13-19 April 05


29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05
12-18 January 05
19-25 January 05
26 Jan-1 Feb 05
2-8 February 05
9-15 February 05
16-22 February 05
23 Feb-1 March 05
2-15 March 05
16-22 March 05
23-29 March 05
30 March-5 April 05
6-12 April 05
13-19 April 05
20-26 April 05
27 Apr-3 May 05
4-10 May 05
11-17 May 05
18-24 May 05
25-31 May 05
1-7 June 05
8-14 June 05
15-21 June 05
22-28 June 05
29 June-5 July 05
6-12 July 05
13-19 July 05
20-26 July 05
27 July-2 August 05
3-9 August 05
10-16 August 05
17-23 August 05
24-30 August 05
31 Aug-6 Sept 05
7-13 September 05
14-20 September 05
21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
5-11 October 05
12-25 October 05
26 Oct-1 Nov 05
2-8 November 05
9-15 November 05
16-22 November 05
23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

Usually "a priest, a rabbi, and an imam" beginning sounds like a joke; however, this bit of news is far from being a joke: In Jerusalem, 'gay pride' festival sparks opposition from 3 faiths

I remember, too, how the end of the world comes about: fire. The first destruction was by water when only Noah and his family believed God. Some have often thought of "nuclear" stuff as being the way to see the world destroyed by fire, but I don't think God needs our help. I caught an advertisement for a volcano and thought you might find it of interest. I wonder if God has these strategically placed throughout the world?

MSN Messenger 7.0 is the latest version of Microsoft's "instant communication" tool. You're probably aware of my Hotmail address since the Wednesday Weekly comes to most of you by that address; however, just add gsterry13 to the Hotmail.com ending and there I am. After you've downloaded and installed MSN Messenger 7.0, add me to your Contact list and, who knows, we may get to chat online! I'm still working out some audio bugs with the headset, but you should be able to see our room through the webcam. (Update... I've been having trouble signing on, but I think eventually it will work.)

Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Shirin's sister is visiting with us this week. You asked God to give her a safe, uneventful flight plus you prayed that she would become a follower of Jesus while she's with us... God gave her the first part; however, she still has yet to become His follower.

+ I felt inundated with numerous unfinished projects, wanting to finish each one and could have used your intercession to "get through it" while not missing *any* opportunity to clarify things for Shirin's sister... oh, what a feeling of relief came when "most" of those projects saw significant progress. While I "got through it" this time around, those same projects will come around again. I appreciate your intercession for me while Shirin's sister was here and wish I had good news :-(

+ You joined us in praying over Jasmine's only child syndrome and the influence she's receiving from local school children in terms of "speaking properly to adults"... hmm, well, she's making progress, and I believe it's on account of your intercession!

+ You prayed for the Easter party on Thursday afternoon. The party was for non-Christians and the gospel was shared. You joined us in asking God to open the hearts of the women and children to the gospel message and asking for protection from the evil one who is always trying to take God's message and distort it... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. There were many women and children in attendance. The gospel message was presented and lots of Christian material was picked up by the women. In the future, believers will visit the women for follow up and discipleship. It is so wonderful to see God moving, even when there is so much discouragement all around us."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Children's Camps will soon be taking place, and we're looking for God to speak to their hearts for salvation, discipleship, and future places of service. Join us now in praying for these children to encounter God in a life changing experience.

<>< Please pray for Shirin's sister to have a safe flight back to her home.

<>< Jasmine has a possible plantar wart, something far from fun for a five-year-old. Ask God to use the doctor to take care of it.

>< Pray for Southern Thai peoples.>


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

6-7, Join us in praying for lost family members.

* Your intercession will not be in vain!

8, Ali’s salvation

* It hasn't happened yet, but I believe he's closer; however, an inch is as good (bad) as a mile in this case :-(

9, As Jews prepare for Passover later this month, ask God to speak to their hearts so they will turn to Him.

* I'm not seeing any evidence of this *yet,* but there's still hope!

10-12, Pray for the Bible studies in the Old City of Jerusalem to touch lives.

* It is a slow process, but God is faithful and the ladies are aware of Him working in their lives daily.



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