15-21 January 03 (199.3)


1-7 January 03 (202.4)
8-14 January 03 (202.2)
15-21 January 03 (199.3)
22-28 January 03 (201.2)
29 Jan-4 Feb 03 (202.2)
5-11 February 03 (196.2)
12-18 February 03 (196.5)
19-25 February 03 (196.5)
26 Feb-4 March 03 (195.6)
5-11 March 03 (195.2)
12-18 March 03 (196.2)
19-25 March 03 (196.2)
26 March-1 April 03 (194.0)
2-8 April 03 (194.0)
9-15 April 03 (197.4)
16-22 April 03 (193.8)
23-29 April 03 (194.0)
30 April-6 May 03 (199.1)
7-13 May 03 (195.4)
14-20 May 03 (195.8)
21-27 May 03 (195.1)
28 May-3 June 03 (199.6)
4-10 June 03 (195.8)
11-17 June 03 (197.4)
18-24 June 03 (196.9)
25 June-1 July 03 (196.4)
2-8 July 03 (196.4)
9-15 July 03 (199.9)
16-22 July 03 (199.6)
23-29 July 03 (196.5)
30 July-5 August 03 (197.0)
6-12 August 03 (195.8)
13-19 August 03 (196.0)
20-26 August 03 (195.8)
27 Aug-2 Sep 03 (195.6)
3-9 September 03 (195.8)
10-16 September 03 (198.4)
17-23 September 03 (198.0)
24-30 September 03 (199.1)
1-7 October 03 (201.6)
8-14 October 03 (198.2)
15-21 October 03 (200.7)
22-28 October 03 (199.1)
29 Oct-4 Nov 03 (202.9)
5-11 November 03 (202.4)
12-18 November 03 (202.2)
19-25 November 03 (203.6)
26 Nov-2 Dec 03 (203.0)
3-9 December 03 (204.6)
10-16 December 03 (204.2)
17-23 December 03 (202.6)
24-31 December 03 (206.4)

A dear co-worker had these words to share with a group of folks, and I thought they'd be appropriate for us as well:

Last week during worship we looked at "How to Make a Fresh S.T.A.R.T. In 2003."  This was a challenge for each one of us to look personally at ourselves and see what we need to do to grow to be more like Christ.  As a reminder, here are the things we talked about:
     Stop making excuses for your mistakes and failures and instead accept responsibility.
     Take an inventory of your life and see what you have.
     Act in faith.
     Refocus your thoughts.
     Trust God to help you succeed.

This Sunday we will shift from a personal level and turn to a church level

What a week!  I had hoped to get Shirin's desktop computer 'updated' but wound up at one point all the way in DOS 6.2 of all places.

Last week...

  1. You prayed through 4-January's "My Utmost For His Highest" http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/utmost/01/04/ as it read like this from John 13:37 Peter said to Him, ’Lord, why can I not follow You now?’

    There are times when you can’t understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don’t fill it with busyness, just wait. The time of waiting may come to teach you the meaning of sanctification—to be set apart from sin and made holy—or it may come after the process of sanctification has begun to teach you what service means. Never run before God gives you His direction. If you have the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt—wait.

  2. You asked God to help me see this truth in light of the Global Prayer Center of Jerusalem's progress...  The "Operation World" prayer guide for January 4 included the following excerpt, "Missionary vision. An Acts 1:8 strategy is needed for every church and denomination. Amazing results have been achieved by a dedicated few. How speedily the world would be evangelized if all believers and every congregation obeyed the commands of Jesus in Acts 1, and believed His promises for enablement through the Holy Spirit! Pray for the awakening and growth of missionary concern. Pray for effective and practical missionary involvement in praying, giving and going and for the following:

    a) The speediest possible completion of the goals given in the Great Commission by the Lord Jesus to His Church.

    b) All churches to make obedience to the Great Commission their primary ministry objective. Only through this will the resources be available to bring the task to conclusion, or closure, in our generation.

    c) All leadership training institutions and programmes to ensure that missions be a fundamental and essential core component of every course. It is failure to do this that has caused the centuries of neglect and marginalization of world evangelization in churches and agencies.

    d) Mission agency prayer, planning and deployment to emphasize reaching unreached areas, peoples and cities. The Adopt-a-People Clearinghouse and the AD2000 and Beyond Movement have compiled a list of over 6,000 unreached and adoptable peoples submitted by agencies as targeted for entry. Many are those included in our World A totals, others are World B and C peoples. (See Appendix 2 for addresses of these organizations and agencies who can provide further information.)

    e) The adoption of unreached peoples by churches, Christian groups, prayer circles and individuals. The task can be completed only as Christians take responsibility in earnest intercession until believers are won and churches planted in each people.

  3. You joined us in giving thanks for an incredible website http://worldprayerteam.org/wpc/index.jsp
Also, you shared some brilliant insights regarding Jasmine's toddler-size understanding of the Lord's Supper.  "Make sure Jasmine understands the theology of the Lord's Supper.  Focus on the why's we do and not on the why's she can't."

This week...

  1. Continue praying with me that I'll get Shirin's desktop up and running, especially the DVD-ROM so a certain toddler can watch "Peter Rabbit."
  2. Continue praying for those from whom I buy fruits and vegetables to be drawn to the Father.  Ask the same thing for those in a newly begun Arabic class.
  3. Continue praying for Jasmine as she enjoys two days of playgroup and another two days with a sitter while mom and dad go to Arabic class.
  4. Ask God to show me how to solve a co-worker's computer/printer challenge this coming Friday.
  5. May the LORD God be exalted in the upcoming local elections.

May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


< *scoterry31684@bigfoot.com ><

Has your family heard your testimony?



8, good working relationships
New co-workers arrived safely, so we'll have more excellent working relationships!
9, more people to hear God’s word
I had the privilege of sitting with a young man eager to share His message with those who need to hear it.  With young men like "Simon," more people will hear!
10, safe food

As we've been eating more fruits and vegetables, we've noticed a change in health : -)

11, no attacks at all

I don't think I heard of anything happening : -)

12, believers to be encouraged

A new couple joining us brought great encouragement!

13, safety of US family

My mom's once-perfect computer is no longer as such; consequently, I have little way of knowing of their safety.  Your intercession, however, provides me with rest : -)

14, more workers

Join us in giving thanks for "Joe" and "Cathy"!


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