Since cell phones have become one of those "How'd I ever live without it?" things, I'm turning to the Wednesday Weekly Wintercessors to see who knows about a "ten-week" cell phone plan that can cover the states of Virginia and West Virginia. Please 'edge-a-ma-kate' me with websites and/or personal experience and ideas - the more the better : -) Speaking of you Wednesday Weekly Wintercessors, wow, did you step up to the plate with e-mails of encouragement after last weeks low spot! Thank you for your kindness :*-) You have blessed me more than you can imagine! Speaking of blessings, I'd like to refer you to a dear friend's website so you can be as blessed as I was when I read it! Thanks, Doug! Another blessing came as I read with pride the comments Jerry Rankin made at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary’s annual Missionary Day. Be forewarned that you may need a tissue as you read his challenge. I was even moved to stand as I read part of it, especially since my "people" are worldwide :-) My 'fourth' blessing began as I started the fourth round of listening to the New Testament on CD! I hope you're listening, too! Jasmine and I read about the "Avenger of Blood" from Joshua 20:1-9, and I gained a clearer understanding about, uh, what goes on here : -) [* Go to http://bible.gospelcom.net/ to search this passage.] And then there was the 'news' about our visa... we've been put off *again* until the beginning of May! Man alive, what's it gonna take?! I personally believe the 'background check' is turning up empty, and the investigators are too embarrassed to believe anyone so 'suspicious' could be so clean! We're still left to wonder if God still wants us here. When will we know? I wish I knew : -( Along these lines of technology, a friend passed a long an interesting PowerPoint presentation whose concepts I have seen for a long time. Please do a www.google.com search for "verichip" and the "Mondex smartcard." After you read a few links, I think you'll get the idea and be forewarned. [Thanks, Berlin!] Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ You continued praying for the five men and women laboring in the Prayer Garden to have His strength to finish His task... while they didn't get to do as much work in the Prayer Garden as was communicated via e-mail, they did have His strength to finish His task for *this* visit; hopefully, they'll return soon : -) + As Jasmine used her weekly allowance last week, you prayed that she be given the proper 'monetary discernment' a 4.5-year-old needs... wow, is her financial sense growing! She had been using twenty half-shekel coins and has seen classmates use the smaller 'full' shekel, so she learned that it would cost "two big coins for one small coin," a trade that shouldn't make sense to a literal thinker. She's doing remarkably well, and we thank you for praying over her. + Our time here is drawing to a close, and last week we asked for His strength and insight to "finish well," especially with the various task to prepare us for our time in the US. You joined us in praying for this strength and insight as we wanted to see progress last week... the light is fast approaching at the end of the tunnel; however, there is still NO sign of a visa, an indication that we may need to pursue other avenues for future service. + A co-worker traveled to the US for vacation and used your prayers for safe travel and luggage arrival! + Jasmine's annual checkup was last week, so you prayed with her that all would be well... her 39.5C/103F degree temperature was caught in time to slow us down and give her time to rest. The examining physician wanted to check for strep throat and both the ten-minute test and the overnight test proved negative. We'll give Jasmine enough time to recuperate before we try to receive a clean bill of health to let us return to the field in August. + I was to have met with a like-minded believer last week and appreciate the intercession you gave that would have enabled me to give our brother the encouragement he needed; however, Jasmine's fever postponed that appointment. + Shirin and her prayer partner were trying to setup some visits to see ladies who are interested in hearing more about Jesus, so you prayed with them that they would join God in a divine appointment last week... that intercession has been held in reserve until the right time. <T H I S W E E K><<>< Pray for Jasmine's complete health to be restored. <>< Join us in asking God to see more of the potential of the International Prayer Center of Jerusalem fulfilled. <>< Pray that Shirin's time with the orphanage would be encouraging to those in need. >< Pray for a people group in Sudan. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 10, travel safety* Today's time on the road was safe and secure. Thank you for praying! 11, Jasmine’s schoolwork* She does well in both languages but has a hard time keeping up with her eraser(s). 12, Pray for our neighbors as they pray.* As I hear the call to prayer form the minaret, I take rest knowing that you're praying with me for those who need to hear His call. 13, Ask God to draw Jews to Himself.* Thank you for praying and enlisting others to do the same! 14, Christians to have a heart for the lost* Oh, to see this more and more! 15, Reliable utilities* The portable heaters came out again as temperatures inside the house dipped back to the chilly side. Brrr! Thanks for praying that they'd stay in operating condition! 16, Akram’s salvation* It didn't happen today, but it will one day! 11) USE "THE PASSION OF CHRIST" AS A MEANS OF OUTREACH -- We recently reported a dearth of resources for cross-cultural outreach relative to the movie, "The Passion of The Christ." Well thanks to "Wes" who pointed us to these... http://www.TheLife.com - for use with non-Christians http://www.sharethelife.com - full of ideas for Christians to use So there *are* some resources out there! In fact, thanks to Ken who recently compiled a whole *listing* of such links for us! http://www.christianvideos.org/passion_of_Christ.html ______________________________________________________________________ 13) CLOSING STUFF -- SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION -- Important! Please don't just hit "reply". Subscriptions are automated: To unsubscribe, write to <brigada-today-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com>. To subscribe, write to <brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>. To change your address, you must unsubscribe using your old address then subscribe anew using your new service. 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Please forgive us if a particular site contains offensive information -- or no information at all! We *try* to visit them in advance, but often write "on the road" so we simply *can't* preview everything. PLEASE DON'T SUBSCRIBE US TO YOUR LIST -- Sorry -- nothing personal -- but we're already deluged. WARNING ABOUT FORWARDING EMAILS -- Just say no! :-) Read our thoughts about forwarding emails by clicking to: http://www.brigada.org/articles/opc.html PRIVACY INFORMATION -- We will never give your information to anybody. We won't market you, won't hassle you, and won't ever bother you. Your address is safe and your future is secure. Life is good. :-) COPYRIGHT -- This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2004. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available through email autoresponders, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. * To copy or reproduce _Brigada Today_ for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted. * When you quote or paraphrase material from Brigada, please include this phrase: "For a free subscription to Brigada's weekly missions publication, write <brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com> or visit Brigada on the web at www.brigada.org." _____________________________________________________________ 2004/03/05 -- BRIGADA TODAY ------------------------------------------------------------- |