13-19 July 05


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30 Nov-6 Dec 05
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14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

Wow, what a week... today begins a new one, and do we need your intercession!

International Mission Board strategy shared in new book

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ As I ran through various "loose end" errands last week, you asked God to arrange one of those "Divine Encounters" where someone got to meet Him for the first time... while the gentleman who came to repair our refrigerator didn't meet Jesus as I'd hoped, he did here the difference between what he's heard about what "Christians" believe and what the Bible has to say about Jesus. I believe this 62-year-old man is searching for God since the names of his three sons represent what he calls the three major prophets of three monotheistic religions.

+ Our refrigerator went goofy on us recently so you joined us in asking God to give Shirin (along with Scott and Jasmine) peace of mind in our thankfulness... your intercession went a long way. Thank you!

+ Jasmine asked to have more good days at camp... she did, and thanks you for praying for her!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< After a relatively strenuous time with those library computers, a number of usual items were neglected. I need specific prayer to get those "ducks back in a row."

<>< Please pray for God to reveal himself in a way to the ladies at the Ladies meeting in the Old City that will encourage them to want to grow more in their faith.

<>< Jasmine and Shirin have been asked to help in a special Bible Camp. This camp is for women and children who were not born into a Christian family. The camp will be for two days during the last week of July. Please pray that God will work on the hearts of the women and children in order to accept Jesus during camp. Pray, too, that the husbands/fathers/brothers will let the women and children attend the camp.

>< Pray for the Maratha of India.>


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6, Jasmine begins 3 weeks of summer camp at a local YMCA. Pray for safety.

* She remains safe, thanks in large part to your intercession.

7-9, Pray, too, that Jasmine would have lots of camp fun as she makes new friends.

* She is having a blast, and thanks you for praying.

10-11, Pray for the salvation of Jasmine’s cousins.

* Oh, the day will come!

12, Pray for more progress to be made at the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem (IPCJ).

* Whoo-hoo! A volunteer from Alabama helped us get the library computers networked, and it only took us eighteen hours! The next step is to see what it will take to get wireless access in the Garden :-)



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