6-12 July 05


29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05
12-18 January 05
19-25 January 05
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2-8 February 05
9-15 February 05
16-22 February 05
23 Feb-1 March 05
2-15 March 05
16-22 March 05
23-29 March 05
30 March-5 April 05
6-12 April 05
13-19 April 05
20-26 April 05
27 Apr-3 May 05
4-10 May 05
11-17 May 05
18-24 May 05
25-31 May 05
1-7 June 05
8-14 June 05
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22-28 June 05
29 June-5 July 05
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27 July-2 August 05
3-9 August 05
10-16 August 05
17-23 August 05
24-30 August 05
31 Aug-6 Sept 05
7-13 September 05
14-20 September 05
21-27 September 05
28 Sept-4 Oct 2005
5-11 October 05
12-25 October 05
26 Oct-1 Nov 05
2-8 November 05
9-15 November 05
16-22 November 05
23-29 November 05
30 Nov-6 Dec 05
7-13 December 05
14-20 December 05
21-27 December 05
28-31 December 05

I heard a great prayer idea from a Wednesday Weekly Wintercessor, and I hope you'll join us! It's called "one one one." Choose one lost person you know and pray for him/her for one minute at one o'clock every day. You can even set an alarm or reminder to trigger your memory.

BTW, if you're looking to hear a few great sermons, be sure to visit the site.

I saw this quote in a recent "Winning Without Intimidation" newsletter and, naturally, thought of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem:

"False ideals cannot be shattered by criticism. Right ideals
must take up the battle against them."
-- Franz Werfel,
"Between Heaven and Earth"

A friend sent this great link, and I hope you find it encouraging.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ A volunteer who had forgotten more about computers than I may ever know was supposed to be here last week to help with the Prayer Center network, so you asked God to bring him safely that His work may be accomplished... hmm, I thought he'd be here by now; hopefully, he hasn't forgotten :*-)

+ Shirin and Jasmine were at the Girls Home last week and we asked you to pray for God's Spirit to move those who need to know Him... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. Jasmine and I along with some co-workers were able to help paint the Girls Home as well as share some about our faith in the Creator."

+ Jasmine celebrates her special day every 30th, and last week is no exception. As Jasmine gets older and begins to put thoughts together, you asked God to speak to her heart about walking with Him fully... she has learned the books of the Bible in order, the verses of "the Roman Road," and has recently added John 3:14-19 to her memory. She is overcoming her apprehension about water, so baptism may not be an issue anymore; however, continue praying for her salvation.

+ You joined Jasmine in praying that she would have a good first week of Fun Camp... oh, how I wish you could have seen the excitement on her face after the first day! It didn't matter to here that over 90% of the camp day was in Hebrew. Jasmine has enough Arabic to figure it out (or so she said). Also, Jasmine thanks you for praying for her. She is having a great time in camp and overcoming some fears about swimming in the pool. Jasmine comes home each day from camp with a few more scrapes and bug bites but with a big smile on her face. She has many friends that speak different languages and is good friends with her Arabic speaking camp leader. We are so grateful that Jasmine is having such a wonderful time and that language and culture are not barriers to her.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< As I run through various "loose end" errands this week, ask God to arrange one of those "Divine Encounters" where someone gets to meet Him for the first time!

<>< Our refrigerator went goofy on us last week so join us in asking God to give Shirin (along with Scott and Jasmine) peace of mind in our thankfulness.

<>< Jasmine asks to have more good days at camp.

><Pray for a church planting movement among the Lingayat.>


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

29, Ask God for more people to catch the vision of the Prayer Center.

* God is building a wave one person at a time.

30, Jasmine is already one month past 6.

* We had another great day of celebration!

1-2, Pray for Shirin to have a restful month’s break from homeschooling.

* Perhaps I should "formally" :*-)

3, Pray for Shirin's sister's salvation today and tomorrow.

* Oh, please continue praying!

4-5, Jasmine begins 3 weeks of summer camp at a local YMCA. Pray for safety.

* She has been safe and thanks you for praying.



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