21-27 May 03 (195.1)


1-7 January 03 (202.4)
8-14 January 03 (202.2)
15-21 January 03 (199.3)
22-28 January 03 (201.2)
29 Jan-4 Feb 03 (202.2)
5-11 February 03 (196.2)
12-18 February 03 (196.5)
19-25 February 03 (196.5)
26 Feb-4 March 03 (195.6)
5-11 March 03 (195.2)
12-18 March 03 (196.2)
19-25 March 03 (196.2)
26 March-1 April 03 (194.0)
2-8 April 03 (194.0)
9-15 April 03 (197.4)
16-22 April 03 (193.8)
23-29 April 03 (194.0)
30 April-6 May 03 (199.1)
7-13 May 03 (195.4)
14-20 May 03 (195.8)
21-27 May 03 (195.1)
28 May-3 June 03 (199.6)
4-10 June 03 (195.8)
11-17 June 03 (197.4)
18-24 June 03 (196.9)
25 June-1 July 03 (196.4)
2-8 July 03 (196.4)
9-15 July 03 (199.9)
16-22 July 03 (199.6)
23-29 July 03 (196.5)
30 July-5 August 03 (197.0)
6-12 August 03 (195.8)
13-19 August 03 (196.0)
20-26 August 03 (195.8)
27 Aug-2 Sep 03 (195.6)
3-9 September 03 (195.8)
10-16 September 03 (198.4)
17-23 September 03 (198.0)
24-30 September 03 (199.1)
1-7 October 03 (201.6)
8-14 October 03 (198.2)
15-21 October 03 (200.7)
22-28 October 03 (199.1)
29 Oct-4 Nov 03 (202.9)
5-11 November 03 (202.4)
12-18 November 03 (202.2)
19-25 November 03 (203.6)
26 Nov-2 Dec 03 (203.0)
3-9 December 03 (204.6)
10-16 December 03 (204.2)
17-23 December 03 (202.6)
24-31 December 03 (206.4)

I had a unique privilege last Wednesday, and only one thing would have made it better - for my friend to have said 'yes' to Jesus; unfortunately, that didn't happen. Let me explain...

My friend and I were shopping for Jasmine's birthday bicycle when he asked me where I thought the most "holy place in Jerusalem" could be found. I tried telling him about my body being God's temple and that God lived within me, but he said that was all too philosophical. We just so happened to be standing close to a sign pointing to the Garden Tomb, so you can guess where we went.

We caught a small tour group on their way in, giving us the opportunity to hear the "whole story" from the cross to the grave. My friend and I stepped aside so I could 'translate' for him some of the ideas that were mentioned. As we stood in front of the empty tomb, where I recounted the greatest story ever told, I realized there were numerous followers of Jesus who would love to do what I was doing: sharing with a seeker the story of the crucifixion/resurrection of Jesus on the very ground where it happened. Words cannot begin to describe how I felt sharing the old, old story.

When my friend said "this decision is too big to make now," I understood even more that the power of the gospel has nothing to do with "eloquence of speech" or even the location. It's all about Him and how *He* draws people to Himself. Thank you for praying with me last Wednesday, and *thank you* for continuing to pray for my friend to be drawn by His Spirit.

Friday's reading (16-May) in the "Experiencing God Journal" spoke to me loud and clear about the Prayer Center. I'd give you a link to that page, but the ones I found (I think) will change day by day. Thank you for allowing me to share it here:

Then the Lord turned to him and said, "Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?" - Judges 6:14

In Gideon's mind, victory over the Midianites was an impossibility, and he was absolutely right! The Midianites, along with their allies, overwhelmed the feeble Hebrews. Yet the moment God told Gideon to fight them, victory was no longer an impossibility!

When Jesus commanded His small group of followers to make disciples of all nations, was that possible (Matt. 28:19)? Certainly, if Jesus said it was! When Jesus told His disciples to love their enemies, was He being realistic? Of course, because He was the One who would achieve reconciliation through them (2 Cor. 5:19-20).

Do you treat commands like these as implausible? Do you modify God's Word to find an interpretation that seems reasonable to you? Don't discount what is possible with God (Phil. 4:13). When God gives an assignment, it is no longer an impossibility, but rather it is an absolute certainty. When God gives you a seemingly impossible task, the only thing preventing it from coming to pass is your disobedience. When God speaks, it can scare you to death! He will lead you to do things that are absolutely impossible in your own strength. But God will grant you victory, step by step, as you obey Him. How do you respond to assignments that seem impossible? Do you write them off as unattainable? Or do you immediately adjust your life to God's revelation, watching with anticipation to see how He will accomplish His purposes through your obedience? God wants to do the impossible through your life. All He requires is your obedience.

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ You asked God to open the heart of our landlord as we invest time together today. I treasure every opportunity to share the Good News with him! From the introductory paragraphs of this issue, I hope you see the impact you're having on this young man's life - wow!

+ You joined us in praying for 'appropriate ways' to make known the availability of replica tiles as a means of providing support for the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem, especially as the 'project' needs to be made known... we're still looking!

+ Jasmine and had Thursday afternoon together while Shirin had an Arabic class. Since I realized these times with her will "one day ride away" (as in 'watercolor ponies'), and you prayed that I would be the daddy I needed to be... we had a great afternoon that ended watching swimming races in German. Jasmine must have her mom's swimming genes <g>.

+ You prayed for "Bill" as he prepared to volunteer his time and service here. Those of you who have volunteered overseas know what he needs : -)

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Pray that plans for Jasmine's 4th birthday will go unhindered.

<>< Ask God to give me the proper insights to help co-workers with computer needs.

<>< Pray that Shirin's Arabic class would continue to meet her language needs.

<>< Pray that the time I have at the Prayer Center be focused and pointed on strategic prayer needs.

<>< Ask God to grant another six-month extension to Dan's visa, and may the three of us catch that grace!

< Pray for the people of Hong Kong.><


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

14, family health

* Shirin had a medical appointment today and, so far, all is well! *Thank you* for praying!

15, more people to hear God’s word

* This is the best 'road map' to peace!

16, safe food

* We haven't suffered from any food related illnesses thanks to you : -)

17, no attacks at all

* Even though you prayed against this, there was a suicide bomber in Khalil/Hebron as the day drew to a close. About 9 hours later the first of two bus bombings took place; however, the second one was prevented.

18, church members to follow Jesus

* I hear more about making a difference in the community!

19, a full day of electricity

* Thank you for this small victory : -)

20, more workers

* God is answering your prayer by sending "Bill" as a volunteer. Thank you!

Nice comments from you...

"Received your good word. Keep up the good work. Still praying on this end ... Thanks for being a loving brother {and sister and Granddaughter}. My 70 years are showing, but God is good. Love, Denny"


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