PRAYINGAt the end of this page are two opportunities to pray for the Palestinian people during Ramadan. Be sure to share these with your circle of friends and intercessors. Once again, an atheist has forced his views on the rest of us. GIVINGI came across yet another excellent article on the Cooperative Program, part of what keeps us financially on the field: Task force calls for changes in CP focus, strategy. Be sure to check www.cpmissions.net for additional information. GOINGLast week saw eighty-six new workers sent around the world plus this report from the trustees: "The board of trustees assigned an additional $5,886,222 for special needs overseas from Lottie Moon Christmas Offering receipts given above the $128 million budgeted for 2005." http://tinyurl.com/abys4 Thank you for such sacrificial giving! I sure hope the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem receives some of that $5.8 million! I don't know how else we'll receive the initial estimate of $220,000 to finish the Prayer Garden apart from such giving, and that's a long story :-) This may be old news, but I think I may have found a way to maintain a healthy diet: avoid "c" foods like cookies, crackers, cakes, candies, and even coffee and creams. I think cucumbers are still okay, but there's always an exception <g>. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Scott was having a tough time dealing with conflicting emotions and could have used specific intercession to know how to handle them for His best outcome... I could really tell you were praying this week and am ever so grateful. During my 40-minute early morning walks I kept coming back to leaving things at the foot of the cross, a timely reminder + Shirin and a co-worker would be visiting the director of the Lazarus Home for a time of prayer. You joined them in praying for the girls to adjust easily to the new school year. You also prayed for two little girls who have some health issues as the schools are refusing to accept them... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. All the children are in a school and are slowly getting back into the school day routines. The two girls are attending a special school in Bethany to help them through their learning needs." + Jasmine had been having a hard time concentrating and could have used some pointed intercession in that direction... wow, what a changed girl! Your intercession enabled her to regain focus, and we're grateful. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott is looking forward to a week of tying up loose ends before hosting a volunteer computer workshop team and could use your intercession to see that those errands don't interfere with the Main Thing. <>< Shirin has found a new avenue for exercise and wants to be used as His mouthpiece for the ladies He brings into her life. Pray that this be so. <>< Jasmine is grieving over losing a friend at school due to a transfer, so please pray she would learn to cope properly. >< Pray for the Yadava of India.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 14, Remember to pray for the ladies attending the Bible Study in the Old City of Jerusalem to know Jesus personally or to grow in their faith. * God is faithful and promises to abide in us and help us bring forth good fruit. We continue to encourage and pray with and for the ladies so they may win their families to the Lord.15, Ask God to show us how to balance time between personal spiritual growth, family, and ministry. * Taking each thing as it comes seems to help (so far).16, Ask God to use Shirin and Jasmine to minister to the girls at the Lazarus Girls Home in biblical Bethany. * Shirin and a co-worker had a prayer time with the director of the girls home. Shirin continues to wait on the Lord to open up an opportunity for cooking and nutrition classes for the older girls.17, Pray for workers to share in the settlements. * We made this request before the 8,500 settlers left Gaza; fortunately, we believe they're in a better position to hear the gospel than they were when they were in Gaza! I have yet to hear of any activity among them or the 245,000 settlers in the West Bank. Let's continue praying.18, May Jasmine learn more of Jesus. * A booklet from her Sunday School class at Ramoth helped us talk about God's love for her, and she loved the activity of filling in code letters and drawing three ways God loves her.19, Ask God to speak to Scott’s sister today. * While there was no confirmation, Scott sees this as an ongoing need and appreciates your intercession.20, Ask for God’s protection as we travel the roads. * Your intercession makes a difference, and we thank you!This is the third year we have invited Christians from around the world to unite with us in a focused month of prayer for the Palestinian people. We hope to have Christians all over the world representing many denominations and Christian organizations praying with us again this year. During the past year we have been thrilled to hear stories about how God has answered prayers. While the Palestinians continue to struggle, we truly believe that the fields ARE white unto harvest. Please join us in the harvest by participating with us in this month- long prayer emphasis. This year Ramadan is from 4 October to 2 November. If your church or group prefers, you may adopt the project for any other month. The day-by-day prayer guide is available on the website: Click “Prayer Guide” for the daily selection. Click “Download” for the guide in a printable format. The guide is available in Korean, German, Spanish and English. Thank you in advance for your commitment to be a part of this 30-day pray project focusing on the Palestinian people. We are confident that God will answer your prayers in ways beyond what we expect or can even imagine. [30-Days] Please pass this email on to everyone on your lists! 30-days mailing list http://lists.bfp-listen.de/mailman/listinfo/30-days Subscribe 30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Now also available in Chinese Yes, now Chinese readers can join millions of Christians praying for the Muslim world during Ramadan. Our 30-Days booklet is also available in Chinese!! It can be downloaded from: http://www.30-days.net/aboutus/download.htm Note: We do ask for a small donation for this 8 megabyte download to help us print and distribute many booklets this year. The Chinese booklet can also be ordered from: chinese30days@msn.com in the USA. --------- Do you live in New Zealand? Suzanne has developed a wonderful promotional CD for those of you Down-under. Order it directly from her at: marn@talk.co.nz --------- Please consider making a donation to the 30-Days prayer movement. Millions of Christians have prayed through our materials since 1993. Donations for booklets are at an all-time low. But now is the time to "watch and pray". Help us make these resources available to all. Donations via PayPal or Click&Pledge can be directly made from our site: http://www.30-days.net/aboutus/donate.htm --------- God bless you and thank you for your prayers. Remember to download the great new powerpoints to present to your church. Also, use our text for your church bulletin - all at: http://www.30-days.net/aboutus/download.htm Please pass this email on to as many as you can. Thanks, Ron Email me at: 30-days@xodigo.com _______________________________________________ 30-days mailing list Subscribe details |