[Since I'll be away from Internet access sometime during the next two weeks, I'm "doubling" this week's page.] One of the things that has been bugging me recently is missing out on all the tourists going to the Garden Tomb whenever we're walking Jasmine home from school in the afternoon. We'd more than love to meet with these groups to thank them for their faithful tithing through their home groups and their annual "Christmas offering." I realize, of course, that not all these tourists are SBC groups; however, I feel certain we've probably missed one or two of these groups. Imagine... meeting one of your overseas families at the Garden Tomb and hearing of what God is doing around the world and wants to do by way of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem. So... here's my challenge to the Wednesday Weekly family: How do we get in touch with future SBC tour groups? Somehow I am sure somebody knows the answer to that question :-) One question were asked most often whenever where in the US is "What do you miss most about America?" I usually say "customer service and utilities," but I think I've found a new answer: biblical preaching. One particular pastor who receives the Wednesday Weekly has been sending me past copies on CD, and I can only begin to describe the thirst that quenches. Please know how refreshing it is to sit under Godly preaching and teaching when folks like us are in your care. Most of us have learned to "feed ourselves," but there is a certain quality to "going out" once in a while. One of the things we really enjoy while on Stateside Assignment (STAS) is helping out with Vacation Bible School. Last summer's "Rickshaw Rally: Race to the Son" was enjoyable, and it looks like this coming summer's themes will be even better (although we won't be around to help): Ramblin’ Road Trip or Club VBS Beach Blast. Once again, brigada.com has come through with a great tool! SHORT TERM MISSION TRIP PLANNING WEB SITE -- Kevin Paszalek (long time Brigada participant and contributor) has developed a web site to help churches plan short term mission trips. The site contains mountains of helpful information, links to other sources and suppliers, free planning tools and a few products developed out of Kevin's experience in preparing teams for short term missions. http://www.missiontriptools.com or email Kevin at bwana (at)missiontriptools(dot)com [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .] Finally, remember the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering coming up soon! Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You prayed with me over receiving clear direction on how to proceed with the Prayer Garden. The architect had said we'd need "$50,000" just to get started, and I mentioned to you that I'd like to see something happen while we're waiting for that amount to arrive... I've often noticed the opportunities God gives me to exercise patience, and this looks like another one. + Shirin was having some pain in her foot and appreciated your prayers for a quick and thorough recovery... she writes, "Your prayers were answered. My foot felt much better after staying off of it for a day." + You prayed for Shirin and Jasmine as they went to the Lazarus Girls Home last Friday. Shirin had been asked to teach some girls cross stitch. Jasmine would be helping the girls learn to make decorated sugar cookies. They planned to talk about Valentine's Day and God's unfailing love for us... Shirin writes, "We felt your prayer support as we read 1 Corinthians 13 to the girls. The girls also had a great time making and eating cookies with us." + Jasmine's first filling was last week, so Shirin and I coveted your intercession to allow Jasmine to have a "good experience" in the dental chair... oh, and did she ever! During our nightly prayer time together, she thanked God "for all the people who prayed for me." Thank you for touching her life :-) <T H I S W E E K><<>< Ask God to use the most recent set of volunteers for His glory as they do "whatever it takes." <>< Join me in praying for a productive time away from home. <>< Shirin and Jasmine will be visiting the Lazarus Home for Girls this Friday to help some girls with English and cross stitching. Pray with them that they will use all opportunities to share how God is making a difference in their lives. >< Pray for the Kui of Thailand.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 23, computer ‘health’ * So far, so good! Thanks for praying!24, Jasmine’s “witness” to the children * She prays for her friends, a good start to talking with them about Jesus.25, Shirin’s mom to become His follower * Not yet :-(26, Ask God to bless you, our intercessors * I can hardly wait to see/hear what He's doing!27, A worshipful experience * Sometimes I forget to look in the simplest of places, but today I found His work in Jasmine.28, Hanni’s salvation * Sad to say - not yet :-(1, May our main focus be only on Jesus this month. * A new month has such freshness, and so we desire our love for Him to be better each day! |