30 June-6 July 04


31 Dec 03 - 6 Jan 04
7-13 January 04
14-20 January 04
21-27 January 04
28 Jan-3 Feb 04
4-10 February 04
11-17 February 04
18-24 February 04
25 Feb-2 March 04
3-9 March 04
10-16 March 04
17-23 March 04
24-30 March 04
31 March-6 April 04
7-13 April 04
14-20 April 04
21-27 April 04
28 April - 4 May 04
5-11 May 04
12-18 May 04
19-25 May 04
26 May-1 June 04
2-8 June 04
9-15 June 04
16-22 June 04
23-29 June 04
30 June-6 July 04
7-13 July 04
14-20 July 04
21-27 July 04
28 July-3 August 04
4-10 August 04
11-17 August 04
18-24 August 04
25-31 August 04
1-7 September 04
8-14 September 04
15-21 September 04
22-28 September 04
29 Sep-5 Oct 04
6-12 October 04
13-19 October 04
20-26 October 04
27 Oct-2 Nov 04
3-9 November 04
10-16 November 04
17-23 November 04
24-30 November 04
1-7 December 04
8-14 December 04
15-21 December 04
22-28 December 04
29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05

Vacation Bible School (VBS) continued this past week, and we had a blast singing the "Rickshaw Rally" theme song over and over! One of my nephews attended VBS and probably heard more of the Good News in one week than he'd heard in his entire life up until now. I asked you to pray for his salvation, and it appears that this "new found concept" will need some time to sink in; thankfully, God has provided a Sunday School teacher who has promised to keep him under her wing!

Shirin and I renewed our Virginia driver's licenses and were beyond delighted at the lack of red tape or "come back later" answers we've, uh, grown so accustomed to elsewhere <g>. We then returned a borrowed vehicle to my parents for repair and maintenance for our upcoming trip to West Virginia. (I think we've already driven well over a thousand miles in our first three weeks.) God has blessed me with parents who are selfless and go beyond the extra mile to make our brief visits to the US comfortable. I'm glad they recognize that our time in the US is work related and not "vacation."

VBS finished strongly with a Thursday night "Parents' Night" and then the Final Friday Fun Day. Over 70 children enjoyed a week of Bible centered crafts, recreation, music, and study that will bear fruit in days to come. Say, if you haven't volunteered to help in your church's VBS, I strongly encourage you to do so - you'll find yourself refreshed in new ways!

We made our way to visit friends near the area of Williamsburg and Newport News, Virginia and had the opportunity to make use of a broadband connection to do a few hours of e-mail. I apologize if I have not answered yours yet, but please know that I will : -) I must say that it is a joyful challenge to have 25 new prayer partners (so far), and we'll continue to do our best to communicate with each one of you since you're a vital part of all we do!

The pace of life in the US is a wee bit fast for us, and we're looking forward to getting back home where things may slow down; however, those of you in Jerusalem who receive this know that things there have their own pace - just different, I reckon <g>.

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ You continued praying for my sister and brother-in-law (grace) to experience and recognize the lifestyle changes the Holy Spirit brings to new believers... as I prepared this, my youngest sister began asking me about improving the family budget. I'm sure more changes are on the way!

+ You prayed for my nephew to find salvation in Jesus last week in vacation Bible School... as I mentioned above, he has heard a lot of new words and is being introduced to new concepts and ways of thinking. I believe he'll find the dose of salvation he needs in a way that he will understand very soon!

+ You asked God to give us another great weekend with a faithful family of Wednesday Weekly Wintercessors... what a blessing they were! I wish all workers on STAS had someone like them. Our time was beyond fruitful and relaxing.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Ask God to give us another opportunity of refreshing reunion with another group of faithful intercessors.

<>< Pray that our all-night drive into West Virginia would be safe and that we would arrive refreshed and ready for the task ahead.

<>< Join me in asking God for the repairs to a laptop, especially that all would go well and within a week's time.

<>< Pray that our time with a host group would be well invested in terms of seeing His Kingdom grow.

* I am unable to stay online long enough to retrieve a new people group; however, once that changes, your specific intercession will be much needed!


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

* I regret to inform you that my paper copies are, uh, in Jerusalem and my soft copies are inaccessible : -(



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