4-10 October 06


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27-31 December 06

Your ongoing intercession for our part of the world is vital, especially in light of this particular article: Churchill warns of Islamic threat, recounts grandfather’s legacy.

Thanks for being faithful to pray!

As always, I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Use this link to Pray for The Unreached People Group of the Hour

* Use this link to Pray for Scott, Shirin, and Jasmine

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You joined Scott in seeing more progress come to the Prayer Center last week...several of us gathered together to brainstorm ideas and, wow, are things gonna move soon! Thanks for being faithful to pray!

+ You continued praying for the opportunity God has given Shirin and a co-worker to reach a group of women with the Good News... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying it was greatly felt. We had a good first meeting with the ladies and they are looking forward to having us meet with them again. Please remember to pray for these ladies for the next three Wednesdays in October."

+ Jasmine was asking for her friends to come to know Jesus and asked specific prayer for Nana, Kahtia, Rupina, Jessica, Ala, Aya, Rusha, Loona, Deema, Joyce, Sarah, and Melek...Jasmine appreciates your prayers and ask that you continue.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Scott asks for prayer as he and Jasmine celebrate her ninth month of following Jesus tomorrow, praying specifically that she would recognize her role in His Kingdom.

<>< Shirin, Jasmine and some co-workers will be doing some activities with the girls at the Girls' Home in Bethany this week. Join them in praying that the songs, Bible story and crafts will speak clearly about God's plan for each girl's life.

<>< Jasmine asks that you pray for her studies to be honoring to God (and mom and dad <g>.)

<* Pray for the Lingayat of India.><



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