11 - 17 December 2002 (210)


29 May - 4 June 02 (250)
5 - 11 June 02 (250)
12 - 18 June 02 (247)
19 - 25 June 02 (244)
26 June - 2 July 02 (241)
3 - 9 July 02 (238)
10 - 16 July 02 (234)
17 - 23 July 02 (232)
24 - 30 July 02 (232)
31 July - 6 August 02 (232)
7 - 13 August 02 (232)
14 - 20 August 02 (226)
21 - 27 August 02 (+228)
28 August - 3 September 02 (226)
4 - 10 September 02 (226)
11 - 17 September 02 (223)
18 - 24 September 02 (222)
25 September - 1 October 02 (+225)
2 - 8 October 02 (+226)
9 - 15 October 02 (224)
16 - 22 October 02 (+227)
23 - 30 October 02 (225)
30 October - 5 November 02 (222)
6 - 12 November 02 (222)
13 - 19 November 02 (220)
20 - 26 November 02 (217)
27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)
4 - 10 December 2002 (217)
11 - 17 December 2002 (210)
18 - 24 December 2002 (206)
18-December update
25 - 31 December 2002 (206)

In addition to helping facilitate what will become the "Global Prayer Center of Jerusalem," I also have the joy and privilege of helping co-workers with computer glitches. I was a 'religion' major in college and had no experience with computers until April 1994 when we purchased a Packard Bell 386/sx25 with 4MB RAM/170MB HDD/300bps modem.

At any rate, I wanted to share an incredible help forum at


I hope you'll find this forum helpful.

Now, on to answers to your prayers!

Last week...

(1) You joined me in giving thanks over the avoidance of a possible electrical fire due to your intercession. Many of you have prayed for us and our home, some of you on site. Those prayers of protection kept an electrical short from burning down the entire building. For about two or three days I had smelled a burning smell coming from the building's main fuse box and thought that others had smelled it as well. Since nothing was being done by the owners, I figured all was well. One owner apparently was fed up and called an electrician who said he had been called just in time. Thank you for praying : -)

(2) I told you that I took Dan to start the process for *his* visa renewal last week, and he made it out in record time! You prayed the same for our situation... my next appointment is Monday 16-December at 11pm Eastern time.

(3) You prayed for Shirin and me as we began separate Arabic classes. We want to be shining lights to those who are in darkness... we received definite times (?) and will keep you posted.

(4) You prayed that new relations built over "oil changes" will blossom into eternal fruit... turns out that this 'garage' is owned and run by Palestinian Christians. "Suhail" was reading Luke 2 when I needed his help replacing wiper blades. As he and I talked he said that Jesus has never changed his life and asked how He changed mine. Although "Suhail" didn't become His follower that day, he has in hands the "Eternal Life" tract in Arabic. Keep praying that he will become His follower.

(5) Many Muslims began a three-day celebration of the end of Ramadan. You prayed that they would see Jesus and be invited to *His* eternal celebration of the end of suffering and misery... even though I didn't hear of anyone becoming a follower of Jesus, I believe that your intercession was the *first* for a lot of people! Thank you!

This week...

(1) Pray for the merchants from whom I buy fruits and vegetables by asking God to draw them to Himself.

(2) As you consider your Christmas gifts, remember to give generously to a certain Lottie Moon. The project I am involved in by way of the Global Prayer Center of Jerusalem will *not* receive her gift; however, there is always a way to designate a gift. The needs of sharing the gospel are deep, and your sacrificial giving is deeply appreciated!

(3) Join us Saturday in giving thanks for the 8th anniversary of our appointment as your workers overseas.

(4) The group with whom we worship on Sunday morning has begun another group elsewhere on Sunday evening! May we see the desire to start even more groups!

(5) Monday 16-December at 11pm Eastern time is the time I begin another attempt at securing an extended visa *and* requesting an additional extension. Pray that all will be granted according to His will, grace, and mercy.

May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


< scoterry31684@bigfoot.com ><


"Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you...," 1 Samuel 12:23


4, family health

* Since we've switched to a high-water content diet (>70% fruits/vegetables) we've been spared the usual winter maladies; however, your intercession is genuine guarded protection.

5, Pray for our neighbors as they pray.

* The end of the Islamic month of Ramadan was announced this morning with at least three hours of several minarets taking turns chanting "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilahi illa Allah" (Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, there is no god except Allah). Three days of 'celebration' will be impacted by *your* prayers.

6, Muslims to meet Jesus while at the mosque

* So far, I haven't heard this to happen, but it may be early!

7, Jewish settlers to know Jesus

* Again, I haven't heard this to happen, but it may be early! I wonder where the workers are?

8, believers to be encouraged

* Your prayers helped make this happen : -)

9, We would fall deeper in love with Jesus.

* This is my deepest prayer need for myself and for my family. I asked Jasmine where she gets her praise songs to Jesus (you really ought to hear her sing), and she said, "From my heart."

10, Akram’s salvation

* Again, I haven't heard this to happen, but it may be early!


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