31 July - 6 August 02 (232)


29 May - 4 June 02 (250)
5 - 11 June 02 (250)
12 - 18 June 02 (247)
19 - 25 June 02 (244)
26 June - 2 July 02 (241)
3 - 9 July 02 (238)
10 - 16 July 02 (234)
17 - 23 July 02 (232)
24 - 30 July 02 (232)
31 July - 6 August 02 (232)
7 - 13 August 02 (232)
14 - 20 August 02 (226)
21 - 27 August 02 (+228)
28 August - 3 September 02 (226)
4 - 10 September 02 (226)
11 - 17 September 02 (223)
18 - 24 September 02 (222)
25 September - 1 October 02 (+225)
2 - 8 October 02 (+226)
9 - 15 October 02 (224)
16 - 22 October 02 (+227)
23 - 30 October 02 (225)
30 October - 5 November 02 (222)
6 - 12 November 02 (222)
13 - 19 November 02 (220)
20 - 26 November 02 (217)
27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)
4 - 10 December 2002 (217)
11 - 17 December 2002 (210)
18 - 24 December 2002 (206)
18-December update
25 - 31 December 2002 (206)

Last week...

(1) You continued asking God to give us "peace that endureth" as we unpacked box after box... oh, how I wish *everyone* could feel this way during a move and the ongoing unpacking! Thank you for such grace : -)

(2) You prayed, too, that we would be able to find closets (wardrobes) as the homes here are totally void of cabinet space for clothing or bathroom items... we've found a "plastic pantry" and hope to find more storage space tomorrow. Your intercession kept an ugly incident from getting worse, and I thank you. Re: "I'm not in Kansas anymore" <g>

(3) You asked God's blessings on the volunteers currently in the West Bank and Gaza as they're being His hands and feet to those who need his love... wow, what an honor it has been to work with these fine folks. God has truly blessed them with encouragement, stamina, and no harm (except for a scratch or two from clearing out brush in what is now the Prayer Garden).

This week...

(1) Ask God to surround the three of us with His mercy since the enemy may try to disrupt our family time.

(2) Continue praying that we'd find the needs to our storage challenges.

(3) Surround the Global Prayer Center (GPC) and adjacent Prayer Garden in intercession so as to make it a place that will glorify God and make His name known among the peoples of the world.

Love and grace,



24, Pastor Hanna’s wife’s return

* (sigh) Suhad [soo-HOD] is still in Jordan with, so far, no new progress on her return. It's possible that, after nine years' waiting for a pastor, the Gaza Baptist Church will lose her pastor if Pastor Hanna must go to Jordan to be with his wife. Keep praying as God brings this situation to mind.

25, computer ‘health’

* Your intercession has kept the laptop healthy and will give me confidence to unpack the desktop. It's quite nice to be able to leave the computer running all night knowing that the electricity will stay on!

26, stamina to keep packing

* Hmm... I initially thought we'd still be in the process; however, this is another example of how your praying has made a difference in our lives : -)

27, what to keep, what to leave

* Your praying has helped us sort through this matter significantly!

28, worship in spirit

* It was a good day as we worshiped with some of the volunteers and heard a message about being the message to those who haven't heard.

29, travel mercy

* God continues to watch over us as we learn our way around town : -) Thank you for praying!

30, Jasmine, 38 mos.

* My, how she's growing < http://acts826.tripod.com/ >


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