Watching the updates on Hurricane Katrina brought back memories of losing our home to a flood in 1972; fortunately, then President Nixon wasn't blamed for it. We have numerous Wednesday Weekly Wintercessors in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, plus in surrounding states. Please know you were remembered this past week and will be lifted up in the coming days. LifeWay has produced some resources to help with questions. Some precious friends we've known for eleven years but have yet to meet in person have had their lives changed by the disaster, and I'm asking you to join me in a special time of prayer for them as they write: "We are safe and staying with my mom in Lafayette, LA. God has really protected us. Our home is still standing, with just a little water damage that we'll have to deal with later. Our parish is still under an evacuation order and we were only able to check on the house and then leave. There will not be any water, gas, or electricity for at least 2-6 months, so we'll be here for a long time. We enrolled Zach in school here today, and are awaiting news of our jobs in New Orleans. We may have to find new jobs here. **Please pray that we will have no question in understanding what God wants us to do. We are open to whatever He wants, but a really big sign would be nice!" Jasmine was quite happy to pick up her new uniform for the Schmidt School! She has been counting the days until school begins and looks forward to seeing friends again. Lailat al-Ma'raj, the Islamic holiday commemorating Muhammad's alleged flight from Medina to Jerusalem, kept school from starting on September 1. Friday is a usual day off (as is Sunday), so she started school on Saturday. She was quite excited! May it continue :-) Many of you have commented on how you enjoy the links I share. Well, get ready! Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa The Commission Magazine (online) Just in time for Thanksgiving: a gospel tract sharing the origin of Thanksgiving! Finally, someone shared this reminder this week, and I thought you'd appreciate it, too: Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118. Add up these numbers and they equal 1188. Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? Q: Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word! Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)? I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ I had been experiencing a lot more aggravation and irritation than usual, and it seemed to be taking its toll emotionally, physically, and spiritually so you prayed with me to its end... wow, could I tell the difference! Once again your intercession has changed my life. Thank you for praying so specifically! + Shirin and an other co-worker asked you to join them in praying for other ways to share the gospel with the girls in the Lazarus home. They had asked the director if they could start a cooking class with some older girls. The director was agreeable at first but then changed her mind... Shirin writes, "Thank you for joining us in prayer. We have started focusing our prayer on the girls we want to meet with while we wait on the Lord's guidance. At this time the director is busy getting the girls situated in school and back into the home's routine." + Jasmine asked that you'd pray for her best friend Nana to know Jesus... it hasn't happened yet, but Nana has a good friend in Jasmine! <T H I S W E E K><<>< Jasmine is in her first week of school and already I've had to reinforce what we believe about prayer. Her religion teacher wants all of the girls to repeat the "Model Prayer," so I had the chance to help her learn about "vain repetitions" (Matthew 6:7 ). Pray that I would "do what's right" when it comes to handling these issues of conflicting authorities. <>< For the three years that we have lived in the little Arab village outside of Jerusalem we have been praying for people to become followers of Christ. We are now starting to hear about individuals who are interested in hearing about God's plan for them. Please pray with Shirin and a co-laborer today as they visit two ladies in the village who have expressed some interest in knowing God. Pray that the ladies hearts will be opened to receive Christ. <>< Jasmine asks to have a good day at school each day this week. She knows the difference your intercession makes :-) >< Pray for the Western Punjabi of Pakistan.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 31, travel safety * Your intercession makes a difference. Thank you!1, Pray for Jasmine as she starts 1st Grade at the Schmidt School. * As I mentioned above, an Islamic holiday delayed the start of school. We will, however, accept these 'advance' prayers as she's starting to feel a bit nervous - you remember that, don't you?2, Jasmine has a day off already. Pray for concentration. * She's having a tough time paying attention and focusing, so your intercession is deeply appreciated.3, Back to school for Jasmine! Pray for her teachers. * She has several teachers this year and each one comes to her room. She's still learning their names and what they help her learn.4, May we have a day of worship. * Jasmine learned more about prayer as we talked about the different ways she has seen people pray.5-6, As Jasmine meets new friends and reacquaints with old ones, pray that they would know Jesus. * Jasmine is already known as a classmate who tells the truth. Perhaps the seeds she plants will soon come to fruition!Dear friends: As I watch the news of famine in Africa, blazes in Europe, stampedes in the Mid-East and now Katrina, I can only remind you and myself of Jesus words: "Watch and Pray." As you know, Ramadan will be here in one month (Oct 5 - Nov 3). We need to continue to pray for the Muslim world too. Booklets are now available in some 42 languages sent from some 32 distribution centers around the world. You can check for a language and country near you on this page. Also, I have some updated aids to promote 30-days in your church or mission. You can find those on this page. The Children's Edition (English) is available from this link too. --- Please pass this email along to everyone you can. I would especially appreciate it if email lists such as brigada-today and others could get this information. To subscribe to the email list to receive the Ramadan prayer material, send any email to: 30-days-subscribe@bfp-listen.de Lastly, I know that this is not the best time to remind you that we desperately need more funds to distribute more booklets - but yes we do. You can find out how best to donate via this page. Thank you for standing with us. Tell others they should not, "Watch and be discouraged", "watch and criticize" or "watch and give up", but rather, "watch and pray!" --- Again, for donations (tax receipts issued for the USA and Canada), the USA address has changed from the POBox office in CA to: Ripe for Harvest 201 Checks MUST be payable to Ripe for Harvest "201" or earmarked "30-days" otherwise they will not reach us! Blessings, Ron : email: 30-days@xodigo.com |