11-17 October 06


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27-31 December 06

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ Scott asked for prayer as he and Jasmine celebrated her ninth month of following Jesus October 5, praying specifically that she would recognize her role in His Kingdom...wow, what a day! We had a wonderful time celebrating His goodness. I heard Jasmine talk about "big plans" for her future. Thanks for praying!

+ Shirin, Jasmine and some co-workers would be doing some activities with the girls at the Girls' Home in Bethany last week, and you joined them in praying that the songs, Bible story and crafts would speak clearly about God's plan for each girl's life...Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. We were able to tell the girls that God loves them and that He cares for them like a shepherd cares for his sheep. The girls enjoyed their time of singing, playing games and coloring pictures. As we were getting ready to go and after the Director thanked us for coming, she told us we were changing the world. I ask her to explain more. She said we were showing the girls love, respect and that people who are different from them can still care about them."

+ Jasmine asked that you pray for her studies to be honoring to God (and mom and dad <g>)... Jasmine says she has improved a great deal and is glad you prayed for her!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Once again Scott needs Divine Intervention in accomplishing an administrative (read: automotive) task. Pray, too, that he would find soemone open to the Good News as he sets out to accomplish this objective.

<>< Today Shirin found out one of her friends from Europe has breast cancer. Please join Shirin in praying that her friend will get all the tests needed in order to have her surgery next month. Shirin's friend also asked for prayer that her emotions and thoughts would always be on God and His will. As Shirin talked with her friend she mentioned how she was able to witness to her doctor and people in the waiting room this past week.

<>< Jasmine asks prayer to help in learning how to share her testimony in Arabic.

<* Pray for the Mali of India.><

Fred Langa shared a humorous site:

If you have children raised on broadband who can't imagine a slow dial-up connection to the Internet, the 56k Modem Emulator Web site (http://www.lazylaces.com/56Kmodem/ ) will help them do so with the sights and sounds of going online circa 1996. It's not a real 56k modem, but an incredible simulation.


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