This was great news! Annie Armstrong Offering sets record; up 8.5%, nearly reaching $54M goal. I often find that the work of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem can be lonely and occasionally downright discouraging. The devotional reading for Friday, January 28 offered some enlightenment: GOD IS LOOKING FOR INTERCESSORS 1/28/2005 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. -- EZEKIEL 22:30 God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him. Intercessors have hearts in tune with God's heart. They are so acutely aware of what is at stake, for their land, that they will stay before God as long as necessary in order to obtain God's answer. That is why you do not volunteer to be an intercessor. God enlists you. Why do we not intercede as we should? Perhaps we are afraid to put God to the test. We worry that God might not answer our prayers. Yet God promises that if we ask, we will receive (Matt. 7:7). We may fail to intercede because we believe the busyness of our everyday lives is more effective than prayer. Jesus warned that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Without being intimately acquainted with God and His will, all of our labors are futile. Perhaps we fail to intercede because we misunderstand the heart of God. Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem as He interceded for it (Matt. 23:37). If we truly have God's love within us, we will feel compelled to plead with God on behalf of those who face His imminent judgment. Intercession is a lonely business. There may be many days or even years when there appear to be few results for your labor. Yet intercessors can be the only ones standing between a family and God's judgment, or between an individual or nation and God's wrath. Enjoy this trip down Memory Lane (or Amnesia Alley)! Finally, I thought you'd enjoy this page. Perhaps the way this guy analyzed the site is even more humorous. Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Shirin had been asked to substitute teach English to a small group of girls, so you joined her in praying that God's message of hope and love would be shared through the ABC's... "Thank you for praying. The time went by fast and the girls seemed to have lots of fun. I continue to pray for opportunities to share God's message of love with these precious girls." + You asked God to show us what He wants to do next at the Prayer Center... Gerhard wants to add a local horticulturist to the planning team, and this gentleman wants to volunteer his hobby! + I had the opportunity to help a few co-workers with computer challenges last week and needed a hefty dose of His wisdom... I learned something Thursday while helping a co-worker, and that's always a plus; a Friday phone call helped another co-worker with a web site; and during the weekend a few 'extra' challenges were solved on another co-worker's new machine. Not only did He provide wisdom on these occasions, but I became the recipient to solving a long-standing dilemma :-) <T H I S W E E K><<>< Shirin has taken a few months off from Arabic study. Please join her in praying for her lessons to start back up this week and that the lessons will give her more ideas and words to share her faith. <>< Jasmine's weekly ballet class will have a "Parent's Night Performance" in a few months, so she's already asking God to help her do her best and asks you to join her. <>< I continue to covet your prayers to see God working in and through the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem. >< Pray for the Highland Peoples of Vietnam and Cambodia.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 26, computer ‘health’ * How odd... today was a day when I could receive e-mail, but I couldn't send any :-(27, May Jasmine learn of Jesus. * Oh, I wish you could her pray! When she's connected, she's connected!28, May we share His forgiveness. * We asked, and He provided :-)29, Ariel Sharon’s salvation * No word yet, so let's keep praying.30, Jasmine is 5 yrs 8 mos * Her first official dental checkup caught the beginning of a tiny cavity way in the back, so now she's playing with a Play Doh Dentist factory.31, Ask God to show us where He’s at work. * Discerning where and how to invest our time with those "asking" and those "seeking" remains a challenge. Your intercession makes life easier for us.1, focus on main thing for this month * May we be found ready when He brings lost people across our path. |