As we approach April Fool's Day, I thought I'd share with you part of an e-mail where I've been communicating with a self-professed atheist; naturally, I'd welcome your insights : -) "...I guess I just find the concept that if there is a 'God' that created everything in existance (sic) that he would need me or anyone else to worship him. Anything that powerful or vast would be above that in my opinion.I'm not saying that there aren't mysteries to the universe and questions that will probably never be answered but I personally can't attribute them to a supreme being. Because who created him? I understand that people need to believe in God and if that gets them through the day I have no problems. But it doesn't work for me." Israelis wonder whether anything can bring peace R. Albert Mohler Jr. is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
in Louisville, Ky. The following article is adapted from his weblog at www.crosswalk.com
: Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ We had forgotten to mention past week's dental appointments to replace fillings; however, we would have at least two more visits in the coming few weeks and appreciated your intercession for healthy mouths that would proclaim His message to our dentist... how difficult it is to talk when the mouth is numb! Looks like we'll need to get in those chats before the anesthesia kicks in! + Something inside of me told me that Friday was going to be a difficult day for the peoples of this land, so you joined us in asking for His grace and mercy to be prevalent... how grateful I am to say that, to my knowledge, nothing major occurred : -) Thank you for praying! + You joined us in praying that various administrative tasks would bring glory to Jesus... during a trip to the bank the teller asked if I thought there'd ever be peace. I walked right through that open door : -) + You prayed for Shirin as she began her annual check-up in preparation for time in the US, asking that she be found healthy... Thank you for praying. Shirin will be going back to the doctor after she completes some lab work to hear the final evaluation. + Jasmine is now two months shy of being a 5-year-old, so you've been praying that her mom and I would take advantage of these precious days with her... I certainly felt a sense of 'holding on to the time' this week as I cherished each moment spent with Jasmine. Thank you for praying for us as a family this week : -) + In light of the current political situation you prayed with Shirin and a co-worker to be able to go to the Lazarus Home for Girls in Bethany last Friday for a day of games and painting... the director of the Home suggested the day of games/painting be postponed until a more suitable time. Your intercession makes a big difference! Thank you! <T H I S W E E K><<>< This week Shirin and some co-workers plan to go to the Lazarus Home for Girls in Bethany for an afternoon of games and painting. Pray with them for opportunities to share God's message with the girls and house mothers. <>< Pray for a ladies Bible Study in the Old City to help new believers learn more about God's love for them. <>< Join us in giving thanks for the way God meets our needs! <>< A co-worker returns from vacation this week. Pray him in safely. <>< Pray with me that a like-minded believer and I will have a fruitful opportunity to review a book on church planting movements, especially to see how it can be applied in our situations. >< Pray for the people of Yemen. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 24, Ask for the local conflict to end.* (sigh) It didn't happen today, so please keep praying - how else will it end? 25, Arabic language progress* Shirin tells of a great study time during her Arabic lesson and thanks you for praying! 26, Pray for Shirin as she shares with neighbors.* She thanks you for being by her side : -) 27, We would fall deeper in love with Jesus.* Continue praying for our personal walks with Him, especially as we realize the importance of it. 28, A worshipful experience* Today was great, and the music was even better! 29, open to God’s appointments* More and more do I realize that one of the greatest opportunities is in Jasmine. What a joy it is to hear her tell me a story from the Bible! 30, Jasmine is two months from being 5 yrs!* She thoroughly enjoyed her monthly visit to Burger King : -) |