3-9 August 05


29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05
12-18 January 05
19-25 January 05
26 Jan-1 Feb 05
2-8 February 05
9-15 February 05
16-22 February 05
23 Feb-1 March 05
2-15 March 05
16-22 March 05
23-29 March 05
30 March-5 April 05
6-12 April 05
13-19 April 05
20-26 April 05
27 Apr-3 May 05
4-10 May 05
11-17 May 05
18-24 May 05
25-31 May 05
1-7 June 05
8-14 June 05
15-21 June 05
22-28 June 05
29 June-5 July 05
6-12 July 05
13-19 July 05
20-26 July 05
27 July-2 August 05
3-9 August 05
10-16 August 05
17-23 August 05
24-30 August 05
31 Aug-6 Sept 05
7-13 September 05
14-20 September 05
21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
5-11 October 05
12-25 October 05
26 Oct-1 Nov 05
2-8 November 05
9-15 November 05
16-22 November 05
23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

Please remember not to open e-mail attachments unless you're expecting one. Here's an example: E-mail purporting to offer photographs of Osama bin Laden's death actually harbors a malicious trojan horse.

I noticed this article and wondered how folks could get involved with the Acts 1:8 of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem. Any ideas?
1,000-plus churches commit to Acts 1:8 Challenge in first year

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ In the midst of Scott's opportunity-laden week, you asked God to bring someone looking to hear the Good News... that didn't take long! I went to pay the electric bill and saw the gleam in a man's eye, one with whom I have had numerous encounters. How could he be called away as I'm about to ask a question of eternal significance?

+ Shirin and Jasmine were at "Bible Camp," and they asked you to join them in praying that women and children would receive Christ as Savior... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. Two women opened their hearts to receive Jesus and now the joy of discipleship begins. The next day after camp God showed me John 6:44-45. Also, the children learned about Jesus as the Good Shepherd."

+ You prayed for Jasmine and Shirin as they got back into the routine of home school. You prayed that the fruit of the Spirit would abound during their school time... Shirin writes, "We could feel your prayers, and we thank you for them. The first day started out late, but our attitudes were positive throughout the week."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Jasmine and Shirin will be going on a camping trip for five days with the Girls Home. Join them in praying for travel safety and to use many opportunities to share God's love with the children.

<>< I promise to use the solitude to catch up on much neglected items and could use your intercession to focus on each day's major task.

<>< Ask God to speak to the hearts of Saudis and other Arabs as they reflect on the recent death of King Fahd, realizing that He alone has conquered death and the grave.

>< Pray for a church planting movement among the Punjabi.>


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

27, Pray for the ladies meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem, asking God to reveal Himself for Who He really is. May He find open and receptive hearts!

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. The women continue to grow in some areas and then go back to circumstances in their lives. In other words, some habits have been hard to break."

28, clean water

* Those Brita filters do wonders :-)

29, Pray for the girls and staff of the Lazarus Home for Girls in biblical Bethany to know Jesus as Savior.

* Your prayers are being heard as there have been more Christian groups visiting the girls home lately!

30, Jasmine is 2 months past 6.

* Wow, is she growing fast!

31, Pray for the health and safety of volunteer groups who have come here to plant seeds. Pray, too, for their “back home” testimonies.

* I wish I could hear them!

1, Pray for Jasmine as she begins 1st grade homeschool.

* Jasmine says, "Thank you - things have been great so far."

2, Ask God to grant Shirin patience.

* Thank you. God has shown me some things in my life that zap the calm spirit that God intended for me.



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