30 March-5 April 05


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30 March-5 April 05
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27 Apr-3 May 05
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21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
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26 Oct-1 Nov 05
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23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

I trust you and yours had a glorious celebration of Resurrection Sunday!

Most of you know of Jasmine's love for the people of China, the world's largest mission field. I've probably mentioned, too, that the world's second largest mission field (India) has more unreached people groups than the rest of the world put together. Along those lines comes another urgent need: Pentecost Sunday, May 15, the day we've set aside to pray for the people of India 

Wow, last week "you asked God to show us the next step for the Prayer Center," and did He hear you! There were so many e-mails and discussions about the Prayer Center last Wednesday that I was convinced more than ever that God wants to do great things through the IPCJ www.prayer-center.org

For example, the architect brought along a retired horticulturist looking for a hobby. Between them they came up with a list of plants for each section of the Garden. Allow me to share these with you (NB, the spellings are from the project sheet):

* ASIA - santolina (clipped hedge), bamboo, nandina, cycas, festuca, papyrus cyperus, pennisetum, and cortaderia (pampas)

* SOUTHEAST ASIA & OCEANIA - grape vines, agapanthus, climbing roses, canna, and short geraniums

* MIDDLE EAST - to add to our existing almond tree: lemon/citrus, pomegranate (Punica), fig (Ficus carica), and carob (Ceratonia Siliqua)

* AFRICA - Phoenix Dactylifera (palm), yucca, euphorbia candelabrum, cereus (cactus), and agave

* SOUTH AMERICA - bougainvillea, albizia julibrissin rosea, and gazania

* JUDEA (western entrance) - upright cupressus sempervirens, Laurus Nobilis (Bay), wisteria sinensis, jasmine, solanum (in appropriate white and blue), water lilies, blue lantana adina, and assorted herbs (sage, lavandula, thyme, oregano)

* NORTH AMERICA/EUROPE - tea roses, climbing roses, two colors of lagerstroemia, hibiscus syriacus, white jasmine, rosemary hedges, bougainvillea, existing olive trees, Phoenix Dactylifera (palm), and a weeping willow

If you and/or your Sunday School class would like to find biblical references to these plants, we'd be delighted to add that information to the Garden!

Please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You asked God to show us the next step for the Prayer Center... see above!

+ We prayed that the celebration of His resurrection would once again resound through this city... wow, traffic was everywhere and then I saw this headline: Thousands Mark Easter Sunday in Jerusalem

+ Jasmine was on Easter break from school last week, so you joined us in praying that we would have some quality family time physically, emotionally, and spiritually... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. Jasmine's time was well used. She had many opportunities to play; in fact, there were a few nights she was so worn out she went right to bed at night without a story. We had several chances to watch the Easter story as well as for her to share lots of hugs and kisses with Mom and Dad."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Continuing praying with me to see the Prayer Center bring honor and glory to God as people are given the opportunity to pray for the unreached people groups of the world.

<>< This week there is a ladies meeting in the Old City. Join us in praying that more women will attend the meeting.

<>< Sometime this weekend a group of believers will be on an outreach to invite women and children to an Easter party where they will hear a clear presentation of the gospel. Please pray for safety, wisdom and words for the outreach team. Pray that women will accept gifts of the gospel of Luke and other materials as well as come to the party.

<>< Pray for Jasmine as she returns to school, and ask God to give her an even stronger desire to learn what a kindergartener needs to learn.

><Pray for the Shan.>


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

23-25, Pray for Jasmine's friends to know Jesus.

* She fell off the monkey bars the 23rd, receiving a good sized lump on her noggin, and what a joy it was to see four of her friends bring her to us. I know this event will be talked about for a long time, and I'll remind the girls about the story in Mark 2:2-4.

26, May we tell of His story.

* Each year Jasmine hears more of it and, hopefully, it's all sinking in.

27, Jesus is alive!

* I hope Jesus was at the center of your day!

28-29, Join us in giving thanks for those who pray.

* You are such a blessing :-)



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