Happy New Year :-)Happy New Year! Shirin, Jasmine, and I wish you and yours a God-centered 2004! I read about a man who had a $19,000 electric bill due to his million-dollar display of Christmas lights and wondered what difference that additional amount would make to this year's Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Before I get started <g>, here's the whole story. Perhaps you've read about the Temple Mount? Also, do you know why you believe certain things? Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ As we slowed down the pace last week, you joined us in asking God to keep ourselves ready for every opportunity to share the Good News of His-Story... one of our neighbors had a difficult time understanding Christmas so, hopefully, he has a better understanding know that he knows Jesus was born to die. + You prayed that 'the wall' that separates Palestinians and Israelis from the family of God would be broken down by those who will share the Good News... I believe we've added another ongoing prayer item for you : -) + You prayed with us that as we went to the Shepherds Field last week that Jasmine's faith and belief in God and His message would grow and become hers personally... what a phenomenal afternoon/evening! Remembering our prayer request for Jasmine, I noticed how nonchalant she appeared as we told her where we were, what happened that night as the angels announced His birth, and the fact that she was doing something few people ever get to experience: Christmas Eve in Bethlehem. And then it dawned on me: she knew her father had said she was going somewhere special, and she continued her day walking in that assurance. Perhaps it was my faith in God that grew :-) <T H I S W E E K><<>< The rains have brought growth to the Prayer Garden, and now we need to keep it trimmed; however, temperamental equipment has been a discouraging factor in doing what needs to be done. Join us in asking God to provide all we need to do what needs to be done. <>< End of the year financial stuff may take some extra attention this week, so we could use extra intercession in that area. <>< Jasmine has at least another week off from school, and we'll trust those of you with children to know how to pray for us. >< Pray for the Riffi Berbers. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 24, Shirin’s mom to become His follower* We earnestly desire to see this happen, and thank you for praying with us to this end. 25, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.* What an awesome Christmas present to ask for and, no, I didn't receive it this year. 26, Omar’s salvation* Continue praying. 27, Akram’s salvation* Continue praying. 28, a new church to meet for worship* The enthusiasm seems to have subsided... for now! 29, Jasmine’s ability to learn in Arabic* She catches on quickly, even when out of school. Scott has been working with her to learn the books of the Bible and, wow, is she good! 30, Jasmine is 4 and 7 months* We worked on the books of the Bible as we drove to Burger King, and she just about has 75% of them. 31, Happy 2004!* May the best of 2003 be the worst of 2004. |