2-8 July 03 (196.4)


1-7 January 03 (202.4)
8-14 January 03 (202.2)
15-21 January 03 (199.3)
22-28 January 03 (201.2)
29 Jan-4 Feb 03 (202.2)
5-11 February 03 (196.2)
12-18 February 03 (196.5)
19-25 February 03 (196.5)
26 Feb-4 March 03 (195.6)
5-11 March 03 (195.2)
12-18 March 03 (196.2)
19-25 March 03 (196.2)
26 March-1 April 03 (194.0)
2-8 April 03 (194.0)
9-15 April 03 (197.4)
16-22 April 03 (193.8)
23-29 April 03 (194.0)
30 April-6 May 03 (199.1)
7-13 May 03 (195.4)
14-20 May 03 (195.8)
21-27 May 03 (195.1)
28 May-3 June 03 (199.6)
4-10 June 03 (195.8)
11-17 June 03 (197.4)
18-24 June 03 (196.9)
25 June-1 July 03 (196.4)
2-8 July 03 (196.4)
9-15 July 03 (199.9)
16-22 July 03 (199.6)
23-29 July 03 (196.5)
30 July-5 August 03 (197.0)
6-12 August 03 (195.8)
13-19 August 03 (196.0)
20-26 August 03 (195.8)
27 Aug-2 Sep 03 (195.6)
3-9 September 03 (195.8)
10-16 September 03 (198.4)
17-23 September 03 (198.0)
24-30 September 03 (199.1)
1-7 October 03 (201.6)
8-14 October 03 (198.2)
15-21 October 03 (200.7)
22-28 October 03 (199.1)
29 Oct-4 Nov 03 (202.9)
5-11 November 03 (202.4)
12-18 November 03 (202.2)
19-25 November 03 (203.6)
26 Nov-2 Dec 03 (203.0)
3-9 December 03 (204.6)
10-16 December 03 (204.2)
17-23 December 03 (202.6)
24-31 December 03 (206.4)

We were looking forward to the 2004 summer camp in West Virginia when we received news that its dates conflict with the only debriefing conference available to us during next summer's ten-week Stateside Assignment. Being the planner and organizer God made me, I still couldn't find a work around solution... unless we don't have to attend the debriefing conference (?)

While the latest developments in the 'local situation' look promising, co-workers who've been able to go back to Gaza tell of the utter destruction of the main road going from the border crossing into town, a grim reminder of 'one step forward-two steps back.'

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ The IPCJ received lots of computer parts and hardware, and you prayed with me that I'd be able to piece everything together and not have any extra cables <g>. You prayed, too, that each system would function properly... I'm making progress as two systems are moving along, a third works, and the fourth has a password temporarily locking me out.

+ Jasmine finished play group last week, the end of a big chapter of her life, and you prayed that she would continue to benefit from the interaction... what a happy/sad day that was. We marked it with an extra special trip to Burger King, much to the delight of our growing little girl. She speaks highly of her time at playgroup, and we thank you for praying.

+ She and her mom were involved in a "Backyard Bible Club" and an English camp, and we asked you to pray for the leaders spiritual and material preparation as well as the children's hearts to be ready to receive God's gift as Shirin and Jasmine looked forward to seeing God move in the children's lives this summer. Jasmine was already telling her mom how they needed to tell the children in the camps about Jesus since they had not heard... the "Backyard Bible Club" was held at a home of one of the church members. There were ten children who learned about Bible heroes, did crafts, played games and had snack time. Jasmine had a great time even if it was all in Arabic. We pray for the seeds that were planted this week and that the children continue to grow in their knowledge of God.

Please continue to play for the English camps. Some doors to the community have been closed and the group needs wisdom in where to conduct the camps.

+ We anticipated a small group of visitors at the Prayer Center last weekend, so you joined us in asking God to speak to someone's heart about an unreached people group... it would appear that He spoke to at least one lady's heart about sending future gardening volunteers to help with the actual layout and implementation of the Garden! Whoo-hoo!!

+ The Prayer Garden had a lot of wood, hay, and stubble in need of removal so you prayed with us that it would be cleared out... it looks like the middle of July will be the soonest "Khalid and Company" can help clear it out, so I'm counting down the days!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Ask that we return from a few days away relaxed and refreshed.

<>< Pray that the promised work crew will show up to begin clearing away the wood, hay, and stubble from the Prayer Garden.

<>< Join me in praying that the computer parts will continue to fit together.

<>< Pray with me that I can secure new web space for our family's web sites.

>< Pray for the Northern Dong. >


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

25, May He have 1st place.

* Life is easier when He's in charge : -)

26, Jasmine’s ongoing safety

* We thank God for keeping her safe, and we thank you for helping make it possible.

27, open to God’s appointments

* We listened but didn't hear anything out of the ordinary - today <g>.

28, US families to fall in love with Jesus

* We have yet to receive notification of this, so we continue asking God to make it happen. One of my nephews, however, did express interest in VBS : -)

29, To see a new follower be born today

* We had a great spirit of worship but, unfortunately, I didn't hear of a new believer coming into the Kingdom today. Did you?

30, Jasmine is 49 months

* We had our special day at Burger King and, wow, is she growing up fast!

1, focus on main thing for this month

* Well, the month started out with computer backup glitches, so keep praying!


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