“One day when we’re in His presence and He speaks of His activity in our generation, we don’t want to wonder how we could have missed it. God has a creative place for every single one of us to participate in His global agenda,” someone once said. To read the 'rest of the story,' be sure to read about the incredible opportunity coming up in January over here. Another way to start is by visiting http://www.imb.org/globalresearch/ to see where we are in relation to what we're supposed to be doing. I mean, Jesus did say we were to make disciples of all nations/people groups. Find a people group on one of those pages and begin praying over them. Who knows, God may lead you to be the first person to share His word with them! Speaking of which, a sister site of www.prayer-center.org is being developed that will allow you to make known your commitment to be an intercessor for a specific people group. Once the site is fine tuned and tweaked you'll hear about here! Hey, remember... if you set yourself on fire, people will come watch you burn. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You joined me in asking God for greater exposure of the Prayer Center so the unreached would gain advocacy... some people from the Southwestern News were here so, hopefully, we'll see the exposure needed. Until then - tell your friends! (Be sure to check the end of this page for an incredible testimony to His moving!) + We had a parent-teacher conference last week and Shirin asked that you'd pray that we'd gain a clearer understanding of Jasmine's needs from her teacher's perspective... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. It is always hard to hear that your angel is not behaving like one. All of Jasmine's teachers agreed she is very smart and that she is not always paying attention to the teacher as she should. Jasmine also has gotten into the culture so much that she hits, pushes and shouts with the best of them. After meeting with her teachers we were able to talk with Jasmine at a high level for a six-year-old about her behavior. We were able to remind her of what is acceptable behavior. I really believe Jasmine was wanting us to help her bring her behavior under control, but she just didn't know how to ask." + Jasmine wanted you to know that her school has a new snack bar, and she was having a little trouble with all the pushing and shoving. She asked that she'd have a good week this last week and knew your praying would make a difference... Jasmine says "there's still pushing and shoving," but she says she still had a good week. She and her classmates also received an inoculation from the local health department. She asks that you continue to pray for the pushing and shoving plus for her sore arm to get better. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Scott is recovering from a rather difficult week and needs clear direction from God concerning upcoming events. <>< Please pray with Shirin and a co-worker about how to share the Christmas message with the girls and staff at the Lazarus Home. <>< Jasmine invited a school friend and her family to Thanksgiving dinner. Join us in praying that this family will open their hearts to the Creator and follow His message. >< Pray for the Hausa of Nigeria.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 16, traveling safety on the roads * We remain safe thanks to your intercession; in fact, we're in the process of having to acquire local drivers licenses and could use the ongoing intercession for all that surrounds this.17, Pray for the ladies meeting in the Old City as it helps the ladies grow in their faith. * Shirin writes, "Your prayers were felt. The meeting was about obeying God and the women acted very receptive to wanting to follow the Lord. We have seen new ladies attending and continue to encourage the older members to help the newcomers."18, Pray for the girls and staff of the Lazarus Home to know Jesus. * Shirin writes, "The Lord is doing great things at the home. All of the big finical needs have been met this year. When other difficulties rise God seems to bring people at the right time to meet the needs. I am continually pointing out how God is the Great Provider and loves them very much. Join me in praying these seeds will fall on good soil and take root and grow."19, Pray that the Good News be spread throughout the West Bank and Gaza. * I'm glad the spreading of the Good News is *not* dependent on local Internet connections >:-(20, Pray for the checkpoint into Bethlehem to remain open, allowing access for those to worship. * The wall continues to engulf Bethlehem and the checkpoint's openness is unpredictable. Today was okay!21-22, Pray for Jasmine and her friends to be safe in school. * Wow, are we learning a lot about Jasmine and her behavior at school! Her concern for their safety seems to stem from her perception of how they treat one another.----- Original Message ----- From: G
Hi, Twinnie: (Linda) It seems the Lord is on the move. Today I received another mail from Anne where she wrote, between other things, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have so much to tell you. Today I went to meeting and my new Mauritius friends Brenda and her husband (pastor) Dave, prayed over me and “commissioned” me as intercessor for Seychelles. Their prayer was very powerful and I could feel the Lord’s hand upon me. I’ve shared about IPCJ with Brenda and I will be sending her the link to the website so they can look it up when they’re back in Mauritius on Saturday. Another amazing thing happened. Last night before going to bed I prayed that the Lord will send the right intercessors for IPCJ. At the meeting there was a young coloured lady sitting at the next table. As she was getting up to leave, our eyes crossed and I asked her where she was from. She replied “Kenya”. I asked “Are you an intercessor?” and she replied “yes”. I got up and we approached each other and I shared with her about IPCJ and her eyes watered. She’s a university student here and is already interceding for her country (It was her first time at Aglow and my second). She leaves for Kenya on Thursday but we will keep in touch by email until she returns in January when we hope to get together and pray. I do believe she’s the one the Lord wants to intercede for Kenya. I will send her the link to the IPCJ so she can look up the website. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You see, dear, the Lord has started to move. Anne is very sensitive to the Lord. It's just the beginning for 234 nations! Will you sign up for the US? Or have you someone in mind? In the meantime I'll will go on praying that the Lord chooses whom He wants in the IPCJ. Love you bunches. G |