18-24 August 04


31 Dec 03 - 6 Jan 04
7-13 January 04
14-20 January 04
21-27 January 04
28 Jan-3 Feb 04
4-10 February 04
11-17 February 04
18-24 February 04
25 Feb-2 March 04
3-9 March 04
10-16 March 04
17-23 March 04
24-30 March 04
31 March-6 April 04
7-13 April 04
14-20 April 04
21-27 April 04
28 April - 4 May 04
5-11 May 04
12-18 May 04
19-25 May 04
26 May-1 June 04
2-8 June 04
9-15 June 04
16-22 June 04
23-29 June 04
30 June-6 July 04
7-13 July 04
14-20 July 04
21-27 July 04
28 July-3 August 04
4-10 August 04
11-17 August 04
18-24 August 04
25-31 August 04
1-7 September 04
8-14 September 04
15-21 September 04
22-28 September 04
29 Sep-5 Oct 04
6-12 October 04
13-19 October 04
20-26 October 04
27 Oct-2 Nov 04
3-9 November 04
10-16 November 04
17-23 November 04
24-30 November 04
1-7 December 04
8-14 December 04
15-21 December 04
22-28 December 04
29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05

Well, almost... our real Home is in Heaven, and we're just passing through; however, our apartment in Jerusalem is 'home' for the next couple of years. We left the Washington, DC area at about 5pm Sunday; flew ~7 hours to Amsterdam; tried sleeping in a day room before boarding for a four-hour flight to Tel Aviv. Shirin and I believe that this was by far the easiest entry we've had and attribute it to how you as God's people prayed us through! Thank you : -)

KLM's inflight magazine had a travel article that mentioned France as the world's current favorite vacation spot; however, China will claim that spot within ten years. Imagine that... the world's largest mission field being flooded with God's people on vacation! Now Who could have planned that?!

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Once again, we called on you to ask God to give us a calm spirit as we made final touches on packing and sorting items to be put back in storage... the stress usually associated with all that was nowhere to be found, and we thank you!

+ You asked God to give us another safe departure, comfortable flight, and uneventful arrival as all of our luggage showed up when we did... as we mentioned earlier, wow, did this happen even better than we'd asked!

+ You prayed for a reasonable adjustment to life back in Jerusalem... hmm, now this is getting tough; however, we have sensed that this adjustment is easier than last time.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Continue praying that our adjustment to life in Jerusalem will go smoothly.

<>< Pray that we would be aware of opportunities to share the Good News with our neighbors.

<>< Join us in giving thanks for each person who made the past ten weeks so memorable!

>< Pray for the Baltic people. >


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

10-14, As we wrap up our final speaking opportunities, pray with us that the messages we’ve left behind will stir the hearts of the churches to see the remaining unreached people groups have advocacy before the Throne in Glory.

* Oh, how we pray that this will happen!

15-17, Pray for another safe, uneventful departure from the US. Pray, too, that all of our luggage will arrive at the same time and place we do and that returning to Jerusalem (if possible) will be painless, especially by way of a re-entry airport visa.

* Your intercession was heard as all of these things came to pass! Thank you!



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