15-21 February 06


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27-31 December 06

Philippians 4:6 came into focus as I began fixing, repairing, and rebuilding the first of nine computers Wednesday morning. It seemed as soon as I sent the Wednesday Weekly, He heard :-)

As you well know, I thoroughly enjoy reading Baptist Press articles and pass along ones I think you'll find helpful; of course, you can always subscribe for yourself and see what I'm not sending <g>. This article on the Cooperative Program is quite good, complete with a flow chart: How the Cooperative Program works.

I enjoy comic strips as much as the next person; however, if I draw one that accuses you of having a bad temper and you yell at me, what has been proven? Somewhere in the midst of these things, "true colors" are being displayed.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Scott needed an extra measure of grace as he, uh, "fixed" about nine computers last week. You prayed, too, that he keep his eyes open for opportunities to tell of the One Who fixed his life... while I've been able to tell a local computer guy how you've been praying for him, the progress is slow; however, at least there is progress.

+ You prayed with us that Jasmine would stay focused at her schools (local and home) and stay healthy as she deals with wiggly and coming in teeth... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. The tooth that is wiggling the most just does not want to fall out. Jasmine is doing well handling the discomfort and working better at her school work."

+ Jasmine asked for your prayers to do well on her studies... Jasmine thanks you for praying and says she's doing well.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< With relatively no light at the end of the computer tunnel, Scott asks that he be reminded daily of the end result of fixing these things.

<>< Shirin will start going to an exercise gym and asks that you join her in praying for situations to share her faith.

<>< Jasmine asks for your intercession that will allow her to do well on upcoming evaluations.

<* Pray for the Arabs of Iraq.><



<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

8, Pray for travel safety as we walk and drive.

* How reassuring it is to know you're praying :-)

9, Ask God to bring more ladies to Himself thru the Bible study in the Old City.

* Shirin writes, "Your prayers are such an encouragement when I tell the ladies that people are praying for their walk with Jesus. This week we will have another Bible study in the Old City."

10, Pray for the girls and staff members at the Lazarus Home to know Jesus as Saviour. Only the Director has a Christian background.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. The Director invited me and Jasmine to the home's ninth anniversary party two weeks from today and said she was happy to have us involved with the girls home."

11, Give thanks for the website volunteer team as they work on the People Group Enlistment website coming soon!

* Yes, it's worth mentioning over and over on account of the great work that went in to it thanks to FS, LC, and LV! www.ipcj.org

12, We are ever so grateful for your tithe as part of it goes to our direct support.

* Amen! We can concentrate on the needs around us while thinking the Giver of all good gifts!

13, clean water

* No tap water here, but we're grateful for Brita filter$!

14, Pray for Shirin as she contacts mothers at Jasmine's school.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. I did have a chance to befriend a mother earlier this school year; unfortunately, the family recently moved. Your ongoing prayers over this matter will be greatly appreciated."


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