Although this year's Southern Baptist Convention has come to a close, you can still watch each session online at www.sbcannualmeeting.net One of my favorites was Wednesday's 6pm session. The "executive summary" is over at http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?ID=21070 I, for one, am glad to see a convention fairly void of "controversy" with what looks to be like a future emphasis on the main thing: evangelism. Pretty soon we may take seriously Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations (not just the US)! A few other great links include the www.everyonecan.net site to help with personal evangelism; www.bpnews.net to catch up (and subscribe) to news related to Southern Baptists; and www.sbc.net to find out just who these people are. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Your ongoing intercession for the development of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem is greatly appreciated and needed each week. I was finishing the setting up of a computer in order to set up another one (long story) and came to appreciate the prayer to finish well while not being distracted by the computer to do the main thing... your intercession keeps me focused, and I covet that! + Shirin, Jasmine, and a co-worker went to the Lazarus Home for Girls, and you prayed with them as they did a craft with the girls and shared God's love with them... Shirin writes, "God heard your prayers. We had a great time playing games and completing a craft that they can hang on the wall. I had an opportunity to share part of my testimony with a dorm mother. Jasmine was able to befriend a new girl and her three sisters and one brother. The children were brought to the home because their mother killed their father and no other family members wanted them." + Jasmine and Shirin were invited to dinner in the Old City by a lady who is interested in God's message, and you prayed with them that the lady would clearly hear the message and make a positive step in accepting Jesus... Shirin continues, "Thank you for praying. Jasmine and I along with some other like-minded ladies were able to love on the two beautiful children. Shirin was able to share John 14:6 as well as how much God wants to have a relationship with all of us. We know it will take a lot of prayer and sharing of the Word for this family to know the truth. We know God will draw them to Himself in His time." <T H I S W E E K><<>< A volunteer who has forgotten more about computers than I may ever know is supposed to be here this week to help with the Prayer Center network, so ask God to bring him safely that His work may be accomplished. <>< Shirin and Jasmine will be at the Girls Home this week and ask you to pray for God's Spirit to move those who need to know Him. <>< Jasmine celebrates her special day every 30th, and this week is no exception. As Jasmine gets older and begins to put thoughts together, ask God to speak to her heart about walking with Him fully. <>< Please join Jasmine in praying that she will have a good first week of fun camp. >< Pray for a church planting movement among the Kanarese.> CALENDAR UPDATES <If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 22, Join us in giving thanks for you :-) * You are a precious intercessor for whom we gave thanks as we reviewed the distribution list.23, Work safety in the Prayer Garden * The weeds are coming back a month after a team from West Virginia knocked them out, and I'm going to try my hand at roundup.24, Pray for “ROM-ee’s salvation. * I would see him on the 25th for a haircut, appreciating your intercession; unfortunately, he was once again unresponsive.25, Pray for Ariel Sharon’s salvation. * Oh, what a day that will be :-)26, Pray for revival. * Oh, to see the church ignited by His love!27-28, Ask God for more people to catch the vision of the Prayer Center. * Some friends are working on a site that may help, but it's word of mouth that'll really do it! |