2-8 April 03 (194.0)


1-7 January 03 (202.4)
8-14 January 03 (202.2)
15-21 January 03 (199.3)
22-28 January 03 (201.2)
29 Jan-4 Feb 03 (202.2)
5-11 February 03 (196.2)
12-18 February 03 (196.5)
19-25 February 03 (196.5)
26 Feb-4 March 03 (195.6)
5-11 March 03 (195.2)
12-18 March 03 (196.2)
19-25 March 03 (196.2)
26 March-1 April 03 (194.0)
2-8 April 03 (194.0)
9-15 April 03 (197.4)
16-22 April 03 (193.8)
23-29 April 03 (194.0)
30 April-6 May 03 (199.1)
7-13 May 03 (195.4)
14-20 May 03 (195.8)
21-27 May 03 (195.1)
28 May-3 June 03 (199.6)
4-10 June 03 (195.8)
11-17 June 03 (197.4)
18-24 June 03 (196.9)
25 June-1 July 03 (196.4)
2-8 July 03 (196.4)
9-15 July 03 (199.9)
16-22 July 03 (199.6)
23-29 July 03 (196.5)
30 July-5 August 03 (197.0)
6-12 August 03 (195.8)
13-19 August 03 (196.0)
20-26 August 03 (195.8)
27 Aug-2 Sep 03 (195.6)
3-9 September 03 (195.8)
10-16 September 03 (198.4)
17-23 September 03 (198.0)
24-30 September 03 (199.1)
1-7 October 03 (201.6)
8-14 October 03 (198.2)
15-21 October 03 (200.7)
22-28 October 03 (199.1)
29 Oct-4 Nov 03 (202.9)
5-11 November 03 (202.4)
12-18 November 03 (202.2)
19-25 November 03 (203.6)
26 Nov-2 Dec 03 (203.0)
3-9 December 03 (204.6)
10-16 December 03 (204.2)
17-23 December 03 (202.6)
24-31 December 03 (206.4)

In just the past few days the names of certain places where God's church probably does not exist have come into your living room. Through the miracle of television we have seen the faces of men, women, and children who have never heard the Name above all names. I would even dare to say that you were probably the first one of His children to see their eyes.

Our primary role as Kingdom intercessors is to bring those places and those people before the One Whose heart yearns to redeem them. May the true enemy of their souls not distract us with temporal things but, instead, may the One Who redeemed us from eternal separation from His presence find us standing in the gap for the redemption of these precious people.

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Winter had so far delayed its departure for a week, and the forecast still looked cold and rainy. While we're always grateful for the life-giving rain, we asked that you would 'turn up the heat' on interceding for our utilities to stay at a reliable level... my, how quickly He responded! Our electricity only went out once, our phone now rings like it should, and the propane tanks were easily refilled. Thank you!

+ I had hoped to settle a phone bill issue with our phone company last Wednesday or Thursday, depending on if I found them open, and really needed your intercession to make sure that 'communication' was clear... I have never walked into the phone company when it was so empty! One of the cashiers handed me the new bill as if they were expecting me, and I was out in ten minutes. I must have spent the next twenty minutes thinking I'd overlooked something but then remembered how you were praying. Wow : -)

+ Now that I have a better grasp on what the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem needs, you joined me in asking God that the time I invest there would be interference free; specifically, you asked that Shirin and I coordinate our family's travel needs... we're still working on this as schedules keep changing. Ugh.

+ You remembered Jasmine as you went to your 930 and 1100 meetings last week. She was two months away from turning 4 and is beginning to show signs of those even-numbered years. We are grateful for her growth and development and need His insight and wisdom as to how to train up this child in the way she should go. I love to hear her spontaneous songs of praise, especially in the grocery store... please continue praying for all three of us.

+ Finally, we were at least another month away from knowing of the presence of Jasmine's sibling, and you continued praying with us for God's will concerning our family size... your ongoing intercession is deeply appreciated.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Pray that warm weather would allow Scott to return to half-hour morning walks.

<>< Jasmine's play group will miss several days this month due to holidays, so ask God to help us find alternatives for her energy.

<>< Continue praying for Shirin as she sharpens her language skills each week.

<>< The Mother's Day breakfast will be this Saturday. Please pray with us that the ladies will have a life changing experience and express an interest in starting a Christian parenting class.

<>< The weather has warmed up, and now more children are outside. Jasmine has been making new friends in the neighborhood. Please pray that Jasmine and Shirin can share the Good News with the new friends. Please pray for Jasmine's safety physically and emotionally since she doesn't always understand what her friends are saying and doing.

< Pray for the Jordanian Arabs. ><


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

26, Akram’s salvation

* (sigh) Not yet...

27, Ask for the local conflict to end.

* Yes, it's still going on after 2.5 years.

28, Pray for our neighbors as they pray.

* Thank you for interceding.

29, Pray for laborers to share in settlements.

* Please continue praying until this happens.

30, Jasmine is 46 months

* She enjoyed her monthly celebration trip to Burger King even though her dad stayed home to nurse severe sinus congestion.

31, Omar’s salvation

* What a joy it will be to share with you when this event takes place!

1, May He have 1st place.

* A new month brings new opportunities to serve Him!


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Hosted By Topica