A regular dose of Baptist Press news articles allows me to give you what I consider the "cream of the crop." It would be better, obviously, if you could see what I'm not sharing <g>. Once you subscribe, you'll see :-) Speaking of which: Prof sets forth 'How Islam Plans to Change the World' If you've ever wondered "why Muslims hate Americans" and bought into the idea that it's because of our freedom, this article should straighten things out (it did for me): U.S. immorality fuels terrorism of radical Muslims, experts say. One of you showed up in the following article to prove once again that the Wednesday Weekly Wintercessor family spans the globe :-) Sri Lankan tsunami victims receive food, Bibles, long-haul commitment. Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Jasmine had some time off from school due to an Islamic holiday, so you asked God to grant our times together to be times of bonding... He answered your request clearly, and those strong hugs and fuzzy kisses are being cherished even now :-) + You joined us in asking God to be used to minister to a family lacking in discipleship... (sigh) once again, my well-learned proverb has come in to play: "The only thing worse than not understanding is being misunderstood." I'll keep listening. + You continued praying with us over the next steps at the Prayer Center with the architect... we've encountered what will undoubtedly be the first of many delays; however, we did manage to purchase and display twenty-four clocks showing the time in various world cities. The sound of the ticking is relaxing and mindful of the urgency to share the Good News globally. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Shirin has been asked to substitute teach English to a small group of girls. Please join her in praying that God's message of hope and love be shared through the ABC's. <>< Ask God to show us what He wants to do next at the Prayer Center. <>< I'll have the opportunity to help a few co-workers with computer challenges, so I could use a hefty dose of His wisdom. >< Pray for the Afghani People.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 19, Ask that our marriage grow sweeter. * Each month draws us closer to our 18th anniversary in June.20, family health * We've stayed healthy and realize it's due to His grace through your intercession. Thank you!21, more people to hear God’s word * We had the privilege of picking up some discipleship material to help this happen!22, safe food * So far this winter all has been well in this area - thank you for praying!23, Happy Birthday, Shirin! * She had a great day. Thanks for making it special!24, church members to follow Jesus * I'm joining you in this request, too!25, no attacks at all * Nothing happened today, so thanks for praying! |