I was deeply encouraged by a recent article and hope you will be as well: Fathers that rock: the solid foundation for families. As most of you probably know, I served as a minister of education for two-and-a-half years before being appointed as a career worker with our company. Shirin volunteered in the church as a children's Sunday School teacher and led the Girls in Action weekly missions studies. We were sent to the Gaza Baptist Church to assist with her development and (ultimately) reproduction. We would do pretty much what we did in the US but in a different culture (once we had a good handle on Arabic <g>). I have some of the fondest memories of those quick six years before 9/11, an event that forever changed my life. One of the joys I had as a church developer was building a website that would help track a Palestinian led church planting movement. A few national co-workers were eager to learn the names and locations of every city, town, village, and refugee camp where Palestinians lived; unfortunately, the site didn't stay active long enough for them to reap its benefits. One of those men asked me for the site, so I dug out some old backup discs where I'd kept the site. "Magdi" moved to another city before I had a chance to get the CD to him, but I kept it tucked away. Imagine his surprise when we saw each other Wednesday! "I thought you were gone," he said. I told him I was still here and I had a surprise for him. "You remembered after all this time?" was his surprised inquiry. "You may not believe this, but I've been praying for this lately, and here it is. God is bringing everything together." I read this in a recent "Brigada Today" newsletter and thought you'd appreciate it: A NEW QUESTION: THE NAMA/DAMARA PEOPLE OF NAMIBIA IN AFRICA -- While on a research trip among the Nama/Damara, one believer encountered three young men. He asked them what they would do when they stand before God after they die. These young men had never heard such a question. They gave all their attention to hearing the Gospel. They eagerly prayed and asked Jesus to save them and be their Lord. Pray for the Lord to build prayer support and call workers for the Nama/Damara, an unengaged people. To adopt the Nama/Damara people for prayer or for more information, please visit http://www.forgottenpeoples.info or email swacsc(at)iafrica(dot)com For a free subscription to Brigada's weekly missions publication, write brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and/or visit Brigada on the web at www.brigada.org I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Jasmine was in her first week of school and already I had to reinforce what we believe about prayer. Her religion teacher wanted all of the girls to repeat the "Model Prayer," so I had the chance to help her learn about "vain repetitions" (Matthew 6:7 ). You prayed that I would "do what's right" when it comes to handling these issues of conflicting authorities... we met with her teachers during an "Open House" and came up with a way to convey our convictions while lending her teacher our support. Your prayers made the difference, and we thank you! + For the three years that we have lived in the little Arab village outside of Jerusalem we have been praying for people to become followers of Christ. Last week we started hearing about individuals who were interested in hearing about God's plan for them. You prayed with Shirin and a co-laborer as they visited two ladies in the village who have expressed some interest in knowing God. You prayed that the ladies hearts would be opened to receive Christ... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying as we could feel the Lord's presence. The lady that we visited was in her late fifties with a husband who has been in a wheelchair for ten years. The children were all home from school because the teachers were on strike. As you can imagine the one-room house was buzzing with excitement as everyone come in to see the strangers. We had a brief time sharing a story about the man who built his house on good ground with the children as they colored. I was able to share with the ladies how God called me and Scott to be parents. After a while another one of the male members of the family arrived, causing us to change direction in our conversations. We will return to this precious family again and know that the Holy Spirit goes before us preparing their hearts to accept the Savior. Please continue to pray as He puts them on your hearts." + Jasmine asked to have a good day at school each day last week. She knows the difference your intercession makes and says she had lots of good days! Thank you for praying for her. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott is having a tough time dealing with conflicting emotions and could use specific intercession to know how to handle them for His best outcome. <>< Shirin and a co-worker will be visiting the director of the Lazarus Home for a time of prayer. Join them in praying for the girls to adjust easily to the new school year. Please also pray for two little girls who have some health issues as the schools are refusing to accept them. <>< Jasmine has been having a hard time concentrating and could use some pointed intercession in that direction. ><Pray for the Brahman of India.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 7, Remember to pray for the ladies attending the Bible Study in the Old City of Jerusalem to know Jesus personally or to grow in their faith. * Thank you for continuing to praying for the ladies. Ramadan will be starting next so we and the ladies need all the spiritual prayer you have to help them stay strong during this Muslim holiday.8, Ask God to show us how to balance time between personal spiritual growth, family, and ministry. * Wow, this is going to be an ongoing need!9, Ask God to use Shirin and Jasmine to minister to the girls at the Lazarus Girls Home in biblical Bethany. * Your prayers have been helpful in opening opportunities to share our beliefs with the girls and staff at the home. Thank you!10, Pray that we would stay healthy. * So far, so good! Thank you for praying.11, Pray for those in need of healing. * Many whose lives have been effected by 9/11 still need wounds to turn to scars.12-13, Ask God to prepare the hearts of mothers with whom Shirin can share the Good News. * Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. I have met a few mothers and am trying to find openings me our conversation to share with them." |