18-24 January 06


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The online version of the Prayer Center continues to make improvements including this latest addition.

Real quick, Shirin is sharing a recent devotional thought located at the bottom of this page and trusts it will speak to your heart. BTW, her birthday is coming up Monday. No doubt, she'd welcome a greeting at snjfaye (at) bigfoot (dot) com

Finally, I thought you'd find this article appealing: Does Israel still matter?

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You prayed over various meetings regarding the Prayer Center last week (Wed, Sat) that positive, clear direction would be given and long awaited answers would come... well, Wednesday's meeting was canceled - that was certainly disappointing as I was hoping to hear that positive, clear direction I need (hmm, think I heard it anyway?). Saturday's meeting got bumped off due to the architect's overscheduling - anybody out there wanna come over to design the Garden while we're waiting <g>?

+ Shirin wrote, "Jasmine has been invited to a school friend's birthday party. Join Jasmine in praying that her friend will know Jesus and that Jasmine can share Jesus with her friend"... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. Jasmine had a wonderful time at the birthday party. Jasmine was not able to verbally share her testimony, but she shared with her friend how she appreciates her friendship."

+ Jasmine asked prayer for helping her be rested and ready for the beginning of school Monday... Jasmine says the beginning of school was "great!" She was quite rested and ready for school and appreciates your intercession.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Scott is asking for wisdom to handle each of this week's conversations.

<>< Join Shirin in praying for the ladies Bible study in the Old City that they will clearly understand what God has done for them.

<>< Jasmine wants her friends to know more about God and she's ready to tell them. She asks that you pray for them to know Jesus.

<* Pray for the Algerian Arabs of Algeria.><



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11, Pray for Jasmine to have good concentration at the local Schmidt School and in homeschool.

* She won't be at the Schmidt School for a few days; however, her concentration at Jasmine Elementary (A Beka homeschool) was phenomenal! Thank you for praying.

12, Ask God to bring more ladies to Himself thru the Bible study in the Old City.

* Shirin writes, "Your prayers are being heard. We are seeing new faces at the Bible study and it is exciting to watch them slowly understand God's gift for them."

13, Pray for Akram’s salvation.

* How happy I will be to tell you when this happens.

14, Pray for Shirin as she contacts mothers at Jasmine's school.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. I have made some contacts and is looking forward to deeper relationships with them."

15, Pray for the girls and staff members at the Lazarus Home to know Jesus as Saviour. Only the Director has a Christian background.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for your ongoing prayers for the girls home. The director is allowing us to talk about Jesus a little more every holiday. The director is opening up more to me and is encouraged by prayer times together."

16, Jasmine as she shares Jesus with friends

* She shared Him with her best friend who said "my family believes something else." Continue asking God to reveal Himself to Jasmine's friends and the families of her friends.

17, Give thanks for the website volunteer team as they work on the People Group Enlistment website coming soon!

* www.ipcj.org gets better every day!


By Gail Rodgers

She stood on the Mount of Olives. A faint breeze touched her cheeks. The tour guide's voice faded as she took in her surroundings. This was the very place Jesus stood when He gave parting instructions to His followers! 

Her eyes took in the landscape below and the beautiful city of Jerusalem. She recalled the Scripture of Jesus weeping over that city. What great compassion He had for those whose hearts were far from Him. Her heart was stirred.

The tour guide's voice interrupted her thoughts. He was reading the final words of Jesus just before He returned to Heaven after His resurrection from the dead. It's "The Great Commission" from Matthew 28:18 - 20... "Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

She was challenged by the question that came next. "Imagine," said the tour guide, "that you are looking into the face of Jesus as He prepares to leave this earth.  Lovingly and with longing in His eyes, He asks you,  "What part of the Great Commission don't you understand?" " It's a thought-provoking question as we bustle through our hectic days. Do I care about bringing people to know Jesus?

As my friend shared her Mount of Olives experience with me I recalled the words of a wise preacher. His statement left its imprint on my heart many years ago. He said... "If your life as a Christian is not lived out on the wavelength of the Great   Commission -- then your life is irrelevant to God's plan for change in our world."

Irrelevant! Not a word I want to describe my life as a Christian. I want to understand this Great Commission in a fresh way and live my life empowered by God to share His love in my daily world.

As you go today, through the mundane and the specific, be challenged to allow the Holy Spirit to continually flow through you. As your life touches others with the compassion of Jesus you will be blessed. It's where you will find meaning.

You were created to be relevant to God's plan for change in our world!

~ Father God,

As I go about my day give me a fresh focus on what it means to "go" and make followers of You. Let my life become more relevant to Your purposes for me and for the world around me. Help me today. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.

Related Links

Check out these short-term missions opportunities: http://www.retirementwithapurpose.com/travel

About the Author

 Gail Rodgers has a passion for  discovering and sharing how the Scriptures apply in very practical ways  where we live and walk each day. She is a wife, mother  of three, businesswoman and  a pastor to women. She  resides in Alberta, Canada with her  family.  Click to order Gail's new devotional book,  Everything You Need  or visit  her web site at http://www.gailrodgers.ca.  Click to e-mail Gail!

----------End of Devotional Text----------

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