15-21 June 05


29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05
12-18 January 05
19-25 January 05
26 Jan-1 Feb 05
2-8 February 05
9-15 February 05
16-22 February 05
23 Feb-1 March 05
2-15 March 05
16-22 March 05
23-29 March 05
30 March-5 April 05
6-12 April 05
13-19 April 05
20-26 April 05
27 Apr-3 May 05
4-10 May 05
11-17 May 05
18-24 May 05
25-31 May 05
1-7 June 05
8-14 June 05
15-21 June 05
22-28 June 05
29 June-5 July 05
6-12 July 05
13-19 July 05
20-26 July 05
27 July-2 August 05
3-9 August 05
10-16 August 05
17-23 August 05
24-30 August 05
31 Aug-6 Sept 05
7-13 September 05
14-20 September 05
21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
5-11 October 05
12-25 October 05
26 Oct-1 Nov 05
2-8 November 05
9-15 November 05
16-22 November 05
23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

Rarely does a song touch me deeply.

A few years ago it was Mercy Me's "I Can Only Imagine" along with Newsboys' "It Is You," and "He Reigns." A co-worker gave me a CD in appreciation for some help with a computer and, wow, was I the one who got blessed greater! Allow me to share the lyrics to "We Will Dance" until you can hear it for yourself:

Sing a song of celebration
Lift up a shout of praise
For the Bridegroom will come
The glorious One
And oh, we will look on His face
We’ll go to a much better place

Dance with all your might
Lift up your hands and clap for joy
The time’s drawing near
When He will appear
And oh, we will stand by His side
A strong, pure, spotless bride

We will dance on the streets that are golden
The glorious bride and the great Son of man
From every tongue and tribe and nation
Will join in the song of the lamb

Sing aloud for the time of rejoicing is near
(Sing aloud for the time of rejoicing is near)
The risen King, our groom, is soon to appear
(The risen King, our groom, is soon to appear)
The wedding feast to come is now near at hand
(The wedding feast to come is now near at hand)
Lift up your voice, proclaim the coming Lamb
(Lift up your voice, proclaim the coming Lamb)

BTW, I stumbled across a delightful Windows Media Player radio station called allworship.com

Jasmine finished the math portion of Jasmine Elementary (A Beka homeschool) and officially finished "TAM-he-dee" (kindergarten) at the local Schmidt's Girls College Monday. She's close to finishing the phonics portion of Jasmine Elementary and will get a jump start on 1st Grade math/phonics while practicing her cursive and print handwriting through the end of June. She'll have July off from school while attending a local fun camp in Arabic-English-Hebrew (she's ready for a third language!) August 1 will see her and her mom start back with Jasmine Elementary were she'll continue the self-paced curriculum.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ I had an opportunity to assist a co-worker with various computing needs and definitely needed your intercession to provide the insight requested... not only was I able to help meet those needs, but I was able to assist another co-worker with "pressing challenges." Your intercession made a great difference, and I thank you!

+ Shirin needed continued prayer as she worked with Jasmine to finish the A Beka kindergarten lessons. The end of the year just seems to drag... Shirin writes, "Thank you for your prayers. Jasmine and I are one lesson away from starting our carefree summer, while at least Jasmine is ready for a fun time in summer camp."

+ Jasmine is learning "it's not how you start but how you finish" and wants to do well. One of her nightly prayer requests is "to have a good day tomorrow." You prayed with her along these lines... she says to tell you thank you for praying for her and that she had a lot of good days!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< I have the formidable challenging of putting together a computer that will dual boot. A local friend promises his help, so pray with me that he'd have ears to hear and eyes to see.

<>< Please pray for Shirin and Jasmine as they put away school supplies and organize Jasmine's room to be more like a six-year-old's room.

<>< Jasmine asks that you begin praying for her YMCA Fun Camp beginning in July, especially that she would make a lot of friends so she could tell them about Jesus.

>< Pray for the peoples of Calcutta.>


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8, Ask God to prepare the ladies in the Old City to receive His Word.

* Your intercession is still making a difference, and we thank you!

9, Safety in traveling to work and school

* Wouldn't you know it - there was no school today on account of the Greek Orthodox celebration of the Assumption. I did, however, make use of your intercession traveling to help co-workers with computer needs.

10, Pray for Omar’s salvation.

* Not yet, but please keep praying.

11, Pray for workers to share in the settlements.

* Oh, the need is so great!

12, Pray for Jasmine’s salvation.

* She has prayed with Psalty the Singing Songbook and even said she asked Jesus to forgive her for everything one day at school during chapel. I even believe she "knows the right words" from her memorization of the Roman Road verses. Also, there's the issue of "the faith of a child." I believe, too, that she has made several steps of faith, and I'm looking forward to the day when it all becomes personal and real.

13-14, Pray for Jasmine as she shares Jesus with the children in the building.

* She's quite the hostess and shares her music with them.



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