What a joy it was to see read this article: Simply starting in prayer is path to unreached people groups. Baptist Press is a wealth of information, so here are a few more:
You're probably aware of a multitude of online Bible sites and may even have a folder for them; if so, feel free to add this one to your collection: http://www.holybibleonline.net As the end of the year approaches, I hope you'll take the time to do some weekly computer maintenance (that didn't sound right). Anyway, please be sure your anti-virus stuff is up-to-date, especially in light of an early January trouble spot. Read more here. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Shirin and I had an opportunity to share Jesus as together we cleared an administrative hurdle. You joined us in asking for "Maher" to be saved... (sigh) my heart's desire was once again left waiting. Please continue praying know that he knows what it takes. + You joined Shirin and other co-laborers in prayer for the Christmas outreach party as you prayed for the hearts of the women and children to be ready to receive God into their lives. You lifted up the speaker, music and children's program leaders as they all presented the greatest gift God has given us... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. All the preparations seem to be falling into place nicely. Please continue to pray for the party which will be on Thursday afternoon." + Jasmine asked for prayer for concentration as she prepares to take her mid-term exams: 15, Arabic; 17, math;, 19, religion and English; 20, science; 21, social studies... those advanced prayers will make a difference for her this week, so please continue! <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott asks that you join Him in praying for the improvement of the CD version of the Prayer Center. <>< Shirin asks you to continue praying for the upcoming Christmas party at the Girls Home. <>< Jasmine asks you to pray for her focus and concentration as she goes through end-of-the-semester evaluations. <* Pray for the Bania of India>< CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 7-10, Week of Prayer for International Missions: * Thank you for praying this week!11, Pray for Ali’s salvation. * Not yet but keep praying!12, good health during the cold and flu season * So far so good :-) Thank you for praying!13, traveling safety on the roads * You make a great difference in our safety, and we thank you!<>< +++ <>< +++ <>< +++ There are several new songs out this season that are bringing good tidings and great joy to many of us. Have you heard “Have Yourself a Merry Little Holiday” or “Oh, Holiday Tree” or perhaps you’ve joined in on “We Wish You a Merry Holiday?” I’m sure you get my point. But in case you think I’ve fallen in a vat of eggnog, I’m referring to the recent trend of secular American business to replace “Christmas” with “holiday.” Many of our largest retailers in America have been the focus of news (both secular and religious) because they’ve succumbed to a new age mind set brought on by young PR people who are attempting to coat their businesses with a religious Teflon so that they don’t offend anyone in the American public. Of course, in implementing their unbelievable policies, they have now offended the masses. Many of these retailers have realized their error and tried to correct it as quickly as possible. Lowes has changed all their signs from “holiday trees” back to “Christmas trees.” Others have begun to include the word Christmas in their ads. And it’s all happened because the American public has created quit a stink over this whole issue. And yes, I did write several retailers myself to voice my concerns. So it appears that the protests have been heard but to be honest with you, my biggest concern isn’t that retailers prefer holiday cheer over Christmas cheer. My biggest concern isn’t that the governor lights the holiday tree instead of the Christmas tree. My biggest concern isn’t even the worry of taking Christ out of Christmas. While these concerns are real, my biggest concern is that I, myself, don’t become a holiday Christian. What do I mean? Simple. Just as society can celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior without including Him as the center piece, we can also live our Christian lives in a holiday style that leaves Him out of our day to day lives. Let’s be honest – what is more damaging to the church: A secular society that ignores the Creator or a so-called Christian that lives like the world? We, who call ourselves followers of Christ, are easily bent out of shape when it comes to what we see as the world persecuting us. And even though we may be defenders of the faith, we have a much higher calling – a calling to bear fruit, to share Christ and to allow Christ to be seen through us. Romans 7:4 So, my brothers, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God. 5For when we were controlled by the sinful nature, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death. 6But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. They took prayer out of school, created an imaginary doctrine called “separation of church and state” and now they want to take Christ out of Christmas. So be it. But don’t fret, be of good cheer! Jesus has not left the building. He remains in control, on the throne. Does the world we live in seem dark and scary? I encourage you to look beyond the darkness, because we have a Light, a Provider, and most of all, a Savior. And, it is my opinion that things will not get better, but will get worse in this world. The Bible tells us that in the end, it will be like in the days of Noah. So as the end draws near, expect these things – but do not be disheartened because our God still reigns. One more thought – with all the chit chat of Christ being left out of Christmas, can you see the blessing it has provided? This whole issue has created a large open door of conversation with the public and given us more opportunity to share the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season. Realize it. Ponder it. Share it. No matter what the world thinks.
Randy Hunt randy (at) truthworks (dot) com |