I guess I knew it would happen sooner or later: carpal tunnel syndrome. While it's not official, I've begun to get the tingling in the left hand and arm. Looks like my 30-40 sent e-mails a day will, uh, be dropping in number :-( Please know that I'll keep my promise of staying in touch with you, even if I am a bit slow :*-) Did you see this year's free Pocket Prayer Guide? One of the things we've been teaching Jasmine is how to be a good listener. Once her natural child like self-centeredness matures, I hope she'll put into practice some of the things at this website along with the things we've modeled for her. I know I sometimes feel this way, and I thought you might also: Microsoft Says PC Users Drowning in Info Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Jasmine had another break from school for Greek Orthodox Easter, so you prayed with us as we planned a family outing during this time... our first visit back to Gaza since 9/11 was wrought with emotions. Your intercession paved the way for a memorable excursion, and we thank you! + Jasmine had another appointment with the doctor for her plantar's wart, and you asked God to bring about healing... things are improving, but Jasmine will have regular bi-weekly appointments to have the liquid nitrogen freeze it away. + Shirin was to be going to the Girls Home in Bethany to help some girls with English, so you prayed with her that the girls would be open to hear that God loves them... Jasmine and I had a great time with the girls. In class I was able to read a book about praying to God to thank Him for helping us and the people around us. The girls liked the story so much they want to hear it again next week. Thank you for praying. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Ask God to speak to the heart of a young man with whom Scott has been sharing the Good News. They share an interest in computers, and Scott has "crossed the bridge" to share the message of forgiveness. Join us in praying to see his spirit awakened by what God has done so the work of discipleship may begin. <>< Please pray with Shirin and the other leaders of the ladies Bible study in the Old City that the Easter story will be clearly presented. Also, pray that the ladies will make a clear decision to follow the one true God. <>< Jasmine's final month of being 5 could use an extra measure of grace, so continue to pray for her spiritual insights. ><Pray for the Vietnamese people.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 27-29, Ask God to grant travel mercies to the volunteers coming next month. * I know they'll appreciate your intercession! Thanks for praying.30, Jasmine’s last month to be 5! * We can see the transition of going into early childhood, and we think she's prepared!1, May we continue to give Him the firstfruits of our lives this month. * We worshiped with the Gaza Baptist Church this day, and what a joy it was to see those with whom I invested so much time.2, Perseverance to finish the Monthly Report. * Your prayers helped with the monthly barrage of paperwork, and now it's time to find an open post office!3, Ask God to prepare the ladies in the Old City to receive His Word. * Thank you for praying for God to soften the ladies hearts. We have seen a few ladies really want to grow in their faith, which is a real answer to prayer. |