I can tell that this has been a difficult week when I see the number of upcoming prayer items for this week. I don't know what people do when they don't have a prayer network in which to confide, but I have had a very, very discouraging week and know that it has been His grace through your intercession that has "kept my head above water." I've even increased my listening time of the New Testament as a source to transfuse courage. Be that as it may, life goes on :-) The volunteers for whom you prayed last week increased the beauty of the Prayer Garden at least ten-fold! At the end of this page is a great offer to prepare you for your next overseas volunteer trip! One of this month's prayer needs for the Bible Society is "We need guidance and wisdom in writing and preparing new stories for our puppet show ministry." Any ideas? While we're in the US this summer, I'd like to take Jasmine to a movie theater. The only 'suitable' movie I see coming this summer is about Benji; however, I have no clue about the company producing it (Mulberry Square Releasing), specifically if they're affiliated with Disney in any way shape or form. if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know : -) And, oh... in case you're unfamiliar with my Disney boycott stance, feel free to take a look at this page. I saw the pictures on the pages of this site telling of Chernobyl, and was speechless. Microsoft Gadget Keeps Record of Your Life "Your Destiny Your Choice" was another great site I saw this week. I hope you find it helpful! "This unique website is designed for non-Christians, so that Christians can either email their non-Christian friends or give them a business card to inform them of the web site." Finally, if you ever wanted to see a Honda Accord put together piece by piece, this site will show you (yes, I'm easily amused <g>). Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ The volunteers in the Prayer Garden arrived this week, and you prayed for them as they prepared to come. You also asked God to use them for His glory as they've been removing rocks and weeds. You blessed them by asking that their lives become more beautiful as they follow Him... wow, I wish you could see what I see! Your intercession has brought about these very things, and I thank you for praying. + Lab results from last Tuesday's routine physical exam were due last week, and it's all in the blood. You joined me in giving God thanks for a healthy body ready for His daily service... well, almost healthy. Part of my blood work included a "homocystine" test since I've pretty much given up on meat and dairy *never* combining them. Once the results came in, our doctor asked me to return for consultation so I could better understand the situation. The normal range for "homocystine," I was told, is between 5-12. My level was 70.7 (yes, seventy point seven); fortunately, he said such a condition was hereditary (I'll ask my family about this). The doctor also said a daily 5 milligram (mg) folic acid tablet for the rest of my life would help put me in the normal 5-12 range. Along those lines, he also prescribed a daily 10 mg Simvastatin tablet that is supposed to help reduce my LDL (152) and raise my HDL (35) along with "applying secondary prevention protocols regarding cholesterol." My cholesterol, by the way, was 207 with 97 for triglycerides. + I took care of one the cars belonging to those of you in SBC groups and asked that an open opportunity to share the gospel with a mechanic be made ready... those guys were hopping and, unfortunately, no opportunity arose : -( + The three of us 'enjoyed' a family outing for dental appointments last week and asked for His grace and mercy... Jasmine came away with a clean bill of health on her first visit, but Shirin and I need a few fillings replaced. I'll also need to have replaced the bridge I've had for eight years. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Continue praying for the five men and women laboring in the Prayer Garden to have His strength to finish His task. <>< As Jasmine uses her weekly allowance, pray that she be given the proper 'monetary discernment' a 4.5-year-old needs. <>< Our time here is drawing to a close, and we need His strength and insight to "finish well," especially with the various task to prepare us for our time in the US. Join us in praying for this strength and insight as we see progress this week. <>< A co-worker is traveling to the US for vacation and could use your prayers for safe travel and luggage arrival. <>< Jasmine's annual checkup is this week, so pray with her that all will be well. <>< I'll be meeting with a like-minded believer this week and would appreciate intercession to be able to give our brother the encouragement he needs. <>< Shirin and her prayer partner are trying to setup some visits to see ladies who are interested in hearing more about Jesus. Pray with them that they will join God in a divine appointment this coming week. >< Pray for the Digil and Rahwayn clans of Somalia.> CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 3, Ask for improved online connections.* I restored a computer to 'factory condition' and shortly thereafter went to the Windows Update page. Wow, those 42 Critical Updates took a long time! Your intercession, however, made things easy as the electricity stayed on enabling me to finish the task. Thank you! 4, Ask God to show us where He’s at work.* We continue to seek His face about what happens in August. Thanks for praying with us! 5, Yasser Arafat’s salvation* (sigh) Not yet : -( 6, Ariel Sharon’s salvation* While it may not have happened today, I believe your intercession is not in vain. 7, May God use Jasmine to share with local children* "Everybody knows Yas-meen (Jasmine)" is something I hear quite often and am praying that His radiance would shine through her life and words. 8, May Jasmine learn of Jesus.* One of the joys I share with Jasmine is when we pray for China before we read a Bible story. I take rest in knowing that our quantity and quality time will one day result in a new disciple. 9, Omar’s salvation* I'm looking forward to the day I can tell you that it happened. <>< +++ <>< +++ <>< +++ 2) BIBLE STUDY SERIES FOR SHORT-TERM MISSION TEAMS -- "Time Out" is the title of a series of specialized Bible study materials available for short-term mission groups to use both before and during their time overseas. A copy of all 15 studies is available for a one-time payment of £25 (around U$S45). You can then use them as many times as you like. The 'Time Out' studies are now available to purchase and download online so you can access them instantly from wherever you are. A sample study is even provided for free! The notes are available in pdf format or rtf format so that you can adapt them and customize them as you wish. All Tony asks is that you attribute them to him somewhere in what is produced! To sample, purchase and download the 'Time Out' studies, see http://www.oscar.org.uk/timeout.htm ______________________________________________________________________ 13) CLOSING STUFF -- SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION -- Important! Please don't just hit "reply". Subscriptions are automated: To unsubscribe, write to <brigada-today-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com>. To subscribe, write to <brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>. To change your address, you must unsubscribe using your old address then subscribe anew using your new service. If you are receiving this email via some "alias" that you'd like to unsubscribe, try putting that alias email address in the "From:" box of your email client temporarily, then send the unsubscribe message (mentioned above). It'll probably "spoof" the yahoogroups server into unsubscribing that old address. Then just change your "From:" box back to your new address. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM -- We love to feature your news & resources! 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However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available through email autoresponders, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. * To copy or reproduce _Brigada Today_ for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted. * When you quote or paraphrase material from Brigada, please include this phrase: "For a free subscription to Brigada's weekly missions publication, write <brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com> or visit Brigada on the web at www.brigada.org." _____________________________________________________________ 2004/02/27 -- BRIGADA TODAY ------------------------------------------------------------- |