A GCC co-worker wrote the following in a recent newsletter, and I'm sharing it with his permission. I thought you might appreciate his perspective: Israel's leaving Gaza can be part of "give life and receive it," but there are unknown elements at work as well, such as Sharon's real motive. Some "thinkers" suggest that this is a ploy that will prove the Palestinians cannot govern themselves successfully and that the future will justify Israel's continued domination of the majority of the West Bank. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know that the majority of Israel does not care about Gaza anyway. To them, it is just a sore point of conflict. It is a minority of settlers (religious people who reject Jesus Christ) that demand its continued occupation. There is no practical reason for Israel to hold onto the area. Some "thinkers" suggest that Gaza will soon explode with violence under PA control, and Palestinian elements will kill each other. If so, that would be a positive thing for Israel politically. So the motive may not be to "give life," and it could even backfire on Israel some future day. If the motive is genuine, then yes, Israel can expect the Lord to defend them for a season of rest. (Blessed are the peacemakers.) HOWEVER, it is only a temporary reprieve. Israel is charged to follow Jesus Christ just as we are. As long as they continue to walk in disobedience, they should expect a day of judgment. In the end, the Lord will pour out his spirit (Zech. 12, 13, 14), but getting there is going to be tough for the people of Israel. As far as theology that teaches what happens to natural Israel happens to the Church, this is credible, but for different reasons usually preached. If we, as a community of believers, continue to unconditionally support Israel in their disobedience, we can expect to suffer as a result of that. Much of the Christian Church world is blinded to what the Lord is really doing in and to Israel, and we are therefore encouraged to support their unrighteousness for the sake of keeping God's favor. There is a lot wrong with that, and the Church, as well as our natural country the USA, stands in harms way because of that unconditional support. We should be evangelizing Israel instead of covering her sins for the sake of personal gain. I found this to be an interesting article on the Gaza evacuation. If you've already subscribed to receive Baptist Press updates, then you've seen these stories; if not, today is a good day to subscribe! * After Gaza pullout, Jerusalem looms as key issue for Israeli-Palestinian peace. * WorldCrafts ministry expands via website, new catalog. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You prayed with me that the architect would make ready the "breakdown" of the future donor's list so we could make it easy for people to be part of what God wants to do through the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem... I saw him the Saturday we picked up Jasmine's Schmidt School books and heard him say he was "delayed." Do keep praying. + Shirin was looking for a couch last week, and nothing usually ever gets done in a day here. You prayed with us that we would find the right couch and that we'd be able to share the Good News with another stranger... there's quite a story of prayer behind this. The night before we looked for the couch, Jasmine asked God to "lead us to the couch You want us to have," and He answered her prayer that day. The lady who helped us get the couch expressed no interest in what we had to say; however, our landlord was amazed at such an answer. + Jasmine was supposed to get her 1st grade books last week, an opportunity to see friends again. You prayed that she would have another "good memory" as she saw those for whom she's been praying... she was a bit disappointed that she didn't see her best friend; however, I could see the excitement on her face as she thought of a new school year. <T H I S W E E K><<>< I don't want to miss out on what God is doing, so pray with me that I would see Him at work in a special way this week. <>< Shirin requests daily prayer as she prepares Jasmine's homeschooling lessons, especially that Jasmine would learn to do her best at all times. <>< Pray with Jasmine as she prepares for 1st grade within two weeks. Ask God to relieve any anxiety she may be facing. >< Pray for the Bengali Hindus of India.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 17-18, Pray for more progress to be made at the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem (IPCJ). * Each week we've been updating the home page with a new people group, and the Prayer Garden "potential" is being well kept.19-20, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6) * With the news of the activity in Gaza, this is more of a pressing request.21-23, Ask God to bear witness to His word among the service station attendants with whom we frequent. * I need to find these guys when business is slow! |