1-7 February 06


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27-31 December 06

Living as an American in the Middle East has its funny moments, especially when your government is all for removing dictators to establish democracy and then not 'approving' of election results. Here is some of what I read online:

Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, who apparently was re-elected on a moderate platform, said the Hamas victory was a dramatic turning point. She said she is concerned the militants will now impose their fundamentalist social agenda and lead the Palestinians into international isolation.

She said Fatah's corruption, Israel's tough measures and international indifference to the plight of the Palestinians were to blame for Hamas' strong showing.

Washington miscalculated in pushing for the vote, as part of its pro-democracy campaign in the Arab world, she said. "The Americans insisted on having the election now, so they have to respect the results of the election, as we all do," she said.

Israel has repeatedly asked Abbas to force Hamas and other militant groups to disarm but Abbas has refused, warning such an act could cause civil war. Hamas has committed dozens of suicide bombings against Israel.

Turnout was heavy, with nearly 78 percent of 1.3 million eligible voters casting ballots. Polling stations were heavily guarded, and there were no reports of major violence.

Oh, me... now you see why I avoid all talk political to focus on unreached people groups (sigh)...

I had a close call Saturday when the desktop computer I use went wonky on me. I noticed how things improved once I notified co-workers that I might be out of commission until things changed. Wow, talk about fervent focused intercession!

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You prayed that Scott would be used to see someone come to Jesus last week...

+ Shirin had a visit last Wednesday and asked that her friend would hear the Gospel clearly and respond positively... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. We were able to share stories from the Bible with her and other female relatives. Thank the Lord we were able to share His word as we look forward to returning to reap the harvest."

+ Jasmine asked that you pray for her teachers to become followers of Jesus... Jasmine says, "They're looking like they're ready, so keep praying for them."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Scott asks for your intercession to once again get the architect moving with the latest updates to the Garden plan.

<>< The director of the Lazarus Home has asked Shirin to do a cooking/ nutrition class. Shirin has found a lady who wants to teach the class with her. Join them in praying for the right time to begin the classes and for the six to eight girls in the class to be open to the Good News.

<>< Jasmine wants her friends to get ready to know Jesus, so join her in praying for them.

<* Pray for the Sindh of Pakistan.><


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25-26, Join us in asking God to bring volunteers to become part of the workings of the Prayer Center.

* Your intercession is deeply appreciated as we believe we will see the volunteers soon.

27, Pray for Ali’s salvation.

* Not yet, but the day will come.

28, Pray over Jasmine’s friends.

* What a privilege it is to look in their eyes and claim your prayers for them :-)

29, Pray for the girls and staff members at the Lazarus Home to know Jesus as Saviour. Only the Director has a Christian background.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for your ongoing prayers for these ladies, girls and two boys. Each time we go to the home we seem to be able to share our faith more on a one on one basis."

30, Pray for Jasmine’s salvation.

* Whoo-hoo! She's been experiencing it for 25 days now :-)

31, Ask God to keep us healthy.

* He has kept us healthy so far this winter, and we thank Him!


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