I usually write this during the week; however, given the unusual circumstances, I put it off as long as I could (sigh). This was a difficult week in several ways, and I believe it came as a result from our focused intercession. I'm sure you can tell that no visa was granted last week; however, within the next 12 hours, a meeting/consultation will be held to determine "the holdup." I'll try to bring you up to date... on Mon, 2-Feb I was told my file was lost and that I was to begin from scratch. Fine, I can handle that: print out another application for each of us, attach a photo, include a letter of recommendation from the local Baptist organization, and include a letter of recommendation from the government's religious affairs people. Guess which part became difficult? A co-worker bent over backwards to hasten the latter part and has developed an incredible rapport with the government's religious affairs people. The representative of that bunch happens to be a well respected lawyer within the Minister of Interior. Anyway, we met with him Monday, 9-Feb and he wanted to know the reason for the hold up! "We'll get to the bottom of this," he says, and I believe him. Now... I said this was a difficult week, and it was. Shirin and I had ample time to re-examine His call and to review those "spiritual mile markers" that have clearly shown where He has led and where He is most likely going. Please bear in mind that His disciples never had to ask where He was going. They simply followed Him. If we are denied, turned away, or whatever you want to call it, Shirin and I are at perfect peace with that. We're at a fork in the road and can go either way now that we've examined the possibilities. We see ourselves serving as volunteer coordinators/prayer coordinators among any people group. Prior to working with the International Prayer Center, I could never say that; however, after seeing and reading about the world's unreached, how can I not be an advocate?! Anyway, we'll see what unfolds and you know I'll keep you posted : -) A few weeks ago I mentioned how the "wall" is coming within view of our front porch. Like so many other sections, what we see is *not* separating Palestinians from Israelis. The wall is separating Palestinians from Palestinians. A co-worker shared Ezekiel 38:11 with me, and I grinned :-) "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates," I hope I live long enough to hear an American president say what Ronald Reagan said at the Brandenburg Gate. A friend reminded me of this link, and I thought I'd share it with you again. And then I caught the interview with God, a great site once it's understood that we are not all God's children; however, we are His creation. I think you know what I mean :-) Finally, this "story for all" link took the cake! Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Since the possibility existed, we focused last week's intercession on the granting of our visas... (see above). <T H I S W E E K><<>< Your intercession gave us more progress in a week than we saw in over twelve months, so let's focus our intercession one more time on the granting of our visas. >< Pray for the Nubians. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 4, Shirin’s mom to become His follower* (sigh) Not today : -( 5, spiritual freedom for Palestinians* I didn't hear of it happening today, but there's still hope! 6, Omar’s salvation* Not yet, but keep praying! 7, Jasmine’s “witness” to the children* Jasmine has been asked to present a welcome speech to one of her school's visiting donors. She has quite a memory as she has already memorized the books of the Bible, Romans 3:10, and Romans 3:23. 8, believers to be encouraged* Worshiping with Palestinian Christians is indescribable! 9, Muslims to meet Jesus while at the mosque* As I looked out on the buildings, hearing the 'preachers,' I thought of you and how you were praying for those who were listening. 10, Thank God for utilities!* Our television reception was restored, and Jasmine has resumed watching her half-hour of "Ah-lum Simsim" (Sesame Street in Arabic). |