24 - 30 July 02 (232)


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27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)
4 - 10 December 2002 (217)
11 - 17 December 2002 (210)
18 - 24 December 2002 (206)
18-December update
25 - 31 December 2002 (206)

Greetings from Jerusalem!

We have moved in to our new apartment a mere six weeks after landing at the airport. Although there are boxes wherever you look, we know it's only temporary insanity, er, clutter <g> Your prayers made a *big* difference in our ability to be a 'reversed Ethiopian eunuch,' the one who went from Jerusalem to Gaza. Thank you : -)

Last week...


* I needed your help as I needed to know if the Wednesday Weekly website was working for you. I asked you to please visit https://acts82640.tripod.com/ and then send an email with the subject 'website feedback' so I'll know how the site is working from your side.

Here's what you told me:

(a) "I visited the website once, but because of the pop up ads on it...freezing up my computer...I can't access it."

= Did you experience this, too? Does minimizing the pop-up ads make a difference?

(b) "I was able to view the website just fine, Scott. I hope God is still blessing you."

(c) "I'm not sure I'm understanding this properly. I clicked on the website a couple of times and it said the same as your email so I usually don't click on the website of Wednesday Weekly. I print off my copies from the email I get from you.

"Am I missing something that I haven't realized or is your email the same as the website?

"I want to be as effective as possible in covering your requests."

= Sorry for the confusion. Here's what I'm trying to do: reduce email.

I want to send as few knee-mails as possible since phone time here i$ different from the US. Eventually, I'll cease sending 400+ emails and update the website. I will, however, continue sending the Wednesday Weekly to those who for whatever cannot access the site. I believe that there is a great percentage of the 400+ who *can* access the site and, thereby, reduce the number of knee-mails I send.

Thanks for allowing me to clarify that. I'll have to add that to this week's Wednesday Weekly.

(d) "Yes, indeed, the website works! Thank you, my brother. With just a couple modifications to account for the time span of a little over 50 years, I was able to adapt THE STRANGER to my own experience(s) and forwarded to many.

"My prayer for you is that our God will continue to hold you in His palm, and that your transition will go more smoothly than you could ever hope.

"Good to hear from you. God bless, my brother! "

(e) "The website seems to work just fine other than the fact it keeps having a popup window asking for my Tripod password and screename."

= Yes, this annoys me as well. I keep hitting Alt+F4 to close the reappearing window. Any website gurus out there know why this happens? Your answer will help *all* of us, so thank you in advance!

(f) "I can get the site, but it is small on my screen. I can keep up with the prayer needs that way. If you can, keep me on the email list only if there is no extra work involved for you. Your primary concern is God's work among the lost. Know that I pray for you and your family each day."

= The smallness on the screen must be because the receiver's computer resolution is different from what I'm using (1400 x 1050) *or* it may be a PC/Macintosh thing, too. I *will* add these names to a special "group mailing" I'm developing since I will soon go to a weekly web update.

(g) "I am able to access the site but a pop up window came up asking for a password...when I cancelled that window the site was still there."

(h) * There may be others as I have over 48 unread emails waiting for me :*-)


(1) You joined us in asking God to clear the way for our household items to cross the border. We were looking at a timeframe beginning Thursday ~5am local time (Wednesday, ~10pm east coast) and lasting for several hours... nearly a full 24, as it turned out. God answered your prayers in numerous ways.

First, a co-worker accompanied me to this hectic work zone. This co-worker's visa was due to expire, but it was returned not in the usual two week's time - two days. Unheard of.

Second, to my knowledge, not one box was opened or questioned and, so far, everything is in working condition.

Third, you were probably at Wednesday prayer meeting when this happened - I found my way through the modern streets of Jerusalem and *didn't* feel lost or disoriented : -) THAT, to me, is a major miracle!

(2) You also prayed that the three of us would not be separated for an unnecessary extended period of time as the move was made. I went through a commercial border crossing while Shirin and Jasmine went through the 'usual' route. Shirin may have had to struggle alone with Jasmine *and* several bags of luggage, and you asked God to provide assistance and/or endurance/patience... although the separation was long, my wife and daughter were in the hands of a few female co-workers and at least three gracious volunteers. The three of us were able to make the border crossing together, a *big* need for Jasmine. My guess is that a little girl needs her daddy in stressful situations.

*Thank you* for making this possible : -)

(3) Once again we started be sorting/unpacking boxes to get settled into a new home, and you prayed that God would be magnified in all that happened... wow, could I tell a difference in my attitude and disposition! Thank you for praying us through such a stressful time!

This week...

(1) Continue asking God to give us "peace that endureth" as we unpack box after box.

(2) Pray that we would be able to find closets (wardrobes) as the homes here are totally void of cabinet space for clothing or bathroom items.

(3) Ask God's blessings on the volunteers currently in the West Bank and Gaza as they're being His hands and feet to those who need his love.

Love and grace,


* From the Global Prayer Digest:

"But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." 1 Tim. 6:8.

Food and clothing: the list is short when we tally the real necessities of life. Even if we expand this list (e.g., shelter, health, etc.), the list is still much shorter than that of our monthly budget. Today a bottleneck in frontier missions expansion is lack of funding for new ventures. Mission agencies are willing to lead. Young people are willing to go. But finances are not available. Why? Did God miscalculate the resources needed to accomplish His work? Or have those resources, committed to his stewards, been diverted to other uses?

Father, find us to be faithful stewards of what You've given us.

* To subscribe to GPD, e-mail to: hub@xc.org and in the body of the letter put:

subscribe brigada-pubs-globalprayerdiges



17, US volunteers as they share

* There have been several teams with more coming. Continue to pray for them as they share their faith.

18, my Dad to fall in love with Jesus

* I haven't received an email to notify me of this happening - yet. FWIW, we moved in to our new home on my dad's birthday, a good reminder to me about the Day my Father invites me to live eternally in the home He's been preparing since He left. While it's nice to live in Jerusalem, it will be greater to one Day live in the New Jerusalem.

19, nationals to reach lost people

* I cannot begin to tell you how my heart aches for the Palestinian followers of Jesus I have left behind. While I feel as if my work with them was far from finished, I do take comfort in knowing that they have a heart for reaching their people, something I didn't see when we first met back in the spring of 95.

20, good working relationships

* Even in the midst of extra people, a potential for conflict, your prayers have smoothed many rough spots.

21, believers to be encouraged

* Many of received word of the death of a fellow believer yet found encouragement in what he meant to us. Thank you.

22, safety of US family

* I'm an uncle again, and baby sister, er, mother and baby boy are healthy and well : -)

23, more workers

* Although we have yet to receive word of any future long-term personnel, God is blessing us with an abundance of volunteers! thank you for praying!


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