20-26 April 05


29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05
12-18 January 05
19-25 January 05
26 Jan-1 Feb 05
2-8 February 05
9-15 February 05
16-22 February 05
23 Feb-1 March 05
2-15 March 05
16-22 March 05
23-29 March 05
30 March-5 April 05
6-12 April 05
13-19 April 05
20-26 April 05
27 Apr-3 May 05
4-10 May 05
11-17 May 05
18-24 May 05
25-31 May 05
1-7 June 05
8-14 June 05
15-21 June 05
22-28 June 05
29 June-5 July 05
6-12 July 05
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20-26 July 05
27 July-2 August 05
3-9 August 05
10-16 August 05
17-23 August 05
24-30 August 05
31 Aug-6 Sept 05
7-13 September 05
14-20 September 05
21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
5-11 October 05
12-25 October 05
26 Oct-1 Nov 05
2-8 November 05
9-15 November 05
16-22 November 05
23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

Just a few months before we met Omar one of his older brothers had been killed accidentally while riding in a taxi. The family was in deep grief as evidenced by the poster of their "martyred" son/brother/uncle; naturally, we began interceding for the family and considered our new home to be a timed blessing. Omar was quite the opposite of his deeply religious brother who lives across the hall from us; in fact, Omar often questioned the existence of God.

Almost three years have passed, and a lot of prayer has gone up for him and his brothers; unfortunately, he seems further away from God than when we first met. There have been numerous struggles, and he's come to me each time. After he leaves, I stand before God asking, nay, begging Him to touch Omar's heart! It turns out that he has confided more deeply with his family and is trying to become a better Muslim.

Early one morning I heard his alarm clock going off and thought it an odd hour since his work schedule is intermittent at best. A few minutes later I heard the Islamic call to prayer and his car starting for what I think was his first trip to the mosque for early morning prayers. My heart broke as I realized his search is truly in the dark.

There are thousands if not millions more like Omar and, unfortunately, few of them have anyone who will tell them about Jesus. Would you help me "turn up the heat," so to speak, as we continue praying for Omar?

I received one of the most encouraging e-mails last Monday. Allow me to share an excerpt:

"Here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/a3wor

If it doesn't work, go to www.imb.org, click on 'Your Praying,' Strategic Ministries, select the IPCJ from the pull down menu, try 90 days for the Item Age, and then click on Find Prayer Items."

I have been asked to come up with three prayer items a month, and I'm working on one each for the purpose, the people, and the property. Should God lay something on your heart, please feel free to share it, even if it doesn't fit the three P alliteration <g>.

Shirin and I went to check up on some gift ideas with a friend near Bethlehem and she and I were both taken back by the enormous slabs of concrete surrounding the entry to the West Bank city. The "wall" is making its rounds. Some of you have been asking about an update to the Palm Sunday march I mentioned a few weeks ago so, lo and behold, here it is!

Catholics, Baptists differ on views of salvation, interfaith expert says

Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Children's Camps will soon be taking place, and we're looking for God to speak to their hearts for salvation, discipleship, and future places of service. You've been joining us in praying for these children to encounter God in a life changing experience... one of our co-workers provided this update:

"Children's camp is April 25-27, and youth camp is April 28-30... both camps are vital to give children and young people an opportunity to hear the Gospel, learn how to faithfully follow Jesus and grow close to Him; counselors and helpers through their service are experiencing the joys of serving the Lord. Please pray that all those involved in camp will be faithful to share their belief and faith in Jesus."

+ Your prayed for Shirin's sister to have a safe flight back to her home... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. My sister arrived home safely and without any difficulties."

+ Jasmine had a possible plantar wart, something far from fun for a five-year-old, so you asked God to use the doctor to take care of it... we were referred to a dermatologist who used what I think was liquid nitrogen to start the first of several freezing treatments. Your intercession, however, has kept the pain away, and we are beyond grateful.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Ask God to give Shirin, Jasmine, and her classmates a safe trip to and from the zoo. May Shirin's chaperoning availability be used to share Jesus with Jasmine's teachers and other chaperones.

<>< Pray that I would be able to finish another trip to the bank where I can share my understanding of Passover with those who help me.

<>< Our camera was severely damaged while Shirin's sister was with us, and we're due to pick it up from the camera shop this week. Join me in asking God not only for a perfectly repaired camera but also a receptive heart to the message of the Passover Lamb.

><Pray for Tai Lue people.>


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

13, Pray for the Bible studies in the Old City of Jerusalem to touch lives.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for joining me in this prayer. We are seeing many women who are interested in attending. They need to work around children and household duties to make it to the meetings."

14, Khalid’s salvation

* One day I believe this will happen!

15, Hanni’s salvation

* And here, too!

16, As Jews prepare for Passover later this month, ask God to speak to their hearts so they will turn to Him.

* We're praying that they'll see the truth behind these days off.

17-19, May Jasmine learn more of Jesus.

* Wow, is she ever soaking in the things we share with her!



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