This subject of 'double duty' should call your attention to the 'fortnight' in this issue. I'll be offline (again) for a number of days as I head back to where we used to live in order to assist with an outreach project. While excited over this chance to help, I'm a bit cautious as to how I'll feel in a place that still tugs at my heart. I've resolved that such a chapter has been closed, and I hope I can leave better than how I arrive. I had a great time with the three guys who came to help out with computer needs but, wow, was it exhausting. It wasn't exhausting at the time, mind you, but now that I'm getting more than three or four hours of sleep, my body wants more <g>. At one point I asked myself, "Am I trying to do too much, or do I just have too much to do?" The pace of those eight/nine days outstripped my capacity to analyze them, even though journaling has been one of my spiritual disciplines that has worked so well. I jotted down a multitude of thoughts, ideas, and notes on scrap pieces of paper since I couldn't keep my m515 Palm Pilot sufficiently charged as I was away from the charger for the first half of the project. At any rate, co-workers got the help they needed, and I received a triple blessing of new knowledge, two new friends, and lots of time with a friend who really knows my heart. During our time together I asked one of the volunteers to estimate the US cost of their time and services. After a few minutes of thought, he said, "Oh, I'd say it would approach six figures." Talk about sacrifice! Join me in giving God thanks for the service and sacrifice of Jonathan, Kent, and Ed! Be sure to thank God for their families as well since they were without husbands and fathers for a long time. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You prayed that Scott would finish well with the technical support volunteer team (and catches up on sleep)... wow, what an opportunity! I have yet to catch up on sleep because there are so many new tools to learn how to use in order to keep my co-workers' computers running smoothly and effectively all the while not interfering with the Main Thing. Finish well? Hmm, "finishing" may take some time <g>. + You asked God to grant Shirin an extra measure of grace as she recovered from Scott's absence... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. Jasmine and I did well together and your prayers were our strength." + You joined us in praying for Jasmine as she focused her attention on school... Shirin continues, "Your prayers make a difference. Jasmine is starting to see improvement in her handwriting as well as enjoying reading more." <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott asks prayer to come to a 'pause' with the new networking tools so he can turn his energy toward an opportunity to minister where he used to live. <>< Shirin would appreciate focused intercession on her role as Jasmine's homeschool teacher, especially that her effectiveness would continue. <>< Jasmine is concerned about her friends at school and their overall safety, particularly on the playground. CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 5, The Jewish New year begins. Pray for salvation. * May our desire be the same as Romans 10:16-8, As Ramadan and upcoming Jewish holidays overlap, pray for His Peace. * Your intercession will make a big difference in the Heavenlies!9-11, Continue to pray over Jasmine’s homeschooling and Shirin’s preparation. * Schedules and extra work are causing interference, so we're counting on your intercession to make the most of the time we have. |