[*** At the end of this page is a great opportunity to impact a needy people group! Be sure to take advantage of this invitation to join God at work in the lives of lost people.] It was sad to lose a subscriber last week, but what was even worse was not knowing why. Each subscriber to the Wednesday Weekly asks to receive the newsletter under the assumption that focused prayer will be offered. I suppose, when I see that we've lost a subscriber, I feel a certain disappointment that ,"Hey, I'm not gonna pray for you anymore," and that hurts - especially since I've met practically all of you face to face after signing that covenant/commitment card. So what does all that say? I appreciate and covet those of you reading this who are committed to praying : -) Thank you! If you're going to be in the DC area Friday, October 15, please consider
this opportunity: Our approved budgets for 2005 arrived this week. For the first time in a long time, I feel it's a 'reasonable' budget with which we can actually work and it's due to your tremendous sacrificial giving through the 2003 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering! Thank you for making our lives easier, and thank you for investing in His Kingdom. The International Prayer Center of Jerusalem, along with a plethora of other approved projects, will remain unfunded so we can invest in sending people to reach people. Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You prayed that, uh, "delayed approval" to get work at the Prayer Center moving would be granted soon... it happened Monday afternoon, and are we ever grateful for your intercession! + Shirin and some co-workers were having a planning session for a fun day at the girls home, and you prayed with them that every activity and story would point the girls to the loving Father... Shirin says, "Thank you for praying for our planning session (as) it went well. We were able to come up with some craft ideas as well as delegate responsibilities amongst ourselves. I will be reading some very short stories about the miracles of Jesus. **Please pray for our fun day on Friday at the girls home. Join us in praying that the girls and staff will be open to the message as they hear about Jesus' life on earth. Pray that the road to Bethany will be open during the (upcoming) Jewish holidays." + I was looking forward to helping a co-worker set up a local bank account and could definitely have used your intercession on Thursday, especially since these "bank things" have more misunderstandings than clarity... thanks to your intercession, things went remarkably well : -) Thank you for being so faithful to pray! <T H I S W E E K><<>< Shirin asks, "Please pray for our fun day on Friday at the girls home. Join us in praying that the girls and staff will be open to the message as they hear about Jesus' life on earth. Pray that the road to Bethany will be open during the (upcoming) Jewish holidays." <>< I'll be meeting with the gentleman who designed the tiles for the Prayer Garden later this week, so pray that the final design and manufacturing of the tiles going on the Prayer Garden walls will go smoothly. Pray, too, that this venture will demonstrate our commitment in sharing the Good News. <>< A faithful volunteer with friends is due to arrive this week, so pray their arrival to be safe and uneventful. >< Pray for the people of Dalmatia. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 8, Pray for Jasmine's teachers to know Jesus.* Thank you for praying over them in advance as we take advantage of opportunities to share the Good News. 9, Pray for our family’s health.* A visit to the pharmacy yielded some of the daily medication needed; however, I think I may have met a gentleman with an ear bent toward the Good News! 10, To balance our time between family/ work* An ongoing challenge but so far things look better balanced than ever! 11, Pray for settlers to know Jesus as Lord.* They're everywhere, and someone needs to reach them. 12-13, Pray that God will call out more volunteers to join Him at work in Jerusalem.* Seems a group from West Virginia would like to join Him either in April or July! Pray out others! 14, Pray for Shirin's family to know Jesus.* Another ongoing concern made 'easier' by knowing you, too, are praying Dear Friends, Many of you have prayed faithfully for us and our work among Palestinians for years. Thank you for your support. We see God at work answering your prayers. They are an integral part of all that He is doing among Palestinians. Again this year our team, in partnership with several like-minded organizations, has put together a day-by-day guide to encourage Christians around the world to pray for Palestinians during the month of Ramadan. The guide features stories about real Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian and information about places where they live. We'd like to invite you to be a part of this special prayer project that begins on October 16th. If you would be willing to promote this project among your church or group, we'll send you a CD. In addition to the guide, the CD includes recipes for a Palestinian meal, a few children's activities and maps. We would then ask you to make copies to distribute to your group. We can also send the guide to individuals electronically or a paper copy by mail. Let us know how you are willing to participate by sending us an e-mail at: plstnteam at yahoo dotcom or a letter by post at: Paul and Harriet Pray now that God would draw many to pray for Palestinians through this project. |