to make use of the shared ADSL (high-speed) connection.

<>< Continue praying, too, that I'd be able to get the laptop back to printing from the printer connected to the desktop.

<>< Continue praying for the removal of items not belonging inside the Prayer Garden like extra rocks, concrete, stumps, and the sort.

<>< Pray with us that "Rain Bird" will come through with a reasonable estimate for the Prayer Garden's irrigation system. If you know of anyone who'd like to go above and beyond giving, please let us know.

<>< Pray that we receive all the additional visa paper work requested of us and that, as we submit it, our visas will be cheerfully granted.

<>< This weekend looks like a day when the three of us will be able to join some co-workers for a day off, so ask God that I would be refreshed and that the uninterrupted time as a family will be 'stress releasing.'

<>< During Monday pray that I would be able to assist another co-worker in the development of computer related items.

<>< Ask God to make it possible for me to concentrate on preparing for a September meeting where I'll be sharing the purpose/progress/potential of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem.

<>< While you're asking Him about that, please pray with me that I would be able to set aside the time necessary to develop our Sep/Oct Wednesday Weekly newsletter.

>< Pray for the Shan Dai. >


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

16, safe food

* Today was one of those days where I "forgot" to eat, so the food was extra safe <g>.

17, no attacks at all

* To my knowledge, all was quiet : -)

18, Pray that we be His faithful followers.

* I hear so much 'fiction' that I can see how people are swayed from being His follower.

19, Ask that our marriage grow sweeter.

* God has blessed me with a wonderful wife : -)

20, church members to follow Jesus

* Due to being asked to return to the visa office and an opportunity to assist a group of intercessors, we missed a day of gathering with other believers in a focused time of worship.

21, Join us in asking for our 2nd child.

* Shirin goes for blood work to begin a process that may solve this dilemma. Your prayers are appreciated!

22, May Jasmine learn of Jesus.

* She and I had a lot of time together today as Shirin was getting blood work done for an upcoming clinical visit. Once again, Jasmine learned of mercy <g>.



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