Our company has clarified a few items of business related to who we are and what we do. Along those lines are a few things I want to share with you. First off, we intend to engage all unreached people groups with a population more than 100,000 by the end of 2008 and will provide access to the gospel among all people groups by the end of 2010. I firmly believe the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem will play a key role in that as we provide a place where God can speak to people's hearts about adopting an unreached people group. When people come to the Prayer Garden now, they really have to use their imagination <g>. The day is coming, however, when the walls will be covered in stone with the inlaid tiles of the world providing a visual aid to focus on the lost. The pathways will be lined with various plants, and the Garden will become more than just a dirt lot. I know God has called me to see this task come to completion, and I don't plan on quitting until He provides the tools to do what is necessary. The second thing I want to share is related to our company's fifth objective of implementing personalized mobilization strategies that will increase the involvement of groups in Great Commission activities. One of the ways we intend to do that is to develop significant, in-depth relationships with a minimum of five churches by the end of 2008. I realize you don't have to do this and, in fact, the way you've increased your personal tithe and the way your church has increased her tithe through the Cooperative Program shows that you're already deeply committed to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. Add to that the way the annual "Christmas" offering increases, and it would seem you've already gone the extra mile more than once. We'd like to continue making these things more personal, and we thank you for allowing it to happen. Will you bring this before your next called business meeting and consider helping me, Shirin, and Jasmine develop this relationship? There are a few of you in the Wednesday Weekly family with whom we have this "understood" relationship, but what would it take to make it official? By the way, before we left the US last summer, one particular church actually entered into covenant with us and, wow, what a joy that has been! So... join me in taking this before the Lord to see what He says. I'll wait to hear from you! Proud parents sent a super link to their son's achievements, and I've taken pride in it as well. I had the privilege of baptizing Joel back in late 1993 or early 1994; however, he wasn't the 6' 7", 312# he is now <g>.. Joel's parents ask your prayers for him as well. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Scott asked prayer to come to a 'pause' with the new networking tools so he could turn his energy toward an opportunity to minister where he used to live... Post-It notes are all over the desk with specific reminders to pick up where I left off <g>. Your intercession was keenly felt and deeply appreciated as I had a delightful time in Gaza. Shirin and Jasmine will go with me when Jasmine has Christmas Break. + Shirin appreciated the focused intercession on her role as Jasmine's homeschool teacher, especially that her effectiveness would continue... Shirin thanks you for praying, realizing little can be done without your help. + Jasmine was concerned about her friends at school and their overall safety, particularly on the playground... I asked her how they did, and she said they kept falling; consequently, she's asking prayer for this until God answers it in the affirmative. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Pray with Scott to have tranquility as he "catches up" after five days away from home. <>< Shirin seeks your intercession for "things to get back to normal" from Scott's absence and the recent topsy-turvy holiday schedules. <>< Jasmine continues to request playground safety for her friends at school. >< Pray for the Hakka Chinese.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 12-15, May Jews experience the Atonement of Jesus’ blood and share it with their neighbors/cousins. * Oh, for the day!16, May we have a day of worship. * We did, and we had a wonderful time together as a family afterward.17, Pray for safe food. * So far, so good!18-22, As Jews remember what it was like to live in booths, pray they would recognize the One Who wants to live with them forever. * Eternity will show the difference from your intercession!23, Pray for someone to have a 2nd birthday. * What a joy to worship with the Gaza Baptist Church; unfortunately, we didn't see someone make that commitment to follow Jesus.24-25, May Jews recognize the One Who gave the Torah. * When they do... watch out! |