Most of you who've been receiving the snail mail edition of the Wednesday Weekly used the first few days in May to pray for my best friend to come into a personal relationship with Jesus before his 40th birthday. While that has not happened yet, I firmly believe it will soon. A surprise phone call is what gives me hope : -) I called his home thinking I'd speak with either of his parents to congratulate them on bringing my friend into the world. Imagine my surprise when his mom said that he was in the kitchen with her. I could hear the joy and appreciation in "Mike's" voice as we spoke. Let me give you a little background... we've been friends ever since we moved to where my parents have been living for 30 years. "Mike" and I went through most of our elementary years and all of middle and high school together although he finished a year before I did. We experienced a lot together and could always confide in the other, and I was excited for him as he went to college to fulfill his dream of either journalism or law school. College brings out a lot of what's already there, and his lifestyle went to the next level; unfortunately, certain dealers don't like delinquent accounts. "Mike" was severely mugged and nearly left for dead on once occasion in the late 80s and experienced a repeat about six weeks ago. When I spoke with him, he'd just been released form the hospital within the past 72 hours. "Hey, man, I'm still alive," I heard him say. "How many times have you seen the movie?" he asked, referring to "The Passion of the Christ." The movie had an impact on him, and it was obvious to me he wanted to talk about it. Begin praying with me that he and I can get together during our upcoming Stateside Assignment (STAS) to talk about the greatest decision he'll ever make. There's more to this story than I can share, so I hope you can gather 'between the lines' the urgency and timeliness of the situation. There was a song a few years back by a female artist (Twylia Paris?) that had the line "Lord, can you reach my friend? You're the only One Who can..." that even now brings tears to my eyes. God burned "Mike's" image in my mind the first time I heard that song, and it still applies. *A Google.com search pulled up Helen Baylor as the artist, and you can read the lyrics here. "Mike" has been a good friend all these years, and I was reminded of his need as I read this article: TEXAS--FIRST-PERSON (Samuel Smith): These 'Friends' needed more. I sure do appreciate your intercession for him...say, did you hear about the guy who was able to tell 70 people about Jesus on an airplane? If not, be sure to read this page. Finally, at the end of this page is an update from a dear friend. I trust you'll continue interceding for the ministry He has placed on him and his family. Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ Shirin attended a local Bible study in the Old City and asked you to join her in praying that those attending would learn what God says about fortune telling, curses, and other occult like activities... Shirin thanks you for praying as the study "stepped on some toes" and she said she could tell the Holy Spirit was convicting hearts. Another praise is that one of the ladies in the Bible study accepted Christ last week. + You prayed with me over the next estimates we're expecting for the work in the Prayer Garden so that we'll be the best stewards of what God will give... wow, was that a tough day! One thing I've learned for sure about communicating in a second language is that the only thing worse than not understanding is being misunderstood :*-) I may need to bring an 'insider' to get all things settled clearly (?) + As I gave "John" his copy of that gospel account, you asked God to speak to his heart... he said he was looking forward to reading "this part of the story" and hoped it would clear up some confusion he had. *I'm* looking forward to going back to share with him and hear his questions; hopefully, he'll have some friends with him : -) + A get together was planned last weekend with a good friend who needed to make a positive decision to follow Jesus, so you prayed with us that such would occur; unfortunately, it didn't happen : -( <T H I S W E E K><<>< Please pray with us that a meeting this week with the director of a local girls school will enable Jasmine to attend that school next year. <>< Continue to pray for the ladies Bible study in the Old City, especially that God will teach the women His ways and that they reject worldly ways. <>< Thursday could be the day the visa issue comes to a close, so pray that it would be issued. >< Pray for the people of China. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 5, Pray with us that a friend of Scott’s find Jesus by his 40th birthday on Wednesday.* As you read the above account, I trust you will continue to pray! 6-8, Ask God to give Jasmine wisdom and insight for school on Thursday and Saturday.* Jasmine has been having a difficult time keeping up with an eraser, and your intercession will make a difference as she finds ways to focus her concentration. 9-11, With less than a month before our Stateside Assignment (STAS) begins, pray with us that we can tie up loose ends and prepare properly while keeping focus on opportunities to share Jesus.* This is the first time we've been able to prepare for a STAS without having to be concerned about an evacuation and, so far, things are going smoothly looking for those invitations. Dear friends, Here is the report on Thafir’s burial from Philip Berg in our Jerusalem office: Three months have passed since that afternoon in Baghdad when we said goodbye to the friends and relatives of Thafir and his parents. It was a huge step for all concerned to allow this little baby, just a few days old, to travel to a region unknown. In the days and weeks that followed there were periods of discouragement as Thafir's condition would worsen, then encouragement and hope once again as the doctors would say that he was improving nicely. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick," but Hashim and Anwar weathered these hard days with an amazing combination of grace and strength. The support of believers around the world praying on their behalf was very integral in this I am sure. It was a three month fight. The Israeli team of surgeons, cardiologists and ICU personnel fought hard day and night for Thafir's life. Your prayers have surrounded this little life all these weeks. In the end Thafir's heart failed. At the request of Hashim and Anwar, baby Thafir would be buried in Jerusalem. I did not know what to expect when I met the parents for the first time since Thafir's death. Would they be in a dazed silence, still in shock? What should or could I say to them? It is a gift that at times like these words are not necessary. Really all you need is someone to hold onto. When I met Hashim he put his arms around me and held on. He didn't just hold on, he held on for life and strength. I felt as though he was trying to squeeze as much strength from my body as he could. We stayed in this embrace for a full five minutes, quietly weeping. A few times I began to release from him but he would grab on tighter. A few hours later we found ourselves at the foot of the Golden Gate in Jerusalem, located outside the eastern wall of the Old City. In the Muslim tradition, everyone from the richest to the poorest is buried in the same way. The body is wrapped in a simple white cloth and laid in the earth without a coffin. The Muslim clerics who were officiating went about the preparation for burial. On my way to the cemetery I was wondering how I would react being part of my first Muslim funeral. Would it feel empty. Would it feel like the spirit of Jesus was far away. Somehow there is something about burying a little child that transcends everything else. My fears were unfounded because Jesus was there in a powerful way. A German woman, a believer in Jesus held Anwar. Myself and two other Arab believers held Hashim. We were all facing the Mt. of Olives with the Golden Gate to our back. This gate is also known as the Mercy Gate. Some believe that Jesus is going to enter this gate when he returns to Jerusalem. The whole scene was pregnant with history and prophecy. As I watched Hashim crush some dirt clods and tenderly smooth some dirt over the grave site my last thought was that I would like to return here on a regular basis and place flowers and spend some time thanking the Lord for allowing me to be a part of such a beautiful family during their time of testing. We trust that the Lord's spirit will surround Hashim and Anwar as they return to Baghdad today. |