Jasmine has been a pure delight these past few days and, yes, I'm soaking that up while it lasts : -) Back when I celebrated my 20th anniversary of walking with Jesus (3-16-84), I shared my testimony with Jasmine at a four-year-old level. When I mentioned the role Keith Green's music played in my discipleship, she asked to listen to his music. Well, now she's singing his songs : -) A long time ago (?) I had the "Keith Green Memorial Concert" on videotape but can no longer find it. I looked for it at www.google.com and found it over at www.lastdaysministries.org (imagine that <g>); specifically, it was on this page. I reminisced through the articles and felt the same desires when I first read those articles, especially this one. I hope you'll be challenged by those articles as I have been (and am). Another great series of articles can be found from this recent "Brigada Today" item: "THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST" -- Everybody's saying, "You *have* to go see this film!" But are you wondering what your Muslim friends will think about it? The folks from ABC (Association for Biblical Christianity) have written a short tract explaining the death of Christ in a culturally appropriate and challenging way. It fits on a two sided A4 page and can be downloaded free of charge from their website: http://www.christianityexplained.net.tc Alternatively e-mail their administrator at AAbraham@biblicalchristianity.freeserve.co.uk and he will gladly send you a formatted Microsoft publisher version of it. You've heard us talk and write about the Cooperative Program as being our main means of financial support, but it dawned on me that you may not have a clear understanding of it. Once again, the Internet comes to the rescue : -) Looking for low gas prices in the US? Try this site. A dear friend sent an inspiring online movie I hope you'll enjoy; if not, there are others : -) Another friend sent the enclosed devotional thought on serving God and, wow, is it ever good! Hit Ctrl + End on your keyboard to jump to the end of this page and then 'PageUp' to catch the beginning of the article - be sure to come back here when you're done <g>. Remember to make appropriate plans for this year's Day of Prayer and Fasting. For more information visit: http://ime.imb.org/dayofprayer/ On a lighter note, have you ever wondered what your desktop icons are doing while you sleep? Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website. I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am, Yours because His, * Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly. + <L A S T W E E K>< ++ I had planned on going with a co-worker to see a craftsman about making personalized olive wood refrigerator magnets 'advertising' the Prayer Center and could have used some intercession to make sure all was understood and, more importantly, that God's message of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation be communicated clearly... your intercession made a difference as I started our conversation in Arabic and stayed there as best as I could. I believe I spoke to his heart even though his English was quite good. It took little time to get into the issue of peace, and I gladly walked through that open door knowing He'd gone before me by way of your intercession! Continue praying for "John" to come to the Light as he ponders the words I shared with him. I'll see him again within a week and am looking forward to more good news! + You prayed with us that Jasmine's Easter experience at the Garden Tomb would be a time of fond remembrance, one in which she could one day look back with clear understanding... we had a worshipful experience, and Jasmine certainly enjoyed the celebratory music. Thank you for praying with us over these opportunities for Jasmine to understand what her parents believe so that, one day, she will also become His disciple. + You prayed with us that we would take advantage of each opportunity last week to tell of the Hope within us because of Easter... and people are asking questions about "The Passion"! <T H I S W E E K><<>< Pray with me over the next opportunity in sharing the message of peace with the gentleman helping with the IPCJ magnets. May he allow the Peace that passes all understanding to open his heart. <>< A follow-up blood test happens this week and, prayerfully, the medication I've been taking will make a difference in reducing an oft overlooked heart condition. Your intercession will make the ultimate difference. >< Pray for the Baotou. > CALENDAR UPDATES<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!>< 7, Thank God for utilities!* The electricity has only gone off twice so far this month, but it stayed on today : -) 8, safe arrival of packages/mail* So far, all has gone well, and we have great co-workers who pick up our mail for us when we don't get it. [Thank you : -)] 9, spiritual freedom for Palestinians* An ongoing prayer, your intercession will continue to break down misunderstandings. 10, believers to be encouraged* Your intercession will go a long way toward lifting up those who stand in need of a "transfusion of courage." 11, Jesus is alive!* We pray that your Easter celebration was delightful and that this Sunday will be even better! 12, more people to hear God’s word* Today was the day I found the site http://www.christianityexplained.net.tc 13, more workers* I'm often reminded that the resources for the harvest are in the harvest. <>< +++ <>< +++ <>< +++ Josh 24:15 "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . ." (NIV) I’m not too well versed in terminology. I’m easily confused by terms such as Boomers and Busters, Xers and post-moderns. A term I can relate to, however, is sinners. The Bible says, "all have sinned." That means whatever generation we belong to we have the same basic problem – "sin." I also see another problem and I think it spans every generation just like sin. It’s another "s" word. It’s the word "serve." As a pastor of a small church I understand the problems of getting people to serve in the church, and from what I read I understand that even big churches and purpose driven churches and new testament churches seem to have the same problem just on a different scale. That’s something we can all relate to. But that’s no what I’m talking about. I’m talking about serving God in daily life, not just being busy in church activities even though that’s a good thing usually. However, it can also be a bad thing if that person who is so active in church has an inactive lifestyle. By inactive I mean they don’t live their faith in the world. Joshua wasn’t talking to the priests about service, when he said if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, he was talking to the people in the pews. He wasn’t talking about teaching Sunday School, or leading a cell group or a worship team. He was talking about being salt and light in the world. This isn’t something new to this generation. Joshua dealt with it, Paul dealt with it and I’m sure you’ve probably dealt with it. Who do we serve? I know a person who is active in a church, not our denomination, but this person sings in the choir and is regular at church, but every other word that comes out of this person’s mouth seems to begin with "F" and it’s not funny. I know professing Christians who spend their weekends in bars, who "hookup" I guess there is a generational difference there, my generation referred to it as shacking up, professing Christians who live with partners instead of spouses. That doesn’t even include the biggies of the day, homosexuality and abortion. Where "Christians" send the world mixed messages. A couple of books I’ve been reading, Thinking Like Jesus by George Barna and Thinking Biblically by John MacArthur lead me to believe this is pretty wide spread. That Christians don’t have a biblical world view. Their thinking is influenced by culture rather than by the bible. Joshua told the people they had to make a choice. He said If serving the Lord seems undesirable which to indicate there were those who thought it was then choose who you will serve. As we begin a new week, we must make an intentional choice to follow God and live according to His will, His commands, His Word. The only way for Christians to be salt and light, is to be influenced by the Word and not the World. Which will you choose this week? |