Part of a recent financial update on the IMB gave these affirming words, ""Let me hasten to say that the numbers are not growing at the rate we need them to grow in order to sustain a growing missionary force," he added. "However, just as we experienced last year when we told Southern Baptists we had missionary candidates ready, willing and able to go but insufficient funds to send them, I’m convinced Southern Baptists will respond to the needs as they catch the vision of reaching a lost world."" Catching the vision of reaching a lost world... man, that rings of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem! Oh, what the day will be like when visiting intercessors and tourists can put that to practice when they come to the Prayer Garden to pray around the world! Wanna see the video? As missionaries surge, will church support follow? Are 'Baptist' and 'Biblical' synonyms? Disney boycott ended by group that launched it in mid-1990s. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ That Leviticus 19:23-25 passage mentioned last week may very well have come into play last week as we received a group of eight men from West Virginia on tour of the Holy Land. They offered their help for the weekend, so you joined us in praying that God would speak to someone's heart about adopting an unreached people group... our friends left about an hour ago and, so far, I've not heard of the possibility of an unreached people group being adopted; however, it may still be early :-) + You prayed for the "touring volunteers" (volunteering tourists?) to remain safe from harm, illness, and the evil schemes of the enemy... and they were! They thoroughly enjoyed the "inside" view of the Old City and had multiple opportunities to share their faith. + They were to be guests at Jasmine's birthday party as she celebrated turning six! You prayed that Jasmine would have an enjoyable day on the 30th and that she would recognize who she is (and can be) in God's sight... Jasmine thanks you for praying. She said she had a great day and a great party. + Jasmine had another plantar's wart treatment, so you prayed with us that it would be the final one... hmm, as much as I can say is that the doctor is "optimistic" now that the root has been reached. Thanks for praying. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Please pray with Jasmine for her Muslim friends at school to know Jesus. <>< Please join us in praying for Shirin's mother to experience a spiritual birthday as she celebrates her 75th natural birthday this week. <>< I am now way behind on the ever growing urgent/important to-do list and would deeply appreciate intercession to finish things in a timely manner without feeling "overwhelmed," so to speak. ><Pray for the Awadhi people.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 25-28, Pray for the safe, uneventful arrival of friends from West Virginia, and ask God to use them during their time at the Prayer Center. * Your prayers were heard and answered in a positive way! Our eight friends arrived safely and with little trouble. God used their labor mightily in removing weeds, breaking up dirt clods, spreading the dirt evenly, and (most of all) praying around the world from the center of the world!29, May God use Mike to speak to our hearts. * Mike's message from John 1 spoke clearly of our need to allow Jesus to be the Hub of our life and from that to allow His Word to speak to us as we speak to Him in prayer. We then naturally have easier times with horizontal relationships of fellowship and witnessing.30, Jasmine is 6! * Thank you for your prayers. Jasmine had a great birthday party with her "Aunts and Uncles"31, Pray for strength to “finish well.” * Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Now that the days have become warmer, Jasmine and Shirin seem to be tiring out soon then they use to.From Ron Kernahan of the 30-days of Prayer Muslim World team: Dear partner in prayer: An all new look and feel www.30-days.net website is now up and running. It should be much easier to navigate through the Muslim People Profiles either by global region or simply by a Muslim country - sorted alphabetically. Also, of the 200 + articles on www.30-days.net, all the out-dated material has been weeded out - hopefully, if you spot something out-of-date, let me know. Some other changes include a much more obvious emphasise on prayer in Jesus name and relevant sorting in the "About Islam" section. There is also a download section where you can grab inserts about the up-coming Ramadan prayer dates for your church bulletin or email list. Please take a look - http://www.30-days.net I would like to know if you find the site easier to understand and navigate, and if you are happy with the overall concept. The only thing missing at the moment is much in the way of pictures and graphics, but they are less important right now. Oh yes, and if you find any links which go to the wrong place or anything that does not work, please let me know. (Some older MAC browsers may have troubles with this site - I don't have a MAC so let me know if you see glitches.) You can write me your thoughts at: 30-days@xodigo.com (not to this list- messages back to this list are not passed on to me). --------------- Address change: Again, for donations (tax receipts issued for the USA and Canada), the USA address has changed from the POBox office in CA to: Ripe for Harvest 201 Checks MUST be payable to Ripe for Harvest "201" or earmarked "30-days" otherwise they will not reach us! Please help support our work to reach the Muslim world for Christ. The harvest is ripe but certain doors are already closing for us. We want to mobilise and do as much as we can with the time left to us. Your donations and financial support are necessary to see the work completed. Thank you and God bless you. Ron Kernahan and the 30-days of Prayer for the Muslim World team. Ramadan 2005 - October 05 - November 03 |