At the end of this page is a great article written by Doug of "Brigada Today." I hope you find it insightful! The week began full tilt and, wow, was I ready to take a break (a day off would've been nice, too <g>); however, when it dawned on me that I had the chance to meet the needs of others to the "detriment" of my own, I took a gut check :-) Your intercession enabled me to "clean off the desk" and rearrange things for a more productive (?) work environment. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ After a relatively strenuous time with those library computers, a number of usual items were neglected. I needed specific prayer to get those "ducks back in a row," and God answered your prayers in the midst of yet another tension packed week (long story, as you might imagine). + You prayed for God to reveal himself in a way to the ladies at the Ladies meeting in the Old City that would encourage them to want to grow more in their faith... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. I was not able to go to the meeting due to a summer cold. I did however hear from the leader of the group that they had a good discussion about how God wants to give victory over all our weaknesses." + Jasmine and Shirin had been asked to help in a special Bible Camp, and she mentioned that this camp is for women and children who were not born into a Christian family. The camp would be for two days during the last week of July, and you began praying that God will work on the hearts of the women and children in order to accept Jesus during camp. You prayed, too, that the husbands/fathers/brothers would let the women and children attend the camp... Again, Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. We will be leaving for camp next week and continue to covet your prayers." <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott is having more opportunities to talk with the neighbors about his beliefs and asks that his words clearly communicate His message in accordance with I Corinthians 2:1-5. <>< Ask God to give Shirin insight as she continues to learn language. <>< As Jasmine finishes camp this week, pray that she would continue to "do what's right" even though she's been exposed to some inappropriate behavior. ><Pray for a church planting movement among the Mina.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 13, Pray for the ladies meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem, asking God to reveal Himself for Who He really is. May He find open and receptive hearts! * Your prayers have been heard. Deeper discipleship is going on among the ladies, and we are confident that God is preparing leaders for new groups.14, The IPCJ is three years old today :-) * May we see even more progress in three more years!15-16, Pray for the salvation of Shirin’s brother Fred. * The day has yet to come, but we rely on God for His perfect time to draw Shirin's brother to himself.17, Pray for the health and safety of volunteer groups who have come here to plant seeds. Pray, too, for their “back home” testimonies. * I know they're out there!18, Pray for the health of Scott’s dad to improve. * I guess no news is good news (?)19, Pray for more progress to be made at the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem (IPCJ). * Things look more and more promising in terms of computer work; however, we'd really like to see construction begin in the Prayer Garden!12) THE BACKPAGE: WHAT DO MISSIONARIES WANT? -- In the last edition of Brigada Today, we posed the question, "what do churches want?" We explored the possibility that some congregations might have changed a bit over the past few decades in what they're hoping to "get back" out of their mission support. Likewise, it feels to me that today's onsite workers are different too. Many still want deep teammate relationships, good solid direction and accountability, along with a *cause* into which they can pour their lives. I'm noticing... it doesn't have to be a cause with global consequences. Many of today's workers seem comfortable with pouring their lives into a relatively small group of people. Today's new generation of missionaries don't seem motivated primarily by the quest of big salaries. In fact, as long as their needs are met, big money seems more and more hollow to them. A quarter of a century ago, workers would sometimes commit to a particular field sight unseen. Remember your missions history lessons? In William Carey's time, it wasn't uncommon that workers would pack extra clothes in their own coffins when they sailed to their newly embraced far-flung fields. Nowadays, I'm not sure some ever even *leave* our homelands. Because of the immediacy of instant messaging and cell phones (not to mention satellite phones), some are able to stay in close touch with relatives and friends back home (oh -- and supporters too :-) ). As a result, they never experience a true "leave-taking" ... nor the accompanying adaptation. At the same time, some want more connectivity with home. Some are much more homesick than "E.T." ("E.T. phone home.") Many want to see their field in advance, before they commit. And *sooo* many are unwilling to make more than a one- or two-year commitment. Sometimes it feels as if this generation of workers is less prepared in Greek and exegesis, less knowledgeable in the history of missions and cultural anthropology, and less likely to *want* to learn any of those subjects. Instead, they seem to want to "dive in" much more quickly into deep-seated relationships and ministry. This can be both a positive and a negative, depending on the circumstances. How 'bout you? What's your opinion? Want to register your thoughts? Jot a note to this email address: brigada-feedback@googlegroups.com You won't have to join the group or register in any way. Your feedback can even be anonymous, if you desire. As was the case with the previous question, we probably need to delve deeper into "what missionaries want"... because many literally *are* working in a jungle out there. Doug "For a free subscription to Brigada's weekly missions publication, write brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and/or visit Brigada on the web at www.brigada.org." |