27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)


29 May - 4 June 02 (250)
5 - 11 June 02 (250)
12 - 18 June 02 (247)
19 - 25 June 02 (244)
26 June - 2 July 02 (241)
3 - 9 July 02 (238)
10 - 16 July 02 (234)
17 - 23 July 02 (232)
24 - 30 July 02 (232)
31 July - 6 August 02 (232)
7 - 13 August 02 (232)
14 - 20 August 02 (226)
21 - 27 August 02 (+228)
28 August - 3 September 02 (226)
4 - 10 September 02 (226)
11 - 17 September 02 (223)
18 - 24 September 02 (222)
25 September - 1 October 02 (+225)
2 - 8 October 02 (+226)
9 - 15 October 02 (224)
16 - 22 October 02 (+227)
23 - 30 October 02 (225)
30 October - 5 November 02 (222)
6 - 12 November 02 (222)
13 - 19 November 02 (220)
20 - 26 November 02 (217)
27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)
4 - 10 December 2002 (217)
11 - 17 December 2002 (210)
18 - 24 December 2002 (206)
18-December update
25 - 31 December 2002 (206)

Well, I finally did it on Saturday: I began to exercise, something I didn't think would happen anytime soon :- )

Jasmine helped as she allowed me to carry her on my shoulders for the half-hour walk around our neighborhood. Her added weight serves as a reminder of how much weight I've lost and encourages me to keep going when those hills get tough.

The day before I began exercising I found an advertisement on the car windshield giving one of those "ideal height and weight" charts. I used to be pretty skeptical about those things, thinking my build was fine; however, after a few months of weight loss and a recent change in eating habits/style, I know believe I've been extremely overweight for several years.

During last year's medical exam I weighed in at 250 pounds, down from the 260 I remembering weighing in 1998. I was content on buying bigger clothes but now have to take them in <g>.

Oh, that chart... I believe it served as the reinforcement I needed, especially with the numbers.

I had arbitrarily decided on a personal goal of 183 pounds which happens to be about 83 kilograms (kg). Not only did I graduate from high school in 1983, but that was also the year I first heard the gospel clearly. Well, this chart gave the height in centimeters (cm) and the weight range in kg. I knew I was a tad over six feet tall, but I had no idea what that was in cm until I put my height in inches (72) and converted that to cm by multiplying by 2.54 to come up with 183cm! To top it all off, 183 pounds/83kg was the *middle* of the ideal weight range the chart mentioned. Now, only if I fall below 165 pounds will there will be reason to fatten me up <vbg>.

It seems that I had severely neglected God's temple (my body) by tearing it down and building a Pizza Hut - with plenty of parking in the rear!

Also, I had mentioned the forthcoming improvements to www.palestinian-arabs.com/ and, wow, you oughta see that site! I've always said that the biggest room in the house is the room for improvement, so take a look at the improvements! I think it'll keep you coming back for more!

So, on to last week's prayer updates...

Last week...

(1) You prayed that the situation in Gaza would improve to the point where a certain 3-year-old (and her parents <g>) would be able to return to visit friends... this didn't happen this week, but we know it will soon. Your intercession is never in vain.

(2) As my mom celebrated her birthday last week, you asked God to make the reality of a second birth shine for her... I've contacted her every way I know how, but I haven't heard any news : -(

(3) Rumor had it that the visa office re-opened, so you joined me in asking God to have our visas granted... (sigh) "Come back in three weeks," was the response I received, so mark 17-Dec on your calendar as the day we (a) receive our visas and (b) apply for another extension!

(4) Finally, you continued praying for the work the last volunteer team accomplished (and that they would remain safe in His care)... a few emailed to tell of their safe arrival *and* I've heard follow-up stories of the work they did :-)

This week...

(1) Pray for the children being lured to the latest Harry Potter movie to be kept safe from any of the enemy's schemes at making his witchcraft seem simple and innocent. Be sure to visit http://www.theharrypottervideo.com/ for clarification. This video will be available on DVD this Sunday - how timely!

* A related item was found here:

FLORIDA--Bus driver reprimanded for distributing Bibles.


(2) As the world's attention turns to our neighbors to the east, pray for the man whose integrity is in question by asking God to convict his heart of sin and to bring this world leader to salvation. God's people will make the difference through intercession, not UN weapons inspectors.

(3) As Hanukkah begins Saturday, pray that a host of Jews will find salvation in Jesus alone.

(4) Jasmine turns 3.5 on that Saturday, 30-Nov while Shirin sees her 19th year of walking with Jesus begin the following day (we both met Jesus in *84*). Join me in thanking God for a delightful family and that Jasmine would one day have a sister, er, sibling :*-)

(5) I have a major glitch with the laptop's DVD-ROM and believe that only prayer will fix it. As Corrie ten Boom once asked, "Is prayer your steering wheel or spare tire?"

From a recent Global Prayer Digest...

"May the Lord make us keep our promises to each other, for He has witnessed them." 1 Sam. 20:23

Those at home never know just how much the workers overseas truly rely on their promises to pray. Even when they are sent out to work with a national church, workers still have problems of loneliness and culture shock. But when they go to an unreached people, they enter into situations where they are invading Satan's previously unchallenged territory. He will attack them in many ways beyond the expected culture shock. If those at home who promised to pray for them do not keep their promise, some of these workers may experience severe defeat in their personal lives or public ministries. But earnest, continual prayer can make the difference.

Dear Lord, help us who stay to recognize how vital we are in the battle for the unreached. Teach us to pray!

[To subscribe to GPD, e-mail to: hub@xc.org and in the body of the letter put:

subscribe brigada-pubs-globalprayerdiges


May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


< scoterry31684@bigfoot.com ><


"Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you...," 1 Samuel 12:23

PS - Here's something everyone involved in the current conflict ought to learn:

"There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life--happiness, freedom, and peace of mind--are always attained by giving them to someone else."


20, safe food

* Now that we've gone primarily to fruits and vegetables, food seems safer.

21, Join us in asking for our 2nd child.

* Your prayers will make a difference! Thank you.

22, Pray for our neighbors as they pray.

* I think of you praying for our neighbors whenever I hear the call to prayer from the loudspeakers of the minarets.

23, Ask God to draw Jews to Himself.

* Jasmine and I began our half-hour walk through our neighborhood, which happens to be within walking distance of an illegal settlement. We asked God to draw people to Himself and thanked Him that you were joining us.

24, May Jasmine learn of Jesus.

* About ten minutes into your large group time (for those on the east coast), Jasmine pulled up the stool she uses to see over the counter, sat on it, and said, "Let's play SS so you can tell me about Jesus." :-)

I had the joy of telling of the events leading up to His birth and how His cousin was excited to see him. "Then what?" she asked. I proceeded to tell her of His visit to the river with His cousin and how all Three were present.

"Now you tell me the story," I suggested, and with vivid detail she recounted the stories.

*None* of this would have happened had you not been in prayer - *thank you*

25, no attacks at all

* With the exception of an incident in Nablus, nothing else happened to my knowledge.


26, Ask for improved online connections.

* Today was great - thanks : -)


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