At the bottom of this page is an incredible opportunity to impact eternity. I hope you'll join us! Remember when I said last week that Wednesday Weekly Wintercessors are "a real source of blessing and information"? Well, once again, you've proven me true <g>: Also, one of you sent this link last week, so I thought I'd share it with you. "You may not know that Baptist Center for Ethics and its leader Robert Parham are long-term opponents of the 'Conservative Resurgence' in the SBC, and unpopular with its leadership. "The interviewees presumably expressed these views; I'm sure there are Arab Christians who share them. How hard Parham had to look to find Christians with these views, you know better than I do." No, I wasn't aware of those facts; however, I can see more clearly how "not everything is as it seems." In other words, while I can certainly disagree with Mr. Parham's opposition to the conservative resurgence of the SBC, I can see all too well the impact of the "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil" attitude the present US government takes toward the actions of the Israeli Army. Somehow the words of Proverbs 31:8, 9 come to mind, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." Hmm, too much power for one man, don't you think? I'm not sure if this article made it to your source of news, so I thought I'd pass it along just in case. Two more, just so you know: one and two. And just for fun: "The outcome of Washington Redskins football games has correctly predicted the winner of every U.S. presidential election since 1936." I've been a Redskins fan since 1st grade (1971-72), and I'm definitely rooting for them against the Packers! Anyway, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Prayer Garden progress and a clearer handle on available finances had paved the way for yet another venture of faith with the gentleman God seems to have sent to help take care of the Garden. I was to have met about an hour after I sent/published last week's issue, so I asked you to join me in praying that our brainstorming and planning would not only lead to "greener pastures" but also to a deepening of our friendship and a clearer communication of the Good News... while our friendship was deepened and the Good News was shared once again, plans for the Garden fell through. Thanks for praying. + The large wall tiles for the Prayer Garden may very well have been in the baker's kiln last week, so you prayed with us along those lines... well, me might be getting closer once the 'proofreading' is done. + Last Tuesday looked like an "all-day affair" getting the car we drive inspected and registered. You asked God to grant us patience in seeing it accomplished along with clear understandings plus an awareness of seeing where He was at work in the lives of those we encountered... oh, and how He responded! The patience He gave was phenomenal as were the clear understandings; however, those latter things took a bit longer. I took the time to get a haircut and then sat with one of the workers for tea. I was able to give him a gift from West Virginia with a bridge on it and told him of the bridge God had made between us and Him; naturally, he had to do something else, but I'm sure those words will stay. Thank you for praying! <T H I S W E E K><<>< Please pray with Shirin and a coworker to be encouragers in the faith as they go to the Lazarus Home for Girls this week to pray and fellowship with the director. <>< Join us in asking God for a working solution to enable both cisterns at the Prayer Center to hold the precious water that will soon be falling. <>< Continue praying for Jasmine as she encounters the "they laugh at me" and "they push me" kind of kindergarten challenges. Pray that she respond appropriately. >< Pray for the Russian people of Ivanovo. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 6-7, Pray for Shirin and Jasmine as they work on homeschooling material after school.* It's a joy to watch them work and hear the excitement to learn in Jasmine's voice. 8, Pray for our family’s health.* So far, we've been healthy and hope to stay this way as the weather changes. 9, Pray for Shirin's family to know Jesus.* While this hasn't happened yet, it remains a top priority. 10, May He be glorified today.* What a joy to worship with Palestinian Christians and hear His name exalted. 11-12, Pray for Jasmine to make friends and be able to share Jesus with them.* She's encountering a little rough play on the playground, maybe because she's "different," so she could use some extra intercession. <>< +++ <>< +++ <>< +++ 30-Days: Our Purpose in prayer Dear praying friends: Next week millions of people will be fasting and praying. They are of course Muslim's fasting during Ramadan. Most of those fasting and praying hope that "Allah" will hear them and forgive their sins. By observing 30 days worth of ritual they earnestly desire to be changed. By making a public statement of sacrifice they believe their soul will be saved for eternity. How sad it is that some of these people will not live to hear the truth of the Gospel. Some of these folk will not even see the end of Ramadan 2004. Even if they do live for many years to come, their religion will not help them in the life to come. For this reason Christians have been praying specifically for the Muslim world each Ramadan for over a decade. Wonderful testimonies have come in of Muslim people all over the world who have found Jesus during Ramadan. And we at "30-Days" believe part of reason for the testimonies is simply that God has answered our intercessory prayers. Starting next week we are again going to pray specifically for the lost people of Islam. Perhaps some of you read Time Magazines "Struggle for the soul of Islam" (Sept. 20 issue). It was, "an inside look at the ongoing global battle between moderates and hard-liners over the future of a faith - and its relationship with the West". In the article, Omar had been sent away to school in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). During his time away Omar was drawn into Islamic fundamentalism. His father feared he would lose his son to radicals. The article ends with the good news that Omar did not become a radical or terrorist. Instead, Omar returned to his normal Muslim life. In his fathers mind, "one soul has been brought back from the brink". Perhaps, but only an inward change through the power of God can truly save the Omar's of this world. Starting next week we are again going to pray for people like Omar. We are not going to be praying "political" prayers or anti-Islam" prayers. We are not going to pray for "the soul of Islam". Instead we are going to pray for the souls of men and women, children and leaders, young and old, strong and weak. And we are going to pray that God will use us and our prayers to bring the saving message of the Bible into the Islamic world. I am so delighted that you are praying with so many others during Ramadan. We make a difference by uniting together before the Throne of Grace. God heard our cry when we heard, believed and confessed Jesus as our only salvation. Let us pray for those who have not yet heard. Ron Kernahan and the "30-Days of prayer for the Muslim world" team --- Permission is granted to reproduce this article providing the (c) Copyright 30-Days Int'l and http://www.30-days.net are left intact. Back to Top |