12-18 April 06


1-3 January 06
4-10 January 06
11-17 January 06
18-24 January 06
25-31 January 06
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8-14 February 06
15-21 February 06
22 Feb-7 Mar 06
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29 March-4 April 06
5-11 April 06
12-18 April 06
19-25 April 06
26 April-2 May 06
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31 May-6 June 06
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19 July-1 Aug 06
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27 Sep-3 Oct 06
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25-31 October 06
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8-14 November 06
15-21 November 06
22-28 November 06
29 Nov-5 Dec 06
6-12 December 06
13-19 December 06
20-26 December 06
27-31 December 06

Do you still like to play with a Frisbee

Most of this week was spent responding to people not doing their jobs correctly and consequently causing us to follow up (double up?). One example was Shirin's driver license. A few months ago we returned to the "local DMV" to request a corrected address where my license was received but Shirin's was not delivered. We wound up going halfway to the end of the world to track it down.

Another example was Jasmine's day off from school. Her schedule said Tuesday, but guess what happened when we got to school on Monday?! Details are important. Time would fail me to tell of the bank, grocery stores, post office, and service stations (ugh). I'm still looking for a silver lining in all of this :-(

I've been using a GPS enabled Pocket PC with local mapping software and had planned on ordering the Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 for this summer's Stateside Assignment (STAS); however, Shirin isn't exactly comfortable having to hold the laptop the whole time nor is she much for driving. I'd welcome any GPS advice you might have, particularly which make/model to purchase. As you've guessed, the GPS will primarily be used for driving. Feel free to share your tips and experiences!

More goodies:
‘Gospel of Judas’ is heresy & unreliable history, profs say

Responding to The Gospel of Judas

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Scott asked you to join him in praying for a 'great turnout' for this year's Day of Prayer & Fasting to be held at the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem. If you're in the neighborhood, drop by :-) Be sure to check http://ime.imb.org/dayofprayer/default.asp for more information and to order your free material.

+ Shirin and a co-worker would be involved in two outreach opportunities, so you joined them in praying that God would guide them in knowing where He is at work and how they can join Him in reaching the lost in our area... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. We were able to renew contacts with a Women's Center in a West Bank city. The Center has many hands-on needs that we can do in order to be invited into homes to share the gospel. We were also able to learn more about the needs of Bedouins in the Jerusalem area. The needs everywhere are so great and our strength and time are limited. We continually pray that God will show us where He is at work so we may join Him."

+ Jasmine asked that she would make a quick recovery from a cold she had been struggling with for a days...Jasmine says her cold is getting better but would like more prayer to be totally healed. 

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Scott wants to be supportive of Jasmine and Shirin while Jasmine is on Easter Break from the local Schmidt School. The home school "Jasmine Elementary," however, will still be in session.

<>< Shirin and a co-laborer will be hosting some visitors at the co-laborers house. Join them in praying that God's plan of salvation will be shared with the visitors

<>< Pray for Jasmine and her friends who are starting a school newspaper. Jasmine asks for God's guidance in what to write and to be able to write well for the newspaper. Jasmine also asks prayer for safety and protection for her friends during their school's Easter break.

<* Pray for the Jat of India.><


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5-8, Jasmine has been walking with Jesus for three months. Continue to pray for her growth .

* Shirin and I have noticed a change in Jasmine and are grateful for it. Jasmine has a deep love for Bible stories and memory passages. Thank you for praying for her.

9, Pray for our individual spiritual growth.

* In light of the above paragraphs about "service" places, I sure hope I haven't missed a chance to grow!

10, Ask God for traveling safety as we daily cover about 18 miles in an hour and a half.

* We continue to delight in travel safety and appreciate your intercession!

11, Pray that the cooking class will lead to fruit for the Kingdom.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. The director is being very supportive of the classes and is asking for specific nutrition information for the girls."



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