20-26 October 04


31 Dec 03 - 6 Jan 04
7-13 January 04
14-20 January 04
21-27 January 04
28 Jan-3 Feb 04
4-10 February 04
11-17 February 04
18-24 February 04
25 Feb-2 March 04
3-9 March 04
10-16 March 04
17-23 March 04
24-30 March 04
31 March-6 April 04
7-13 April 04
14-20 April 04
21-27 April 04
28 April - 4 May 04
5-11 May 04
12-18 May 04
19-25 May 04
26 May-1 June 04
2-8 June 04
9-15 June 04
16-22 June 04
23-29 June 04
30 June-6 July 04
7-13 July 04
14-20 July 04
21-27 July 04
28 July-3 August 04
4-10 August 04
11-17 August 04
18-24 August 04
25-31 August 04
1-7 September 04
8-14 September 04
15-21 September 04
22-28 September 04
29 Sep-5 Oct 04
6-12 October 04
13-19 October 04
20-26 October 04
27 Oct-2 Nov 04
3-9 November 04
10-16 November 04
17-23 November 04
24-30 November 04
1-7 December 04
8-14 December 04
15-21 December 04
22-28 December 04
29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05

I received the October 2004 edition of Reader's Digest and noticed the Symantec full-page ad, so I took advantage of their offer and suggest you do the same. Click here to run their free security check. Now, I'm not advertising their $oftware since I use the free edition of AVG from www.grisoft.com along with the free edition of ZoneAlarm

The story of "the wall" can be found at this link.   If you click on the 'Abu Dis' link, you'll see part of our neighborhood as well as part of the area where Shirin ministers to the orphans.

Anyway, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send me an email at scoterry31684-subscribe@topica.com or to subscribe at our Wednesday Weekly website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You prayed with Shirin and a co-worker to be encouragers in the faith as they went to the Lazarus Home for Girls last week to pray and fellowship with the director... Thank you for your prayers. It was a wonderful time of fellowshipping and prayer. The director said after their time of prayer how much of an encouragement Shirin and her co-worker were to her when they visit her.

+ You joined us in asking God for a working solution to enable both cisterns at the Prayer Center to hold the precious water that would soon be falling... it looks something may happen! When I left yesterday (Tue, 19-Oct) there was a trench from the drain leading to the cistern.

+ You continued praying for Jasmine as she encountered the "they laugh at me" and "they push me" kind of kindergarten challenges; specifically, you prayed that she would respond appropriately... while she's still learning the art of diplomacy, your intercession is making a difference. Thank you!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Please pray for a time of praise while learning more about God in the ladies meeting in the Old City this week. Most of the women's families are observing Ramadan, thus causing it to be a difficult time to be the only believer in the home.

<>< Ask God to grant me a certain level of patience and understanding as I assist a gentleman with computer needs.

<>< Join us in giving God thanks for Jasmine's enthusiastic attitude toward learning and ask Him for it to continue.

>< Pray for the people of Kiev. >


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

13, Pray for Jasmine to make friends and be able to share Jesus with them.

* She has a number of friends and says she tries to tell them, "but they won't listen, Daddy!"

14-15, Pray for Jasmine's teachers to know Jesus.

* While one of her teacher's has a relative who works with the local Bible Society, the others may not have as much of a chance to hear His words.

16, Pray for Ariel Sharon’s salvation.

* The repercussions of this would sound throughout the Middle East and all of Heaven!

17, Ask God to bless our intercessors.

* I know He did, and a few e-mails from some of you show it :-)

18-19, To balance our time between family/ work

* An ongoing need, so know that your intercession is deeply appreciated! These two days in particular, however, went remarkably well!



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