12 - 18 June 02 (247)


29 May - 4 June 02 (250)
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12 - 18 June 02 (247)
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27 November - 3 December 2002 (217)
4 - 10 December 2002 (217)
11 - 17 December 2002 (210)
18 - 24 December 2002 (206)
18-December update
25 - 31 December 2002 (206)

This was one of the toughest weeks of our lives, and I dare think what it would have been like had you not been in prayer for us.

Last week...

* Our plane departed last week, and we asked for your intercession *then* for connected flights and luggage to arrive the same time/place we do : -)

= As we shared in an update only one piece of luggage failed to arrive when we did; however, your continued intercession brought it to us a day or so later. It was the first time I'd ever felt so comfortable and peaceful over a lost bag, so thank you for praying : -)

* You prayed that we would adjust quickly to the change in time (and place)... that didn't happen as quickly as we'd hoped, making the week rather difficult. Jasmine had the most difficult time of all and will only adjust accordingly as you keep praying for her.

* You also asked God to prepare our hearts for what we'd see, knowing we wouldn't be staying long... I thought we would have returned by now, but God knew we needed more time. I've shared a few thoughts at the end of this knee-mail in the *Calendar Updates* section.

* You then prayed that our preparation for our next assignment would go well, especially in the area of housing. We had thought we would have a few months to pack up, bring closure to relationships, and find housing only to learn that the place where we had just moved was being sold. Things would be different if we were moving to a similar location; however, we're talking about moving household belongings (maybe even in wooden crates) across borders where neither side trusts the other. What a time to trust God, eh?

= SBC volunteers are the best people in the world, and I'm not just saying that because I was one back in Jan '94 <g> A group of six volunteers from the Lone Star state will be assisting us in packing, which will cut our departure time greatly. They came to assist in food distribution, a whole-day effort, and they've given of their 'leisure' time to help us. Who knew?

This week...

* Due to not having a stable location from which to communicate, the old Inbox is backing up once again. Pray that my time would be well invested.

* We journey back into Gaza to pack up items we want to be sure make it out, so join us in asking God to give us the wisdom and discretion to do so.

* Jasmine will be seeing friends she hasn't seen in over nine months, which happens to be a fourth of her life (that's like me reuniting with friends I've not seen since 1993). Pray that she will experience joy and excitement in seeing them and that this will give *us* the opportunity to tell the friends' of her parents what it's like in Heaven when we meet Jesus.

* Pray for Shirin as she deals with symptoms of withdrawal from what she once knew as her life and ministry among the ladies of Gaza. Ask God to give her a deeper experience of His presence as she begins a new chapter in her walk with Him.

* Join us in giving God thanks for the volunteers who will help us pack up the house, and ask God to hold back any type of bombings this week.

* As I renew friendships, ask God to give me the grace to handle the fact of our long-term separation; of course, "friends are friends forever, if the Lord is Lord of them..."

Love and grace,



7, recover from jet lag

* This takes more than day, I rediscovered. Had you not been praying, things would certainly have been worse!

8, adjustment to new surroundings

* Welcome to upper-80 temperatures inside where there is no central air conditioning! Add heat exhaustion to jet lag and mix it with a toddler experiencing the same thing and you have the formula for "I'm-ready-to-quit" <g> Once again, your prayers made a difference.

9, good day of worship, wherever we may be

* Sat in on orientation of volunteers headed to Gaza for food distribution and, wow, was that a worshipful time as I recalled the obedience they've experienced in answering His call to 'Go' and give up vacation time and personal resources. I am always humbled by the spirit and dedication of volunteers! I had the privilege of escorting them to the Gaza border crossing before picking up a second wave of volunteers (these were Tarheels) from the airport.

10, prepared for what to see at home

* Co-workers in Gaza shared how the food distribution volunteers asked to clean up our home before we got back, and this was *after* a full day out in the sun distributing food packets. We are honored and humbled by their service. BTW, this is one of the groups who helped clean up NY after 9-11. One of the volunteers even took the time to dust videos on a bookshelf near a shattered window and actually found glass *inside* the boxes. (Our windows were twice shattered by the explosion/vacuum of F-16 missiles.)

11, adjusting again to life in Gaza

* I'm writing this follow-up on this day being grateful for your advanced intercession. I have been experiencing all sorts of feelings during this transition period, the greatest of which is a deep ache never before experienced as I realize a significant chapter of my life is being closed. I see the faces of the five men in Gaza God gave me to disciple and I wonder if I really did all I could. Time is so precious.

12, Jasmine's new routine

* By the time you've received this, we will have gone back home to pack up the house. Jasmine vehemently experienced 'new routines' while we were in the US as she was rarely in one place long enough to get attached; however, she always knew we'd be back at the "Brittany Commons" apartment. Our thanks continues to go out to folks like Pastor Jim, Sam, and Roxy as they gave our little girl a place to call home : -) Thank you!

Since being back at our "evacuation location near the airport," we have unpacked and sorted luggage in preparation for our future housing, temporary clothing needs, and this "rescue/recovery mission" into Gaza <g> Sometimes Jasmine gets unsettled at the small area and clutter, and we're keeping that at a minimum. Your praying today will have a significant impact on her life, and we thank you... even now I hear her telling Shirin what she'll do when she meets her best friend. They've not seen each other for about 9 months and, my, how they must have grown : -)


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